what happens if you drink an entire bottle of vodka

If asked what type of liquor is preferred, it’s likely to illicit a wide range of responses. Not unlike music genres, everyone has their go-to beer, spirit, or wine. When the votes are tallied, however, vodka is a clear winner in the world-wide contest. Listed as the world’s most popular spirits (and alcohol) – a title which its held since 1976 – vodka is a diverse and palatable beverage that can be consumed straight or as a mixed cocktail. There are extreme downsides to drinking 750 ml of vodka a day, the equivalent of one bottle. Here are some important tips you should know about overconsumption of the world’s favorite booze.

The top 10% of alcohol consumers clinically diagnosed with severe alcohol use disorder, on average, consume 74 alcoholic drinks per week. What’s the most popular spirit? A fairly easy guess: vodka. If the scale was weighed by vodka alone, this means that at the high end of America’s alcoholism spectrum (top 10%), people are drinking 750 ml of vodka a day. This puts a person at risk for alcohol addiction, as well as corresponding diseases as it relates to overconsumption of liquor.

The risks of alcohol consumption run high, but nearly 24 million adults over 18 are nonetheless struggling with alcohol use disorder (AUD). Research published in the National Library of Medicine reported that the risks of meeting the criteria for both alcohol abuse and dependence were in direct proportion with how often people exceeded the daily drinking limits.

It’s critical to note that consuming too much alcohol, vodka or otherwise, carries significant health issues. If you’re struggling with alcohol abuse, contact our Colorado addiction helpline directly at 855-281-5588.

If you spread that bottle out over a long period, say one month, you should be OK. However, if you drink that bottle in one evening, you will likely die of alcoholic poisoning. That is where you get so drunk that your brain “forgets” to tell some important body functions to continue to work.
what happens if you drink an entire bottle of vodka

Alcoholism Stigma and Vodka

Let’s talk a little about stigma and how vodka fits into an unfounded assertion. The stereotypical alcoholic usually conjures up a mental of a homeless person drinking vodka concealed with a paper bag. The problem with this understanding of alcoholism is that it caters to a long-standing stigma regarding alcohol abuse. Alcoholics are widely believed to be dysfunctional and, in some ways, mentally ill.

In terms of the most favored beverage among those with a diagnosed AUD, the preferences vary. If problem drinkers widely consume vodka, it may be due in part to its colorless appearance and the ease of use in mixing it with other beverages. However, beer and whiskey – as noted – produce the same effects.

Whatever type of alcohol is consumed, all are dangerous in high amounts. Whether you’re drinking a fifth of vodka every day, or chugging a case of beer, the short- and long-term health consequences can be lethal.

Mixers Impact Alcohol’s Effect on the Body

The choice of mixers does play a role in drinking effects. Tequila and whiskey are usually consumed straight (or without any other beverage), while rum and vodka are often mixed with various juices, caffeinated sodas, or energy drinks. The latter can mask the effects of intoxication, leading a person to consume more.

Researchers from Northern Kentucky University found that mixing alcohol with diet beverages increases blood alcohol concentration (BAC) when measured with a breathalyzer. Researchers explain that alcohol effects are mitigated if consumed with nutrients like sugar because it slows the entry of alcohol into the small intestine.

In other words, vodka may cause faster and more potent effects on the body, depending on how it’s consumed. With elevated consumption, the body can also build up tolerance levels, eventually leading to alcohol dependency. It’s important to monitor intake and regularly assess if alcohol consumption is becoming problematic.

How Much Alcohol Does It Take to Kill You?


How many drinks do you get out of a bottle of vodka?

A standard bottle of alcohol has 750 milliliters, which will give you about 16 shots or 16 cocktails. One shot is typically an ounce and a half. A mini or nip has 50 milliliters, and will give you one shot.

When should you call 911 for alcohol poisoning?

Call 911 if any of the following apply: A (Alert): inability to rouse a person with loud shouting or vigorous shaking; inability of a person who was passed out to stay awake for more than 2-3 minutes; vomiting while passed out; not waking up after vomiting; incoherent while vomiting.

How many drinks in 1 liter of vodka?

How Many Shots in a Liter? There are 22 1.5-ounce shots in a liter. That means there are about 11 shots or standard cocktail pours in a liter of alcohol.

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