why does lemon curd not set

My lemon curd came out too runny and I was planning on using it to fill a tiered cake tomorrow. It is not firm enough as is to use, but is already chilled in the refrigerator. Is there anything I can do to make it firm enough to use as a cake filling? Recommended by Food52

If your lemon curd hasn’t thickened, it may not have been heated enough. It can take up to 30 minutes of constant stirring to cook lemon curd, especially if it’s a large batch. Remember that curd will thicken more once cooled.
why does lemon curd not set

My lemon curd came out too runny and I was planning on using it to fill a tiered cake tomorrow. It is not firm enough as is to use, but is already chilled in the refrigerator. Is there anything I can do to make it firm enough to use as a cake filling? Recommended by Food52

What’s as sad as egg whites that won’t whip? Mayonnaise that curdles? Bread that doesn’t rise? Or a cake that sags? Runny Lemon Curd!

SUCH disappointment! My curd was a huge fat flop on my hands AND no swap item to take to my own food swap. I panicked but knew there HAD to be a way to fix it.

I quickly looked up how to fix it and found out that if I cooked the curd again I could save it. BUT I also read up on all the ways to make THE BEST curd and incorporated them in this post.

This is actually a photo of my Rhubarb Curd that IS set up, that thickness is what you’re going for.

I made a gorgeous batch of Lemon Grapefruit Orange Curd last week for Palmer Food Swap and it flopped. We’re talking liquid-like splashy action when I jiggled the bowl. When I tasted it, it was like drinking water.

Yogurt Making 101 – Problem solving


Can I put lemon curd in the freezer to set?

Yes, you can freeze lemon curd! Once your fresh curd is chilled, just pop the airtight, freezer-safe container in the freezer. Lemon curd can be stored in the freezer for up to one year. (Better put a reminder on your calendar so you don’t forget about that golden deliciousness.)

Does lemon curd need to set in the fridge?

Place plastic wrap directly on top of the curd and let set in the fridge for at least 30 minutes before serving. Store in the fridge for 1-2 weeks. Lemon curd can also be frozen for several month.

Why did my lemon curd scramble?

When it comes to lemon curd, just keep stirring. Since most recipes for lemon curd require heating eggs and egg yolks with lemon juice and sugar, absentmindedly leaving the curd to do its thing on the stove may result in the eggs scrambling.

Why is my lemon curd thin?

One common cause of thin lemon curd is not cooking it long enough. It should be cooked until it’s thickened and bubbly; if it’s not cooked long enough, it will be thinner and runnier. Another possible cause is using too much liquid when making the lemon curd.

What happens when I stop eating curd?

In general, it is not a food that is harmful to health, so there were no significant changes in health. Unless you are lactose intolerant, in which case you will experience less gastric discomfort.

Why does lemon curd taste bad?

Additionally, using too many whites can cause your lemon curd to taste egg and sulfurous, which many people find unappetizing. The sulfur in the whites can also lead to an unpleasant smell, which you certainly don’t want. The smell is worse in older eggs, so try to use fresh ones if possible.

Why is lemon curd so fragile?

However, lemon curd is even more fragile because it cooks into a rubbery or crusty rim on the sides. To avoid this, use a rubber spatula that has some flexibility — so it can get the curd in hard-to-reach places in the pot or bowl — and constantly stir the mixture to ensure the heat distributes evenly throughout.

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