what does bbq jackfruit taste like

My doctor was pretty serious this time. My yearly physical has often included the phrase “You should cut down on red meat,” but this time he was much more direct, “You need to cut down on red meat.” “Blasphemy,” I thought, with my Homer Simpson-like brain visualizing the big, juicy steak that I’d grill for dinner that night — a celebration of the fact that I’d gotten a physical for the fourth year running. “In fact,” my doctor added, “you should consider cutting red meat out of your diet entirely.” The nerve of this well-educated physician.

Of course, I knew he was right. My cholesterol is higher than the lawn section at a Dave Matthews Band concert and, as such, I’ve been a man of white meat for the past seven months. I cheated with three small steaks during that time, and I keep track of that number because it’s significantly less than “at least one a week.” But it didn’t help enough, as my latest bloodwork came back with grease dripping from it.

“That’s it,” my doctor said, as if he was sitting inside the Pope-mobile, sensing danger. “You’re done with red meat until I tell you otherwise.”

So, what’s a meat-loving guy to do when his favorite meal is ripped away from him by some jerk who is trying to increase his life expectancy? Turns out all you ever really have to do is say that you can’t eat red meat and nutrition “experts” will come running like you just fired the bat signal into the night sky. One brief mention to a fitness-minded friend of mine resulted in: “You should try jackfruit.” Another friend offered me a dozen or so easy fish recipes (which he clearly just copied from Pinterest) before adding: “Also, check out jackfruit.” It was like one of those old movie scenes where I’m lost in a strange city and every neon sign reads, “Jackfruit!”

Some think it’s sweet, while others do indeed liken it to the taste of pulled pork.
what does bbq jackfruit taste like

Okay, so what the hell is jackfruit?

The problem with questions as headlines (especially those unintentionally laden with innuendo) is that they’re like inviting vampires into your home. The point of this is self-discovery — in that I’d never heard of jackfruit before people started telling me I had to try it. But once you ask a question like this in this time of Internet Know-It-Alls, you can expect everyone to tell you their version of the truth, in addition to: “Um, excuse me, but jackfruit is only the most important fruit in the world and it’s going to save modern society, thank you very much.”

Having no clue where to find jackfruit or what to do with these big, green, spiky melon-looking things, I called upon Upton’s Naturals founder Daniel Staackmann to give me a crash course in all-things jackfruit. He was much more helpful and personable than a routine Google search, starting with the basics.

Jackfruit is a type of tree that is very well-endowed when it comes to fruit. You’ll know a jackfruit tree when you spot its big, old fruitballs hanging out for the world to see, as if it’s bragging about having the biggest fruit of any tree. Impressively, a single jackfruit can grow to be 100 pounds, and it has plenty of uses. When ripe, the yellowish jackfruit’s taste is comparable to “pear, pineapple, banana and papaya,” but I’m here to talk about the unripe stuff, which supposedly tastes like pulled pork or chicken. Fruit that tastes like meat? I’m taking crazy pills!

Staackmann’s company claims to be “the first company to make pre-seasoned, heat-and-serve, natural jackfruit nationally available to the U.S. market.” That’s certainly better than “Try our jackfruit if you dare!” — so I decided to take the plunge. First, though, I needed more history on this supposedly popular fruit, like…

Where does jackfruit come from?

When it came time to find my own big green fruit, all signs pointed to my local Vietnamese grocer, as Staackmann told me that jackfruit is quite popular in Southeast Asian cuisine. If you want to go all the way back to the roots of this fruit (to use what I’m calling the best-food-pun-of-2016), turn to India, where jackfruit has been around for as many as 6,000 years. At the very least, the Indian Vegan offers, Buddhist texts show that jackfruit was a favorite as early as 400 BC. Today, it is grown throughout Southeast Asia and even Brazil.

“The first time that I had jackfruit as a savory dish, it was at a Nepalese restaurant in a curry,” Staackmann recalled. “I really liked it, thought it was really interesting, and I started doing some research. People were talking about doing BBQ and tacos, essentially, and the only way you could get that product was in a can at a specialty food store. Most of the time those would have preservatives in them, and you have to take it home and cook it down for one to three hours. Which, you know, when you want a sandwich, you don’t want to screw around for hours. You want to heat it up and be done with it. We thought it would be great if we could be the first to market something that was ready to eat, jackfruit that is pre-seasoned, so we can eliminate all of the hassle.”

That explains the Upton’s origin story, but trying to pinpoint the rise of jackfruit in the U.S. is a little more tricky. In 2014, NPR reported that there was a new effort to promote jackfruit and the similar (but boringly-named) breadfruit throughout the world as a wonder food — to help countries facing food insecurity. Because an individual jackfruit is so large, a lot of it goes wasted, and so the belief is that countries and people who are in need of more food can take advantage of the size and feed more mouths.

As far as attention from mainstream food obsessives, jackfruit’s profile has blown up significantly in 2016, as companies like Upton’s and The Jackfruit Company are promoting the food not only for its versatility, but also its deliciousness as a meat alternative. (Because of that, it’s safe to assume that vegans have been dining on jackfruit for much longer than it’s been in the news cycle.)

My Simple BBQ Jackfruit Recipe | Methods to Remove the Brine Taste | Ready in Mins | Tips & Tricks♥️


Does jackfruit actually taste like pork?

The jackfruit texture is not dissimilar to a banana, mango, or pineapple in terms of being dense and fibrous. But the taste is quite distinctive. Some say it’s sweet, and some say a jackfruit has a flavor similar to pulled pork, especially when cooked.

Does cooked jackfruit taste like chicken?

Jackfruit has a mildly sweet flavor to it, and can be used in place of meats in a variety of recipes. The jackfruit will cook down into what resembles shredded chicken or pork, and when sautéed with BBQ sauce and put in a sandwich or wrap, it will have the same texture and is very satisfying.

What does roasted jackfruit taste like?

The taste of jackfruit is described as the flavor of apples and bananas mixed together. Jackfruit seeds may be boiled or roasted. Seeds have a milky taste.

Is pulled jackfruit sweet?

If you’ve never cooked with jackfruit before, it’s a funny-looking fruit that most commonly grows in Africa, Asia, and South America. Though I’ve never had ripe jackfruit, it’s said to have a sweet flavor akin to other tropical fruits like pineapple and mango.

What does jackfruit taste like?

Jackfruit also has a really pleasant texture similar to mushrooms with less umami. One shredded, it’s similar to pulled chicken or pork, but is more firm. Once your BBQ jackfruit is smoked and sauced, you can serve it just like pulled pork or pulled turkey.

What can you make with Jackfruit?

Jackfruit is a versatile tropical fruit that can be used as a vegetarian substitute for meat because of its interesting texture. Jackfruit does not contain significant amounts of protein so it is not a good meat substitute for those trying to match protein content. Jackfruit can be added to curries, stir-fries, and used in sandwiches or tacos. A popular choice is using jackfruit as a substitute for barbecue pulled pork on a sandwich or as pulled chicken in a taco. Jackfruit can be used in any recipe where pulled pork or chicken would be used. Although it does no contain much protein, it does contain moderate amounts of several of the B vitamins including niacin, vitamin B6, and folate, which is unusual for a tropical fruit. These B-vitamins are important for many body functions including maintaining a health nervous system.

What is jackfruit BBQ?

Jackfruit BBQ recipe is a great dish for plant based diets, Vegetarians, or anyone who just wants to try something new and off the beaten path! I think most of y’all are going to be completely blown away by today’s recipe. Not only is it the easiest barbecue you’ve ever made, but it’s also stunningly delicious – and made with a fruit.

How to cook jackfruit BBQ?

Do not walk away from your jack fruit while it’s cooking. It is the only way to prevent overcooking it. This bbq jackfruit is so easy to make. Season your jackfruit with the bbq rub, saute it in oil until it browns, then stir in a bit of water bbq sauce and lemon juice. Cover your pot, and simmer until the jackfruit is tender.

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