what time of year can you buy pomegranate

Pomegranates are native to a region from Iran to northern India and they also thrive in the drier climates of California and Arizona. The pomegranate name is derived from Latin and one interpretation is “apple with many seeds.” Most of the pomegranates available in the U.S. come from orchards in California — but they have a short season, typically from October through February. They dont ripen after they are harvested, so they travel and store well.

There are several hundred seeds, or “arils,” in an average pomegranate. The seeds taste sweet and a little tart (they are like tiny juice pockets that burst when you eat them!) and are used in a wide variety of dishes and recipes. They are great to enjoy at Thanksgiving and over the holidays! They are also used to make pomegranate juice and a recent trend is to cook them down to make pomegranate molasses. You can even use pomegranates as fall decorations as long as you keep them cool and dry (but its so much more fun to eat them)!

Pomegranates should be a deep red or reddish brown color and feel heavy for their size. Try to avoid bruises, cut marks or soft spots and you should be able to pick a perfect pomegranate.

Its actually easier than you may think, and there are definitely benefits to buying fresh pomegranates! Check out this video to see how easy it can be.

Yes, you can buy pre-seeded pomegranates. Personally, we don’t recommend this for a couple reasons. First, pre-seeded pomegranates can be ridiculously expensive! We were at the store last week and they were $3 for 4 ounces (a little over 1/2 cup of arils). As a comparison, a fresh pomegranate was $1.29 and yields at least one cup of arils!

Also, the pre-packaged arils don’t last very long after they are seeded…we bought a package of pre-seeded arils from a local store a couple of years ago and the seeds were mushy and moldy within a couple of days.

Are Pomegranates in Season? Pomegranate season is usually pretty short. Our pomegranate season is at its peak in late fall and throughout winter, usually from the months of September to November.
what time of year can you buy pomegranate

We favor the submersion method…

Seeding a pomegranate is super-easy!

First, fill a medium size bowl with water. Place a pomegranate half (or quarter) in the bowl, submerged in the water. Pry the seeds out and let them fall to the bottom of the bowl — the white pulp will float on the top of the water. Now all you have to do is scoop out the pulp, remove the seeds from the water and repeat for the rest of the fruit.

Beat it? Some people recommend holding a pomegranate half over a bowl and beating it with a large wooden spoon. This may work well for some, but our experience included a lot of juice coming out along with the seeds — we definitely prefer the submersion method.

  • Eat them very soon! Once a pomegranate is seeded, you need to store them in the refrigerator and eat the arils within 2-3 days or they will begin to go bad.
  • Freeze the seeds! Preserve the delicious pomegranate seeds by freezing them — they will keep frozen for up to a year. Defrosted seeds may seem a little mushy, but will still work great in your recipes.
  • Shelf life? Pomegranates (whole and not yet seeded) will store in the refrigerator for 3-4 weeks.

Many nutritionists (me included!) assign the pomegranate as one of the top superfoods in the fruit category. Its antioxidant capacity tops the charts, and it is high in vitamin C and potassium. Studies with pomegranates appear promising in lowering cholesterol, blood pressure, and atherosclerosis, in addition to reducing risk of breast, prostate and colon cancer. The phytochemicals in this wonder-fruit may also help fight depression and bone-density loss. Enjoy pomegranates fresh October through February, and as juice (4 oz. serving) March through September to provide a constant intake of this beneficial superfood!

Welcome to pomegranate season!

If you haven’t seen them already, these ruby-red seasonal fruits should start showing up at your local stores. There was a time when we really weren’t familiar with pomegranates. We had heard of them, but had never tried them. Quite honestly, they don’t really look that attractive on the outside, but its definitely what is on the inside that counts!

When we first noticed them at the store, we had no idea what to do with them or what they tasted like. So, we of course took one home and encountered the first challenge…how do we peel it and how do we get all those tiny balls of fruit out without staining everything in sight (including ourselves) in the process?!

Once we figured this out and got our first taste of the juicy, flavor-popping seeds, we were hooked! Whether you are a pomegranate beginner or an expert, there are a few tricks and key things to know that hopefully will help make them even more enjoyable!

Pomegranates are native to a region from Iran to northern India and they also thrive in the drier climates of California and Arizona. The pomegranate name is derived from Latin and one interpretation is “apple with many seeds.” Most of the pomegranates available in the U.S. come from orchards in California — but they have a short season, typically from October through February. They dont ripen after they are harvested, so they travel and store well.

There are several hundred seeds, or “arils,” in an average pomegranate. The seeds taste sweet and a little tart (they are like tiny juice pockets that burst when you eat them!) and are used in a wide variety of dishes and recipes. They are great to enjoy at Thanksgiving and over the holidays! They are also used to make pomegranate juice and a recent trend is to cook them down to make pomegranate molasses. You can even use pomegranates as fall decorations as long as you keep them cool and dry (but its so much more fun to eat them)!

Pomegranates should be a deep red or reddish brown color and feel heavy for their size. Try to avoid bruises, cut marks or soft spots and you should be able to pick a perfect pomegranate.

Its actually easier than you may think, and there are definitely benefits to buying fresh pomegranates! Check out this video to see how easy it can be.

Yes, you can buy pre-seeded pomegranates. Personally, we don’t recommend this for a couple reasons. First, pre-seeded pomegranates can be ridiculously expensive! We were at the store last week and they were $3 for 4 ounces (a little over 1/2 cup of arils). As a comparison, a fresh pomegranate was $1.29 and yields at least one cup of arils!

Also, the pre-packaged arils don’t last very long after they are seeded…we bought a package of pre-seeded arils from a local store a couple of years ago and the seeds were mushy and moldy within a couple of days.

HOW to PLANT and GROW POMEGRANATES, plus WHEN to HARVEST, HOW to EAT, and what to do about BUGS


Can you buy pomegranates all year round?

Pomegranate trees need plenty of heat to grow and ripen fruit. Most pomegranates grown in the United States come from California and are in season from the end of September through November. Luckily, they store well and are often available through December and even into January some years.

Is pomegranate available throughout the year?

Pomegranate plants flower and provide fruits throughout the year in central and southern India. Depending on patterns of precipitation, flowering can be induced during June-July (mrig bahar), September-October (hasta bahar) and January-February (ambe bahar).

What month is best to eat pomegranate?

But as is true for all fruits, you’re better off consuming the fruit itself (so you eat the fiber-rich seeds) rather than drinking juice. A half-cup of pomegranate arils contains just 72 calories. Pomegranates are in season from October to January.

Can you get pomegranates in July?

The North American crop runs from October through January. There is also a crop from South America that is during the summer months. Until someone manipulates the genetics of the pomegranate species those are the only two times of year that you can expect to find them.

When are pomegranates in season?

Now is the time to buy the most festive fruit! Most pomegranates grown in the U.S. come from California and are in season from the end of September through November. Though some varieties are harvested in late summer, the Wonderful variety, which makes up about 80 percent of the U.S. crop, is only in season from October through January.

When do pomegranates grow?

These zones have similar climates, so they will see pomegranates develop at the same time. From the time your pomegranate tree flowers, it takes between five to seven months to see your first fruits. Pomegranate trees will typically bloom from April to June, so pomegranate fruits will start to mature from September to November.

When to pick pomegranates?

Similar to vegetables in the garden, you can use the estimated days to maturity to determine when to pick pomegranates. Observe your tree in the spring. Once it flowers, you’ll have an estimated wait of five to seven months for mature pomegranates. Go ahead and add it to your calendar if you tend to forget!

Should I buy a pomegranate tree?

If you love eating fresh pomegranates in the fall, owning a fruit tree will allow you to enjoy pomegranates for years to come without that price tag at the grocery store. After planting a pomegranate tree, many gardeners’ first question is: when will I be able to pick pomegranates from my tree?

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