how do you rehydrate hard marshmallows

you can bring them back to life. put them into a glass bowl or bowl that’s microwavable. little bit of water in another bowl, put them in together and microwave it for 15 seconds, then feel it. if you still think it’s a little chewy or hard, and put it in for another 5 seconds, but that’s it.
how do you rehydrate hard marshmallows

Make Your Own Marshmallows

Of course I now felt compelled to do some research on marshmallows. Here are some of the results:

Martha Stewart has a recipe for making your own marshmallows. (Is there anything she doesnt do?) Martha Stewarts Homemade Marshmallows.

Cooking for Engineers also posted a good illustrated recipe for homemade marshmallows.

Here is a recipe for making your own Marshmallow Cream or Marshmallow Fluff from Homemade Marshmallow Fluff / Cream

Several sites recommended that stale marshmallows can be used as ammunition in childrens sling-shot type toys. Really.

Use Dried Marshmallows in Cereal

It just occurred to me that dried marshmallows are used in cereal. Ill try chopping them up and adding them to a bowl of cereal with milk. The marshmallows can be a substitute for sugar and Im expecting them to taste as good as the marshmallows in Lucky Charms.

How To Make Marshmallows Soft Again


Can stale marshmallows be saved?

Marshmallows don’t really go “bad” that I am aware of. Personally, I would try to use them. You can soften hard marshmallows by dipping a sealed bag in a hot pot of water boiling for a couple of minutes. The expiration date is just a best by date.

Why did my marshmallows get hard?

To my surprise, and disappointment, when my marshmallows cravings returned the top ones were rock-hard while the bottom ones were almost as soft as when I bought them. Why was this the case? By leaving the bag open, water had migrated from the marshmallows into the air. Open bag of marshmallows.

How do you keep marshmallows from hardening?

Store out of direct light and in a cool, dry place. This easy solution will keep the marshmallows soft and fresh for longer. 1. Place unused marshmallows into a resealable freezer bag.

How do you rehydrate marshmallows?

There are two main methods that you can use to rehydrate your marshmallows and bring them back from the brink of staleness. The first method will involve putting something that is both fresh and has a high water content into a sealable bag with the marshmallows. The second method will involve putting the bag of marshmallows directly into water.

How many marshmallows should I eat?

There is no specific quantity of marshmallows that you can or should eat however, it is important to note that marshmallows contain a lot of added sugar and have no nutrient value. Therefore, consuming this in excess just means you are consuming a lot of extra sugar and gaining no value from it. It is best to eat something with some nutritional value.

How long do you cook marshmallows in a dehydrator?

Preheat the oven to the lowest setting (around 200-250°F) and place the marshmallows on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for 2-3 hours, or until the marshmallows are dried to the desired level of dehydration. A dehydrator can be used to dry marshmallows more quickly, typically in 4-6 hours.

Can you over dehydrate marshmallows?

The good news is that you can’t over dehydrate marshmallows. If you’re dehydrating marshmallows for snacking or baking projects and plan on eating them within a week or two, you can store them in a sealed container or zip-top bag on the counter or in your pantry. Just let them cool and place them in a sealed container.

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