How Long Should Yogurt Ferment? A Comprehensive Guide to Yogurt Making

Homemade yogurt is a delicious and healthy snack that can be easily made at home. However, one of the most common questions that people have is: how long should yogurt ferment?

The answer to this question depends on several factors, including the type of milk you use, the temperature of your yogurt maker, and your personal preferences. In general, yogurt should ferment for at least 6 hours, but it can be fermented for up to 24 hours for a thicker and tangier yogurt.

Here is a more detailed guide to yogurt fermentation times:

Factors Affecting Yogurt Fermentation Time

  • Type of milk: Whole milk will ferment faster than skim milk because it has more fat.
  • Temperature of the yogurt maker: A yogurt maker that maintains a constant temperature of 110°F will ferment yogurt faster than a yogurt maker that fluctuates in temperature.
  • Personal preferences: Some people prefer a milder yogurt, while others prefer a tangier yogurt. The longer you ferment your yogurt, the tangier it will become.

Recommended Yogurt Fermentation Times

  • For a mild yogurt: Ferment for 6-8 hours.
  • For a medium yogurt: Ferment for 12-14 hours.
  • For a tangy yogurt: Ferment for 18-24 hours.

How to Tell When Yogurt is Done Fermenting

The best way to tell when yogurt is done fermenting is to taste it. If it tastes tangy and has thickened, it is done. You can also check the texture of the yogurt. It should be thick and creamy, and it should not be runny.

Tips for Making Yogurt

  • Use high-quality milk. The quality of the milk will affect the taste and texture of your yogurt.
  • Use a clean yogurt maker. A dirty yogurt maker can contaminate your yogurt and make it spoil.
  • Use a good yogurt starter. The yogurt starter is what will turn the milk into yogurt. You can use store-bought yogurt or a yogurt starter culture.
  • Don’t over-ferment your yogurt. Over-fermenting your yogurt can make it sour and watery.


Making yogurt at home is a simple and rewarding process. By following the tips in this guide, you can make delicious and healthy yogurt that is perfect for breakfast, snacks, or desserts.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the best type of milk to use for making yogurt?

Whole milk is the best type of milk to use for making yogurt because it has more fat, which will make the yogurt thicker and creamier. However, you can also use skim milk or low-fat milk. If you use skim milk, you may want to add 1/4 cup of dry powdered milk to thicken the yogurt.

  • What is the best temperature for making yogurt?

The best temperature for making yogurt is 110°F. This is the temperature at which the yogurt bacteria will grow and ferment the milk.

  • How long can I store homemade yogurt?

Homemade yogurt can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

  • Can I use homemade yogurt to make more yogurt?

Yes, you can use homemade yogurt to make more yogurt. Simply save a few tablespoons of your finished yogurt and use it as the yogurt starter for your next batch.

  • What are some of the health benefits of yogurt?

Yogurt is a good source of protein, calcium, and probiotics. Probiotics are live bacteria that are beneficial for gut health.

Additional Resources


Long fermentation is advised by some gut-healing diets, including the GAPS diet, the specific carbohydrate diet, and therapeutic probiotic yogurts. Because of the Luvele Yogurt Maker’s innovative water-bath technology, which evenly distributes and controls temperature over an extended period of time, the ideal conditions are created for bacteria to thrive.

The SCD diet’s main goals are to cut out all sugars and heal the gut by denying harmful bacteria the foods they crave. Within milk there is a type of sugar called lactose. The lactose is consumed and nourished by the bacteria that comprise a yogurt starter culture. After 24 hours, there is very little lactose left in the yogurt that is produced after an 8-hour fermentation. Even up to 30 hours can be spent fermenting SCD yogurt, but after that you run the risk of starving the bacteria and ruining the yogurt. To learn more browse the SCD yogurt recipes below:

Dr. William Davis, author of Super Gut found that some probiotics, when fermented in dairy, provided impressive health benefits. His method ferments at a low temperature for 36-hours and requires the addition of prebiotic fibre – food for the bacteria. The long fermentation increases the bacterial strains exponentially. Lab studies show that the bacterial strains only start to increase at 24 hours. The outcome is technically a fermented dairy and a very delicious way to get more probiotics. Learn more about probiotic fermented dairy in the following posts:

Fermentation time will also effect the taste of homemade yogurt. Yogurt fermented for a brief period of time will taste milder, while yogurt incubated for a full day will taste tart and flavorful. In addition, the flavor is determined by the combination of bacteria. Some yogurt starter cultures specify mild or tart. Learn more about yogurt starter cultures here.

The temperature and length of yogurt fermentation affect the bacterial quality of homemade yogurt. In a matter of hours, milk at the proper temperature becomes yogurt. However, yogurt is not a dish to be hurried or impatient with. Its a living food, full of active, beneficial bacteria.

Elevating the temperature will expedite the fermentation process; however, this may not be optimal if your goal is a yogurt that is high in probiotics. Your starting culture will be harmed or eliminated by excessive heat. On the other hand, if it’s too cold, the culture will go dormant and fermentation won’t happen.

The ideal temperature range for homemade yogurt is 36 to 42 degrees Celsius. (96–107°F) A Luvele Yoghurt Maker will guarantee that your yogurt always stays at the perfect fermentation temperature for delicious homemade yogurt in every season!

Homemade yogurt experiment – how long to ferment milk before it become yogurt


How long can you let yogurt ferment?

Incubated at 115°F/46°C, yogurt will coagulate within about three hours, but if left too long it can easily curdle. I prefer to ferment it a bit more slowly at a slightly lower temperature, four to eight hours at a more forgiving 110°F/43°C.

How do you know if yogurt is fermented?

Smell: Yogurt should have a fresh, pleasant, fermented smell. It can smell sour, but should not be pungent (strong or sharp). If it smells rancid, foul, spoiled, strongly acidic, rotten, or off-putting, something other than yogurt bacteria has cultured and it should be thrown out. Taste: Yogurt should taste pleasant.

What happens if you incubate yogurt for 24 hours?

A short fermentation will result in a milder tasting yogurt while yogurt that has been left to incubate for 24-hours will taste tart and full of flavour. Additionally, it is the combination of bacteria that determine the flavour. Some yogurt starter cultures specify ‘mild’ or ‘tart’.

Should you stir yogurt while fermenting?

In traditional yogurt manufacturing, the yogurt is not agitated during fermentation. However, stirring could be beneficial, particularly for improving heat and mass transport across the fermentation tank.

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