Synonyms for Busboy

A busboy is a restaurant employee who assists with various tasks, including clearing tables, setting tables, and assisting waiters.

Here are some other words for busboy:

  • Busgirl: This term is less commonly used than busboy, but it is still a valid synonym.
  • Busperson: This is a more gender-neutral term that can be used to refer to both male and female busboys.
  • Busser: This is a shorter and more informal term for busboy.
  • Waitstaff: This term refers to all of the staff who serve food and drinks in a restaurant, including waiters, waitresses, and busboys.
  • Débarrasseur: This is a French word that means “one who clears the table.” It is a more formal term that is not commonly used in English.
  • Food runner: This term refers to a restaurant employee who delivers food from the kitchen to the tables. Busboys sometimes also act as food runners.
  • Table cleaner: This term is self-explanatory and refers to a restaurant employee who cleans tables.
  • Commis waiter: This is a term used in some restaurants to refer to a trainee waiter who is learning the ropes. Busboys sometimes act as commis waiters.
  • Waiter’s assistant: This term is self-explanatory and refers to a restaurant employee who assists waiters with their tasks.

In addition to these synonyms, there are many other words that can be used to describe the tasks that a busboy performs. These include:

  • Clearing tables
  • Setting tables
  • Refilling water glasses
  • Removing dirty dishes
  • Cleaning spills
  • Assisting with food delivery
  • Running errands for the waitstaff

The specific term that is used to describe a busboy may vary depending on the restaurant and the region. However, all of these terms refer to the same basic role: a restaurant employee who assists with various tasks to keep the dining room running smoothly.

Antonyms for Busboy

There are no true antonyms for the word “busboy” because it refers to a specific role in a restaurant. However, there are some words that describe the opposite of what a busboy does. These include:

  • Customer: A customer is someone who pays to eat at a restaurant.
  • Waiter/Waitress: A waiter or waitress is a restaurant employee who takes orders from customers, serves food and drinks, and presents the bill.
  • Chef: A chef is a restaurant employee who is responsible for preparing food.
  • Dishwasher: A dishwasher is a restaurant employee who washes dishes.
  • Manager: A manager is a restaurant employee who is responsible for overseeing the operations of the restaurant.

These are just a few examples of words that describe the opposite of what a busboy does. However, it is important to note that there is no single word that is the exact opposite of “busboy.”

Meaning of the Word “Busboy”

The word “busboy” is derived from the word “bus,” which is a slang term for a restaurant. The term “busboy” was first used in the early 20th century.

The meaning of the word “busboy” has changed over time. In the early 20th century, a busboy was typically a young boy who worked in a restaurant. However, today, busboys can be of any age or gender.

The job of a busboy is to assist with various tasks in a restaurant, including clearing tables, setting tables, and assisting waiters. Busboys play an important role in keeping the dining room running smoothly.

Rhymes with “Busboy”

There are many words that rhyme with “busboy,” including:

  • Toyboy
  • Cowboy
  • Doughboy
  • Highboy
  • Littleboy
  • Playboy
  • Schoolboy
  • Tomboy

These are just a few examples of words that rhyme with “busboy.” There are many other words that rhyme with “busboy,” depending on the pronunciation.

Sentences with the Word “Busboy”

Here are some examples of sentences that use the word “busboy”:

  • The busboy quickly cleared the table and set it for the next customer.
  • The busboy was always willing to help the waiters with their tasks.
  • The busboy was a hard worker and always earned good tips.
  • The busboy was a valuable member of the restaurant staff.
  • The busboy was promoted to waiter after a year of hard work.

These are just a few examples of sentences that use the word “busboy.” The word “busboy” can be used in a variety of contexts to describe the role of a restaurant employee who assists with various tasks.

Translations of “Busboy”

The word “busboy” can be translated into many different languages. Here are some examples of translations of “busboy”:

  • French: garçon de table
  • Spanish: ayudante de camarero
  • German: Kellnergehilfe
  • Italian: cameriere
  • Chinese: 服务员

These are just a few examples of translations of “busboy.” The word “busboy” can be translated into many different languages, depending on the language.


The word “busboy” is a common term that is used to describe a restaurant employee who assists with various tasks. There are many synonyms for “busboy,” including “busgirl,” “busperson,” and “busser.” There are also many antonyms for “busboy,” including “customer,” “waiter/waitress,” and “chef.” The meaning of the word “busboy” has changed over time, but it still refers to an important role in the restaurant industry.

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What’s another word for Busser?


What is the professional word for busboy?

A business etiquette guide suggests that customers should refer to bussers and waiting staff with the gender-neutral terms busser and server rather than busboy or waiter.

What is the fancy title for a busboy?

food runner
table cleaner
commis waiter
waiter’s assistant

What do you call a busser?

A busser (also known as a “busboy” or “busgirl”) is an entry-level position in the restaurant industry. Bussers work with kitchen and waitstaff to keep the tables clean and ready for the next customers. Other busser responsibilities include: Clearing plates, glasses, napkins and used silverware from tables.

What is a busboy and busgirl?

Busboys are men who clear tables in the restaurant and catering industry. Women who do this job are sometimes called busgirls, but the more general term for this position is bussers. They are an essential part of the hospitality team and a vital part of providing guests a satisfying eating experience.

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