what temperature should laundry detergent be stored at

Whether you have 400 square feet or 4,000, at some point, everyone becomes cramped for space. This is especially true when you buy big, bulky items such as cleaning supplies. Those can be cumbersome to store in cupboards and closets, especially if theyre already stuffed to the gills with items. In those cases, most of us keep our overflow in the garage. But that might not be the best place to house everything. For example, you would be better off storing your laundry detergent elsewhere. Unless the space is heated or air conditioned around the clock, the detergent will freeze when the temperatures plummet or separate when they skyrocket, rendering the soap unusable.

This makes sense since these products contain water. Concentrated detergents — the kind that you only need a drop or two of to clean an entire load — can have anywhere between 15 to 50% water. On the other hand, unconcentrated versions can be composed of up to 90% water, guaranteeing they will freeze once the temperatures get frosty. While different brands may vary at which temperature point they freeze, on average, water-heavy versions will begin to ice over at 32 degrees. However, some consumers have anecdotally found that the concentrated ones require temps to dip below -32 Fahrenheit. As for heat, you dont want the garage to get over 85 degrees — after that, the ingredients can begin to separate, changing the chemical makeup and cleaning power of the product.

Liquid laundry detergent is best stored at 50 to 85 degrees. Freezing and heat do effect the detergent and cause separation so it’s no longer a uniform consistency leading to non uniform results in the washing machine.
what temperature should laundry detergent be stored at

Why you should avoid temperate fluctuations in detergents

While you want to ideally store your detergent in a cool area of your house, the garage isnt the right spot because the temperatures arent stable. Unless its well-insulated and air-conditioned, your garage will fluctuate with the outdoor temp. So why is this bad for your detergent? It can alter the efficiency of the soap. If the detergent becomes too hot, the formula will destabilize and the ingredients will begin to pull apart, ruining its ability to properly wash your clothes and linens. At that point, the product might become useless, requiring you to toss it.

Something similar happens when you freeze and thaw the soap. There is a chance the cold temperatures can speed up how quickly it expires. Thats because any temperature fluctuation can begin to break down the formula, altering its effectiveness. Additionally, having frozen detergent is incredibly inconvenient. Rather than grabbing it from the storage area and finishing up your load, you wont be able to use it right away. Instead, you will have to wait several hours for it to fully defrost.

Best (and Worst) Laundry Detergents From Our Tests | Consumer Reports


Does laundry detergent go bad in heat?

Cool, Dry Storage Places: Extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, can destabilize detergent. Airtight Sealing: Making sure bottles are securely closed and containers have airtight lids ensure that the detergent will not be exposed to air and moisture.

How should laundry detergent be stored?

All detergents should be stored in cool, dry areas to preserve their efficacy. Care should be taken to store detergents up and out of reach of children or pets, preferably behind a locked cabinet door.

Can laundry detergent be left in the cold?

How to store liquid detergent: KEEP AT A STABLE, COOL TEMPERATURE. While liquid detergents are not sensitive to moisture, they are sensitive to heat. At a very low temperature, it can freeze and become unstable, while at a high temperature its active components can separate and also destabilise.

Can you store laundry detergent in heat?

Laundry detergent should be stored in a cool, dry place, between 50-70F (10-21C). Extreme temperatures can affect the detergent’s performance and shelf life. When detergent is exposed to high temperatures, it can break down the active ingredients, reducing its effectiveness.

What temperature should laundry detergent be stored?

Ideally, the storage area should have a consistent temperature between 50°F (10°C) and 85°F (29°C). Avoid storing detergent in places prone to temperature fluctuations, like garages or outdoor sheds. Keep Away from Children and Pets: Store laundry detergent in a secure location that is out of reach of children and pets.

Should laundry detergent be stored in a cool and dry place?

By storing your detergent in a cool and dry place, you can maintain its quality, potency, and effectiveness, ensuring that it performs optimally with every use. In addition to storing liquid laundry detergent in a cool and dry place, it’s important to take steps to protect it from moisture and sunlight.

How do you store laundry detergent before it expires?

Store laundry detergent in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture. Avoid storing it in areas that experience extreme temperature changes, such as near a dryer or in a garage. Q How long can I store laundry detergent before it expires? Most laundry detergents have a shelf life of about 9 months to 1 year after opening.

Can laundry detergent be stored in a hot room?

Most laundry detergents are stable when stored in the laundry room. But, keeping them in a hot space is not ideal. The high temperatures can cause detergents’ active components to activate. It can lessen the detergent’s effectiveness. Likewise, it’s not best to subject them to freezing temperatures.

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