What is Midori Made Of? A Comprehensive Analysis of Midori’s Ingredients and Production Process

Midori, the vibrant green melon liqueur, has captivated cocktail enthusiasts for decades with its unique flavor and eye-catching color. But what exactly is Midori made of? This article will delve into the ingredients and production process of Midori, exploring the secrets behind its distinctive taste and appearance.

Key Ingredients

Midori’s signature flavor and aroma come from two types of Japanese melons:

  • Yubari King Melon: This highly prized melon, grown in Yubari City, Hokkaido, is known for its intense sweetness and juicy flesh.
  • Musk Melon: Cultivated in the Aichi and Shizuoka provinces, musk melons are renowned for their rich, aromatic flavor and green flesh.

Production Process

The production of Midori involves several steps:

  1. Melon Harvesting: The Yubari King and musk melons are harvested at their peak ripeness during the summer months.
  2. Pulp Extraction: The melons are processed into a pulp, which is then immediately frozen to preserve its freshness and flavor.
  3. Defrosting and Infusion: The frozen melon pulp is defrosted and infused with neutral spirits to extract the melon’s flavor and aroma.
  4. Distillation: The melon infusion is distilled to create a concentrated melon spirit.
  5. Blending: The Yubari King and musk melon spirits are blended together to achieve the desired flavor profile.
  6. Coloring: Artificial green coloring is added to give Midori its distinctive hue.

Additional Ingredients

In addition to the melons, Midori also contains:

  • Neutral Grain Spirit: A high-proof, flavorless spirit used as the base for the liqueur.
  • Brandy: A distilled wine that adds depth and complexity to the flavor.
  • Sugar: Sweetens the liqueur and balances the tartness of the melons.

Midori is a unique and flavorful liqueur made from a blend of Japanese melons, neutral grain spirit, brandy, and sugar. Its vibrant green color, derived from artificial coloring, has made it a popular ingredient in cocktails and a recognizable icon in the world of spirits. Understanding the ingredients and production process of Midori allows us to appreciate the craftsmanship and care that goes into creating this beloved liqueur.

Homemade Midori (But Much Better!)


What kind of alcohol is in Midori?

Midori is a popular brand of melon-flavored liqueur. It’s instantly recognizable as the bright green bottle that shines behind many bars across the world. Originally produced in Japan by Suntory, it is a sweet liqueur made with neutral grain spirit, brandy, and sugar.

Can you get drunk off Midori?

Midori liqueur itself isn’t the strongest alcohol (at least compared to spirits like gin or vodka!), but a few shots (if you dare) will undoubtedly get you on your way to being drunk. When mixed in cocktails, Midori can be potent, however, as you will combine it with other spirits and liqueurs.

Does Midori have real melon in it?

It’s made from two types of melon exclusively harvested in Japan. Midori Melon Liqueur is made from Japanese musk and Yubari melons, both of which are sourced from Japan only.

How is Midori so green?

Midori is made from Japanese musk and Yubari melons, and is of course artificially colored green. The bottle’s texture resembles the surface of a melon, and in 2012 the recipe was changed based on bartender’s feedback to cut back on the sugar content by 20%.

What is Midori made of?

Midori is made using two main ingredients: melons and neutral grain spirits. The melons used in the production of Midori are known as yubari melons, which are grown exclusively in Yubari City on the island of Hokkaido in Japan. These melons are selected based on their sweetness and flavor profile before they are sliced, seeded, and pureed.

What is Midori liqueur made of?

Midori is a Japanese liqueur made of yubari melon and musk melons, two prized melon varieties native to Japan. The famed melon liqueur is made by infusing a neutral grain spirit base with both melon varieties, then blending it with cognac and sugar. Finally, food coloring is added to give it its trademark bright emerald shade.

Is Midori a melon liqueur?

Midori is a popular brand of melon-flavored liqueur. It’s instantly recognizable as the bright green bottle that shines behind many bars across the world. Originally produced in Japan by Suntory, it is a sweet liqueur made with neutral grain spirit, brandy, and sugar. The deliciously sweet flavor comes from two types of Japanese melons.

Where is Midori made?

Most Midori has been made in Mexico since 1987, while France has been the production hub for the European market since 2003. Over the past 40+ years, this sweet liqueur has grown in popularity, and bartenders continue to make innovative green cocktails with Midori.

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