Can You Freeze Honey? A Comprehensive Guide

This guide delves into the intricacies of freezing honey, addressing common questions and providing practical insights.

Can You Freeze Honey?

Technically, yes, you can put honey in your freezer. However, it won’t freeze solid like water due to its low moisture content.

Scientific Explanation

At-home freezers typically maintain a temperature of 0 degrees Fahrenheit. While this temperature can cause honey to crystallize and become cloudy, it’s not true freezing. Honey remains liquid, albeit thicker, at this temperature.

Further lowering the temperature to between -4 and -60 degrees Fahrenheit results in a glassy state, where honey is neither fully solid nor liquid. At -60 degrees Fahrenheit, honey finally becomes a solid resembling glass.

Should You Freeze Honey?

Freezing honey is unnecessary as it has a naturally low moisture content that inhibits bacterial growth, ensuring a long shelf life when stored properly.

Drawbacks of Freezing Honey

Freezing can expose honey to moisture, potentially leading to crystallization and altering its texture and taste.

Crystallization Explained

Crystallization occurs when sugar molecules in honey precipitate out, forming tiny clumps. Cold temperatures and moisture accelerate this process.

How to Decrystallize Honey

If your honey has crystallized, you can reverse the process by gently warming it in a warm water bath.

Storing Honey Properly

Store raw honey in a cool, dry place, such as a pantry, to preserve its quality and prevent crystallization.

Brightland Honey

Brightland offers premium raw honey sourced from California and Hawaii. Explore their honey collection, The Couplet, featuring two unique and flavorful varieties.

Freezing honey is not recommended as it offers no significant benefits and can potentially alter its texture and taste. Store honey properly in a cool, dry place to ensure its longevity and enjoy its deliciousness.

Is Freezing Honey A Great Summer Treat?

Lately, honey—more especially, frozen honey—has had its moment in the spotlight. Due to the recent increase in public awareness of bees and bee products, a new trend on the video-sharing app TikTok has users consuming honey by shaping it into ice poles.

Although this might seem like the ideal substitute for a Mr. Whippy, there are some pretty unpleasant side effects to be aware of. Participants reported nausea, stomach pain, cramps and even diarrhoea.

It’s unclear if this new trend will last, but it’s safe to say that consuming a lot of frozen honey is not something you should do.

Preparing Your Honey For Freezing

To make sure the process is successful, there are a few easy steps you should follow before you begin freezing your honey jars.

  • Clean the jar. Wash it thoroughly and let it dry completely before starting.
  • Once the honey freezes, fill the jar almost to the brim, leaving some space for expansion.
  • Put a lid on the jar and write the expiration date on it so you will know when to consume it and prevent spoiling or contamination (give it to friends and family if you can’t finish it).
  • When you’re ready to savor your jar of delectable sweet goodness, freeze it!

It’s best to defrost it in its jar and submerge the airtight container in warm water. Refrain from using excessively hot water as this could harm the container or the honey within. Lukewarm is fine.

This is not the time to use your microwave; it heats unevenly and produces scorching hot spots that could burn your mouth and harm the honey.

There are a few things you can check if you’re not sure if your frozen honey has gone bad.

  • An unpleasant odour or appearance (like lumps of crystallized sugar),
  • Mould growth on the surface of your jar/bottle/container
  • Something hazy in your jar that doesn’t seem to be honey

It’s usually best to avoid taking a chance when it comes to your health, so if you’re not sure if your honey has gone bad, proceed with caution.

Can You Freeze Honey? | Busy Beekeeping


Is honey still good if it freezes?

Freezing honey will not impact its nutritional value, but it can alter the texture and sometimes the taste as well. That is because cool temperatures can speed along the process of crystallization, which occurs when sugar molecules precipitate out of the honey, forming tiny little clumps.

Is it safe to eat Frozen honey?

There haven’t been many studies to back the side effects of consuming frozen honey, but experts suggest that eating a large portion or chunk of honey in one go may lead to diarrhea, stomach cramps and discomfort.

Can you unfreeze frozen honey?

Pour warm water (water should not exceed 110º F) into the pan and allow to sit until the honey melts. In five-minute intervals remove your bottle from the pan, stir the honey and return it to the warm water. Continue this process until the honey has returned to its liquid consistency state.

Can you freeze honey to make it last longer?

Yes, raw honey can be frozen. To freeze honey, it’s recommended to store it in an airtight container to prevent freezer burn and the absorption of odors. The honey can then be stored in the freezer for an indefinite amount of time without losing its original properties.

Does Honey go bad if it freezes?

Water freezes at 32° F but some of the sugars in honey act as natural antifreeze – preventing the small amount of water from crystallizing into ice. This low water content is also one reason why honey doesn’t go bad – as long as it is protected from moisture. If you have the space, there are several benefits of freezing honey:

How much honey does one have to take to get sick? Does honey go bad if it is dark?

The indicated dose for honey consumption is 25 grams per day, that is, one tablespoon. If you consume more it can trigger intestinal problems, diabetes and other health problems. Honey depending on its origin has a naturally different color, it can be light or dark. But if you bought honey and it changed color, it’s better not to consume it.

Does freezing honey destroy nutrients?

Freezing honey does not destroy nutrients. You should freeze honey in a freezer with a constant temperature. Despite not losing nutrients when frozen, honey may lose other properties with improper freezing. When freezing honey, use glass containers.

What happens if you put liquid honey in the freezer?

When you put liquid honey in the freezer, it becomes a very thick slurry. Perhaps too thick to really pour from the jar but certainly not a solid. The reason honey remains “semi-solid” has to do with the way it is made. The two main components of honey are water and sugars. Honey bees collect plant nectar and make it into honey.

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