is canned bread good

Unless youre from New England, the idea of canned bread probably sounds really, really odd. Bread is supposed to be something thats fresh from the bakers oven, right? And if its stored at all, its typically wrapped in plastic, not encased in a can. Youre not likely to see canned goods in the bread aisle of your local grocery store, but canned bread is actually a thing.

Who exactly had the bright idea of putting bread in a can, anyway? It turns out, we can look to colonial New Englanders for that answer. Commonly known as Boston brown bread, its believed to have been created by early Americans with rye and cornmeal, and it was steamed, rather than baked in an oven, simply because ovens werent always available, per The Chicago Tribune. Some bakers added molasses to give it a better taste, and, yes, it was actually cooked in a can.

According to New England Today, by the mid-1800s, canned meats and veggies were popular items, and Burnham & Morrill (a.k.a. B&M) was doing good business in New England. B&M eventually began selling canned brown bread, and the company still sells it today.

is canned bread good

How long is canned bread good for?

Canned foods are known for having very long shelf lives, but what about canned bread? Does it have the same impressive lifespan as canned fruits and meats? As the research shows, if a food is in a can, it can hang around for quite a while. Travel Food Atlas, for instance, claims that canned bread has a shelf life for up to 2 years, while Skilled Survival says that canned bread can last far longer than 2 years — up to 10 years, in fact, provided the can isnt damaged. Put simply, while your loaf of bread from the supermarket may go moldy in a month or two, that can of bread in your pantry will last far, far longer.

But how exactly can canned bread outlive regular bread? The baking process gives us a clue. Atlas Obscura explains that canned bread is made by pouring a cornmeal and molasses “batter” into a can, where it is “steamed until it rises.” Unlike bread that is baked and then bagged, which can leave it vulnerable to mold growth, the steaming and canning process helps to ensure that your can of brown bread lasts until youre ready to use it — even if thats years from now.

What does canned bread taste like?

The big question all you non-Yankees are undoubtedly wondering is, “What does canned bread taste like?”

While it may not look particularly appetizing with its rings around the edges, similar to a cylinder of canned cranberry sauce, it has a somewhat sweet taste because of the molasses, and has a crumbly texture similar to a bran muffin. Sometimes, it might include raisins for added sweetness, and while its probably not ideal for a sandwich, cream cheese, jam, and butter are popular spreads. Some people prefer to serve it hot with a side of beans and franks.

Canned bread is one of those foods where if you grew up eating it, then it probably holds a special place in your heart. If not, it very well might taste about as good as it looks. “Thats not very good at all,” said one YouTube review. “Theres something kind of odd about this. Im not feeling it,” said another reviewer.

Does B&M Canned Bread Taste Good???


Is canning bread safe to eat?

They are not designed to withstand the thermal stresses that occur with dry oven heat. Therefore, Clemson Extension strongly discourages consumers from canning cakes and breads in jars. Botulism is a serious and often fatal disease and no consumer should take unnecessary risks with this microorganism.

Why does bread in a can exist?

Few people in colonial New England had access to ovens, so cooking was done over an open fire. They couldn’t bake bread the traditional way, so instead, they packed the ingredients into coffee tins or similarly shaped molds and steamed them.

What are the benefits of canned bread?

1. This old staple is the original canned bread. It offers all of the benefits for long-term food storage that we mentioned above. As a recap, it is easy to store, has a long shelf life, and is ready to eat out of the can. It also offers a delicious treat to those with a taste for molasses. A note for stocking up: these cans are heavy.

Is bread healthy for you?

White bread is high in refined carbohydrates, low in micronutrients, and its gluten and anti-nutrient contents may cause issues for some people. But, whole-grain bread provides fiber, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, which help control of cholesterol levels, weight, and blood pressure, and lower the risk of diabetes, heart disease and other conditions. So, when consumed in moderation, whole grains made of quinoa, corn, barley, rye, rice, triticale, millet, teff, sorghum and wheat, can be part of a healthy diet.

Does canned bread taste good?

Canned bread is one of those foods where if you grew up eating it, then it probably holds a special place in your heart. If not, it very well might taste about as good as it looks. “That’s not very good at all,” said one YouTube review. “There’s something kind of odd about this. I’m not feeling it,” said another reviewer .

Is canned bread a good Prepping food?

Canned bread is a good prepping food because it is shelf-stable. It also doesn’t require any preparation, which is ideal for many disaster situations, such as: When you can’t bake bread: Such as if a gas leak is suspected and it isn’t safe to light a fire, or during heat waves where it is too hot to bake.

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