how do i thicken mashed sweet potatoes

Never fret over a batch of “ruined” mashed potatoes again. Here’s everything you need to know about thickening runny potatoes:

You can use what you have on hand: Flour, cornstarch, or powdered milk are all solid options that are probably already in your pantry. Potato flour and potato starch would work as well. Stir in the thickening agent gradually, about a tablespoon at a time, until the potatoes have reached your desired consistency.
how do i thicken mashed sweet potatoes

Use Heat to Your Advantage

how do i thicken mashed sweet potatoes

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You can also thicken your mashed potatoes by continuing to cook them on the stove. Heat draws the excess moisture out of runny potatoes, leaving you with a denser finished product.

This is a risky move, though, as overdone mashed potatoes are gummy and unpleasant. Make sure to keep a close eye on them if this is the method you choose.

As they cook, stir every so often so they don’t stick to the bottom of the pot. But don’t stir too much! Overworking is another way to ruin the potatoes’ texture.

If your stove is full, you can use the oven to accomplish the same thing. Just place the potatoes in an uncovered, oven-safe casserole dish and heat them for about 10 minutes at 325 degrees.

Related: How to Store Potatoes So They Last Longer

Why Are My Mashed Potatoes Runny?

There are quite a few reasons your mashed potatoes are watery. If you’re staring down at a bowl of white liquid and wondering what went wrong, ask yourself these questions:

  • Did I use soggy potatoes? It’s essential to drain and dry your potatoes well after you’ve cooked them in water. If you don’t, all that excess moisture will have nowhere to go once you start mashing.
  • Did I use just one kind of potato? Waxy (Yukon gold) and starchy (Russet) spuds both play important roles in making the perfect mashed potatoes. Use them together instead of relying on just one variety.
  • Did I use too much liquid? This is an obvious issue. Make sure to read your recipe well and use the proper ratio of milk or cream to potatoes.

No matter how they happened, there are a few simple ways to fix your runny potatoes:

The Secret Ingredient for the BEST Sweet Potatoes | Instant Pot Mashed Sweet Potatoes!


How do you fix mashed potatoes that are too thin?

Whisk a little cornstarch into the warm potatoes, only a teaspoon at a time, until the potatoes thicken to your liking. The potatoes must be warm. You can also use tapioca starch or potato starch, although most cooks are less likely to have those products on hand.

Why do my mashed potatoes come out watery?

Runny potatoes can happen for a few different reasons. Too much liquid: This is the most common reason. In the mashing process you may have added too much milk or broth. Boiled too long: Boiling your potatoes for too long can make them water-logged, which (you guessed it) can contribute to runny mashed potatoes.

How do you thicken runny pumpkin mash?

If a batch of pumpkin puree appears thin or watery, let it drain in a fine-meshed strainer for 1 hour to remove excess liquid. Most roasted or steamed pumpkin just needs a quick mash to turn soft and creamy-smooth. If lumps remain, place the puree in a blender or food processor, and blend until smooth.

How do you thicken mashed potatoes?

You don’t have to throw them out just yet. To thicken mashed potatoes, you can add a thickening agent like cornstarch, flour, powdered milk, or tapioca. Add one tablespoon at a time until you reach your desired consistency. You can also add heat, more potatoes, or even strain the mashed potatoes in order to reach your desired consistency.

Why boil sweet potatoes instead of baking them?

Baked sweet potatoes have a higher glycemic index than boil sweet potatoes. This is because the type of cooking affects the structure of the potato starch, making it more or less digestible. That is, the starch in the baked potato is digested more quickly than the starch in the boil sweet potato, thus raising the blood glucose rate more quickly and in greater amounts than when we boil the potato. Roasted sweet potatoes have a glycemic index of 94, while baked potatoes have a 46.

How do you mash sweet potatoes?

Melt the butter with the milk to maintain the temperature of the sweet potatoes and so the butter can easily incorporate into the potatoes. Use a handheld electric mixer for the creamiest, fluffiest potatoes. Always mash the potatoes while they’re still hot otherwise they can become gummy. Don’t overmix potatoes or they can become gluey/gummy.

How do you make sweet potatoes more creamy?

If you bake or microwave the sweet potatoes, you can remove the skin after cooking. Make them extra creamy with sour cream or cream. I love to add sour cream. The tanginess of the sour cream balances the sweetness of sweet potatoes. Heavy cream, milk, or half-and-half helps to add some creaminess, too. Buttermilk would also be excellent.

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