what to do with hawaiian plantains

what to do with hawaiian plantains

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Congo Hawaiian Plantain (Hopa) proves that size matters when it comes to homemade tostones. These remarkable Hawaiian Plantains are shorter and thicker than regular plantains. Usually cooked when they’re green in stews, soups, tostones or just boiled, they can also be eaten raw when ripe (yellow). They are high in resistant starch and fiber which makes them optimum for weight management.

What is the shipping cost?

The displayed price already includes shipping fees, so the shipping is free!

Will your product arrive fresh?

We take an individual approach to each type of product we ship and make sure to pack it depending on its needs. Some products can be shipped without insulation, which allows us to offer you a better deal by saving on shipping costs.

Here are details about the weight and the quantity of the product in each of the box sizes (weight is net and amount of pieces depends on the size of the fruit):


5 lbs, 4 – 7 Pieces


9 lbs, 7 – 12 Pieces


15 lbs, 12 – 20 Pieces

Please let us know if you have any questions and thank you for your interest!

Important information:

Orders are shipped Monday thru Wednesday to ensure that products arrive fresh.

Most orders received before 1:00 PM will ship the same day. Orders received after 1:00 PM will be shipped the next day.

Items will be shipped at no charge using U.S. Priority Mail (1-3 days) or 2 Day UPS Air for delicate products.

Items are shipped from Miami, Florida.

Congo Tropicals does not accept refund/returns. By placing an order with us you agree with the following:

Refunds will not be accepted. Instead, store credit will be given if the items received are damaged, upon photo proof immediately after delivery. Once the items are delivered, please take a photo (with good lighting and quality) and send it to sales@caproinc.com. We will give a one-hour window upon delivery to send the photos. Any photos sent after the one-hour window will not be accepted for store credit.

By visiting www.CongoTropicals.com, you agree that the laws of the state of Florida, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern these Conditions of Use and any dispute of any sort that might arise between you and www.CongoTropicals.com (Capro, Inc).

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The best fried Hawaiian plantain


Can you eat Hawaiian plantain raw?

Yes, eating raw, ripe plantains is normally safe.

Are Hawaiian plantains sweet?

Hawaiian plantains are a different kind of green plantain with succulent taste and a hint of sweet.

What is the best way to eat plantains?

Try it barbecued, fried or baked with plenty of spices and punchy flavours. Plantains look like large bananas, and can be green, yellow or almost black. They are generally eaten like a carbohydrate such as a potato rather than as a fruit, and this is how you need to think of them to cook them successfully.

Why do you soak plantains in water?

Soaking green plantains can also add moisture to the naturally dry starch and help the tostones to crisp up nicely when they’re fried.

What can I do with ripe plantains?

They still contain carbs, but they also have way more vitamins and minerals. If you have super ripe plantains, you can even add some chocolate chips and serve these like little pancakes. Or, if your plantains are more green, try adding some corn to the mix and grating over a little Parmesan cheese. 7.

What are the benefits of plantain?

Plantain is very popular among Brazilians, being eaten fried, cooked or roasted. Plantains are rich in fibre, potassium and flavonoids. Being easy to prepare an versatile, we can add regularly on a health diet plan.

Are plantain patties easy to make?

Plantain patties were one of the first recipes I came up with that I knew was a hit right away. The patties come together super quickly, but I have a couple tips to make everything go faster: Use overripe plantains that are yellow with brown spots or almost completely brown. They’re easier to mash.

Can you eat sweet ripe plantains?

And they’re especially rich in a special type of fiber called resistant starch that helps keep your gut bacteria happy! As plantains ripen from green to more yellow, they become sweeter. While they can be eaten at any point in the ripening process, sweet, ripe plantains are our favorite for roasting!

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