Using Regular Detergent in an HE Washer: What You Need to Know

Keywords: HE washer, regular detergent, HE detergent, suds, washing machine, laundry


High-efficiency (HE) washers are becoming increasingly popular due to their energy and water-saving features. However, many people are unsure whether they can use regular detergent in these machines. The answer is no. Using regular detergent in an HE washer can cause several problems, including excessive sudsing, overflowing, and even damage to the machine.

Why You Can’t Use Regular Detergent in an HE Washer

HE washers are designed to use less water than traditional washers. This means that the detergent needs to be specially formulated to create fewer suds. Regular detergent, on the other hand, is designed to create more suds, which can be problematic in an HE washer.

Here’s why using regular detergent in an HE washer is a bad idea:

  • Excessive sudsing: Regular detergent creates more suds than HE detergent. These suds can build up in the machine and overflow, causing a mess and potentially damaging the machine.
  • Ineffective cleaning: The suds created by regular detergent can prevent the washer from rinsing properly, leaving your clothes dirty and soapy.
  • Damage to the machine: In extreme cases, using regular detergent in an HE washer can damage the machine’s sensors and other components.

What Happens If You Use Regular Detergent in an HE Washer?

If you accidentally use regular detergent in your HE washer, don’t panic. There are a few things you can do to fix the problem:

  • Stop the wash cycle: As soon as you realize you’ve used the wrong detergent, stop the wash cycle. This will prevent the suds from building up and overflowing.
  • Run a rinse cycle: Run a rinse cycle to remove the excess suds from the machine. You may need to run multiple rinse cycles to get all the suds out.
  • Clean the machine: Once you’ve removed the suds, clean the machine thoroughly. This will help to prevent any residue from building up and causing problems in the future.

How to Choose the Right Detergent for Your HE Washer

When choosing a detergent for your HE washer, look for one that is specifically labeled as “HE.” These detergents are formulated to create fewer suds and are safe to use in HE washers. You can also use a natural detergent, such as baking soda or vinegar.


Here are some frequently asked questions about using regular detergent in an HE washer:

  • Can I use a small amount of regular detergent in my HE washer?

It’s not recommended to use any regular detergent in your HE washer, even a small amount. Even a small amount of regular detergent can create too many suds and cause problems.

  • What if I can’t find HE detergent?

If you can’t find HE detergent, you can use a natural detergent, such as baking soda or vinegar. You can also try using a smaller amount of regular detergent, but be aware of the risks of excessive sudsing.

  • Will using regular detergent ruin my HE washer?

Using regular detergent in your HE washer can potentially damage the machine. However, if you accidentally use it once or twice, it’s unlikely to cause any serious damage.


Using regular detergent in an HE washer is not recommended. It can cause several problems, including excessive sudsing, overflowing, and even damage to the machine. Always use HE detergent in your HE washer to ensure optimal performance and prevent any issues.

FAQ # What’s the Difference Between Regular & HE Detergent?

The quantity of suds produced by high efficiency laundry detergent differs from that of regular laundry detergent. Because so much water is used in the wash and rinse cycles, regular detergent will produce a lot more suds than high efficiency detergent.

Detergent Details: “Can I Use Regular Detergent in an HE Washer?” and Other FAQs

The main cause of the inability to use ordinary detergent in an HE washer is the way the machine cleans clothing. A high-efficiency washing machine uses the least amount of water necessary to complete washes in order to conserve water. They are frequently larger and lack agitators because they can fit more clothes in fewer washes. So why does the kind of detergent matter?.

Tide HE Turbo Detergent: How to Tell the Difference Between HE Detergent and Non-HE Detergent

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