what is salada de polvo

Since I learned that coking an octopus is much simpler than I thought, I’ve been a little obsessed with trying new recipes and different ways of preparing it. To my surprise there are a lot of Portuguese octopus recipes, hearty stews, creamy rice dishes, roasts, and so on. From the several recipes I came across, octopus salad was one of my favourites. The slight sweetness of the octopus contrasts with the tang of the dressing and freshness of the herbs, making it perfect for a light summer meal. It’s also one of the best recipes if you want to try an octopus at its simplest.

what is salada de polvo

A Few Notes on Salada de Polvo

This is one of the easiest Portuguese octopus recipes, the only step that’s a little more laborious is that of cooking the octopus. While there are plenty of techniques that can be used, my favourite is to roast it with some vegetables and herbs. The trick is to cover it with foil so you trap all the moisture inside, creating a delicious octopus stock that can be used as a base for fish soups, stews, and the classic Octopus Rice.

This salad is simply delicious and quite customizable, you can add other vegetables of your choice, legumes, and even prawns.

Salada de Polvo – Portuguese Octopus Salad Recipe

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