what can i use instead of poo pourri

I’m not surprised. Over half a million people have come looking and for good reason. Poop stinks!

In other words, we’re all gonna die and we all have to go to the bathroom. And we’ll do one of those things way more than the other.

I can’t help you with the death part, but I can definitely help you with the unfortunate results of bowel movements.

All you need is this fabulous Poo-Poo Spray to keep those BM odors right where they belong!

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What?!? – DIY Poo Pourri 1 tsp rubbing alcohol, 60 drops essential oil of your choice and fill with water ( I used 2oz bottles) shake and its ready to use! “Spray the bowl before you go, then no one will ever know”.
what can i use instead of poo pourri

Flashback to the 70’s…

I come from a family of seven and when I was growing up we only had one bathroom. If someone left a whopper-stink in there it led to some major conflict.

There was always a large box of matches on the back of the toilet and after you went #2 you were supposed to light the match, wave it around the toilet for a bit and then drop it in before you burned your finger off.

True story.

Nowadays, when somebody stinks up the lavatory most people would reach for a commercial room deodorizer.

Except don’t because those are toxic.

You can certainly use my non-toxic All Natural Room Freshener, but why not stop the stench at the source?

Now you can with Poo-Poo Spray.

Just spray it in the toilet before you go #2 and it creates an oil barrier on top of the water. Once the BM passes through the surface of the water, the oil barrier closes and traps all the nasty odors below. You never smell the poop at all.

Think of of like a force field and your poop is the Death Star. Well, you get the idea…

Poo-Poo Spray–money in the bank, not in the toilet

I’m not sure why the famous name brand costs so much money when the ingredients are so cheap. Plus, I can pretty much guarantee they’re using low-grade essential oils so why the high price tag?

When I checked the name-brand’s website I was shocked that a 4 oz. bottle of their extra-fancy poop spray was $15.00.

That’s $480 a gallon, people! And if you buy their smaller 2 oz. size the price goes up to a whopping $640 a gallon. Say What??!!

It’s like flushing money down the toilet. Literally. LOL!

Even using the highest quality essential oils on the market, my 4 oz. poo-poo spray will only cost you about a buck fifty. Whew, financial crisis averted. Now we can all breathe again…literally.

We used to make this spray with just essential oils and water and it worked fine. But since we’re always tweaking things around here, we have found a few ways to improve the recipe.

Easy, Non-Toxic, Natural DIY “Poo Pourri” and Stinky Spray


Can you use essential oils instead of Poo-Pourri?

Fill spray bottle ⅓ of the way full with witch hazel, about 2-3 Tablespoons. Add 30-40 drops of essential oils of your choice. Fill to the top with distilled water OR water that has been boiled for 5 minutes and cooled. Give it a little shake and you’re good to “go”.

What spray helps with poop smell?

Poo-Pourri Toilet Spray Citrus This Poo-Pouri spray works in the toilet, of course (spray before you go), and is also suitable for use around garbage bins, nursery areas, laundry rooms, and more.

Can you make Poo Pourri instead of a Poo spray?

Instead of making a homemade poo spray, you could make toilet drops instead — similar to many of the Poo Pourri knock-offs. Just store your Poo Pourri recipe inside a small eyedropper bottle. Then shake well and place a few drops (instead of a few sprays) into the toilet bowl before you go each time.

What is the best substitute for chili powder?

Chili powders are usually a combination of garlic, salt, ground chilies, and cumin. For those who cannot eat chili peppers or need a substitute for a recipe, a homemade spice blend is a good option. For example, garlic powder, salt, black pepper for the spicy kick, and cumin. Some people cannot consume peppers because of a nightshade allergy. Making spice blends at home can help minimize the possible cross contamination and give the individual more control over the flavor of their blend.

How do you use Poo Pourri?

Spray 4-5 times onto the toilet bowl water surface. Do your No. 2 business. Then flush, wash hands, all as usual. Enjoy the pleasant scent of essential oils and not the smell of poo! Double the recipe for a 4 oz bottle. Poo Pourri is a “spray before you go” bathroom spray that helps eliminate odors instantly.

Can you use distilled water to make Poo Pourri?

Use distilled water (or bottled water) as the base of your Poo Pourri recipe for best results. Of course, tap water works too, but it contains other minerals that could ever-so-slightly affect your recipe. Fortunately, distilled water is budget-friendly… a gallon jug is just 99 cents at most grocery stores.

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