what is the difference between katsu and tonkatsu

If youre not familiar with Japanese cuisine — or even if you are — its easy to confuse tonkatsu and tonkotsu. Just one letter apart, the words seem like they could refer to different variations of the same dish. You might even assume that theyre the same word with different spellings.

In truth, tonkatsu and tonkotsu are very different. The main similarity is that they both feature pork: Ton translates to pig or pork. But the dishes differ: Tonkatsu refers to crispy fried pork cutlets, while tonkotsu is a type of ramen made from bone broth. The katsu in tonkatsu comes from the Japanese word katsuretsu, meaning cutlet, and the kotsu in tonkotsu means bone. So, the words literally translate to pork cutlet and pork bone — apt descriptions of each dish. Still cant keep them straight? Think of the second “o” in tonkotsu as a steaming bowl of ramen.

But despite the clear differences, both tonkatsu and tonkotsu provide insight into the rich history of Japanese cuisine. Both dishes are based on recipes that originated elsewhere, a testament to the way that the end of Japans isolationist period shaped the countrys culinary culture. Neither dish dates back more than 130 years: You can still eat at the restaurants where they originated. But over time, each has taken on a life of its own — evolving into new forms and becoming part of Japans rich culinary identity.

Tonkatsu refers to pork cutlets coated with breadcrumbs and deep-fried. Cooks season the cutlets, typically made from fillet or loin, with salt and pepper. Once the meat is seasoned, its dipped in egg, and coated in breadcrumbs before being fried in oil. While many Western dishes intentionally use stale breadcrumbs, tonkatsu uses panko. The soft, fresh, Japanese-style breadcrumbs, used for dishes like tempura, give the breading a light, crispy texture. Tonkatsu is typically served with shredded cabbage and a Worcestershire-based sauce; you might get rice, miso soup, or pickled vegetables along with your cutlets, too.

Tonkatsu is a mash-up of Japanese and Western cuisine. While its often compared to German schnitzel, tonkatsu was inspired by the French côtelette de veau, veal cutlets pan-fried in breadcrumbs. It debuted at Rengatei — one of the first Western-style restaurants in Japan — in 1899.

While Rengatei still serves cutlets based on the original recipe, tonkatsu has spawned many variations. In Japan, the most popular is katsu curry, which features Japanese-style curry topped with tonkatsu. Tonkatsu has also traveled back to Europe, where katsu curry found popularity in the U.K. There, the word katsu has become a catch-all term for Japanese curry flavoring, cropping up on packages of chicken soup and vegan hamburgers. But no foreign interpretation can beat Japans own: Deep-fried katsu KitKats.

Tonkotsu refers to a type of ramen made with thick, creamy pork bone broth. While Western-style broths are generally simmered, tonkotsu is cooked at a roaring boil for hours. The unrelenting heat breaks collagen in the bones down into gelatin, which gives the broth its characteristic texture.

Tonkotsu is also called Hakata ramen, after the Fukuoka ward where it was invented in 1937. But the cloudy tonkotsu we know today was born in 1947 when shop owner Katsumi Sugino-san forgot about a boiling pot of broth. Hours later, he discovered that the overcooked broth had turned white, milky, and delicious. He later opened the restaurant Nankin Senryo, which his descendants still operate.

Tonkotsu is typically topped with sliced barbequed pork and chopped green onions (although, confusingly, it is sometimes topped with tonkatsu, as in the first picture in this article). Other ingredients like eggs, pickled ginger, and mushrooms are popular, but kept to a minimum to emphasize the broth. This minimalist approach once extended to the broth, too. The version found at Nankin Senryo, based on the original recipe, has a milder, subtler flavor than the tonkotsu found in most ramen shops today.

Tonkotsu uses thin, delicate noodles. Traditionally served undercooked, now many restaurants let you choose how firm youd like them. Ordering soft noodles might get you a side-eye from your server, though — its like ordering well-done steak. Thats because the thin noodles get mushy if you leave them in the hot broth for too long.

The simplest phonetic translation of “cutlet” to Japanese vocalizations is katsuretsu, which in turn is shortened to katsu. Add ton—the Sino-Japanese word for “pork”—to the front of that and you’ve got tonkatsu, or breaded fried pork cutlets (not to be confused with tonkotsu, which is pork-based ramen broth).
what is the difference between katsu and tonkatsu

Tonkatsu has roots in Western cuisine

Rengatei debuted tonkatsu during the Meiji period, which lasted from 1868 to 1912. It was an era of radical social change, and tonkatsu was a sign of the times. For 1200 years, the Japanese government had banned the consumption of meat. It wasnt until Emporer Meiji came to power in 1868 and ended Japans long-held isolation policy that the ban was struck down. In an effort to Westernize the country and promote nutrition, the emperor began actively encouraging Japanese people to eat meat.

By the time Rengatei opened in 1895, people had started warming to the idea. Still, cooks at Rengatei had to adapt côtelette de veau to Japanese tastes. Pork was cheaper than veal, and less objectionable: Previously, eating meat from cows had been considered particularly taboo. Rather than pan-frying cutlets dusted with stale bread crumbs, cooks took cues from tempura. They coated the cutlets in soft, fluffy panko crumbs and deep-fried them, then placed them on a bed of shredded cabbage and topped them with another popular Western import — Worcestershire sauce.

While tonkatsu may have originated from Western cuisine, no one would mistake it for seiyō ryōri, the Japanese term for authentic European food. Instead, its an example of yōshoku, Western food modified to fit Japanese tastes. Yōshoku often bears little resemblance to actual Western food. It tends to be more reflective of Japans unique history, culture, and culinary traditions.

What is the difference between tonkatsu and Katsu?


What is the difference between katsu ramen and tonkotsu ramen?

In truth, tonkatsu and tonkotsu are very different. The main similarity is that they both feature pork: Ton translates to pig or pork. But the dishes differ: Tonkatsu refers to crispy fried pork cutlets, while tonkotsu is a type of ramen made from bone broth.

What makes katsu different?

Katsu is deliberately similar to Wiener Schnitzel. I think the biggest difference is that Katsu is coated with panko before cooking. Wiener Schnitzel has been copied around the world. A delicious version is Cotoletta Milanese which is fried in lots of butter.

What does katsu mean?

Meaning of katsu in English a Japanese dish consisting of a piece of meat, usually chicken, or vegetable, covered in bread crumbs, fried, then usually cut into strips and eaten with a sauce: One of my favorite dishes growing up, chicken katsu is basically the Japanese version of fried chicken.

What are the different types of katsu in Japan?

They are typically made from two cuts of pork: the lean and tender hire (ヒレ, tenderloin or filet) and the fattier rosu (ロース, loin). While tonkatsu is by far the most popular katsu dish, there are other variations made of chicken (chikinkatsu), beef (gyukatsu), ham (hamukatsu) and ground meat (menchikatsu).

Is chicken katsu the same as tonkatsu?

While tonkatsu and chicken katsu are both Japanese dishes, they are not the same thing. Tonkatsu is a pork dish, while chicken katsu is a chicken dish. The two dishes have different flavors and textures, with tonkatsu being a bit more crispy and chicken katsu being a bit more juicy.

What is tonkatsu made of?

Tonkatsu, or pork katsu, is the kind that comes to mind for most people when they think of katsu. It can be made with leaner hire pork tenderloin or fattier rosu pork loin. The very best tonkatsu is made with kurobuta, or Japanese black Berkshire pork. Menchikatsu is a patty of minced meat that has been breaded in panko crumbs and deep-fried.

What is the difference between chicken katsu and pork?

The pork is breaded and fried, and is usually served with a side of rice and vegetables. Tonkatsu is a relatively simple dish, and the flavor of the pork is the main attraction. Chicken katsu, on the other hand, is a dish made with chicken. It is also a popular dish in Japan and is often served in restaurants.

What is a katsu cutlet?

Tonkatsu (豚カツ) is a Japanese-style pork cutlet, or a Katsu made with a slice of pork, as the literal meaning of the word 豚 (Ton), also pronounced as Buta, is pig/hog. Tonkatsu is the quintessential Katsu dish, and when Japanese people speak, I want to eat Katsu, it usually refers to a Tonkatsu. Hire-Katsu is a variety of Tonkatsu.

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