what does surstromming taste like

Some say it smells like a dead body. Others liken it to a dirty nappy. Or a bin that hasn’t been emptied for months.

However you describe it, the Swedish delicacy known as surströmming (fermented herring) is pretty much the world’s stinkiest food.

I know this really isn’t selling it, but it is a well-known local delicacy and (some) Swedes will assure you it tastes much better than it smells.

Curious? This guide will show you where to sample surströmming, and how to eat it (and no, we don’t mean with a peg on your nose!). Let the feast begin!

First things first. What is this smelly food stuff that Swedes go mad for? Well, it’s lightly salted Baltic herring that has been fermented then canned.

A speciality of northern Sweden, its name aptly translates as ‘sour herring’. And no, it isn’t really ‘rotten’, as many people believe.

Surströmming has a salty baseline of flavor, layered with tastes that are creamy, crunchy, sharp and herbal. It is a popular dish in Sweden because people enjoy a surströmmingsskiva or fermented herring party which gives everyone an excuse to party and enjoy something different.
what does surstromming taste like

Can surströmming make you sick? And is it safe to eat?

Well, the fish is fermented, not rotting, and has been preserved according to traditional methods used by communities around the world for thousands of years.

The Swedish National Food Administration has tested it by adding various food-poisoning bacterias, and discovered that the high salinity of the brine prevents any bacteria growing.

So yes, micro-biologically it’s safe to eat – as long as the tin is intact.

The can must be kept in the fridge, however, as when it gets warm the enzymes start to break down the fish and turn it into a grey disgusting-looking mush.

In fact, the biggest surströmming-related danger comes not from eating it but from the pressurised cans. So much so that some Nordic airlines refuse to carry them.

How is surströmming normally served? It doesn’t look so bad when properly prepared, does it? / Mr Thinktank (

Surströmming is usually beautifully presented – it definitely looks better than it smells. Delicate slices of the herring are arranged on top of thin slices of tunnbröd (Swedish crispbread) or flatbread.

They are then topped with finely chopped white (or red) onion, sour cream, boiled potatoes and fresh dill. And, of course, it’s almost always washed down with several shots of snaps. (Even if you don’t like strong booze, you might grateful that there’s a strong palette cleanser close by!)

Swedes eat Surströmming (We know – it smells like shit but we love it!)


What does surströmming smell like?

What does it smell like? More pungent than normal rotting fish, some have compared the smell to dead bodies, dirty diapers, stinky cheese, vinegar, and seafood all wrapped into one horrible smell! Thankfully, surströmming is not supposed to eaten by itself.

Why is surströmming illegal?

The infamous prohibition stems from the fact that surströmming cans are deemed pressurized goods, which are at risk of expanding and rupturing due to the internal chemical process.

Does anyone enjoy surströmming?

Today, the fish has become infamous due to its stinky smell, yet enthusiasts praise surströmming for its great taste.

Is surströmming fish safe to eat?

Fermented fish, despite the scent, is micro-biologically a very safe product. In the seventies, the National Food Administration in Sweden attempted to add food poisoning bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and Clostridium perfringens. None of these could grow in the cans.

What does surströmming taste like?

Surströmming is a traditional dish from northern Sweden that arose during the 16th century when Sweden had a salt shortage. Today, the fish has become infamous due to its stinky smell, yet enthusiasts praise surströmming for its great taste. What is surströmming?

What causes a sour taste?

The sour taste can be due to a dry tongue caused by dehydration and inadequate intake of water. The other reasons are poor oral hygiene, not brushing the teeth properly, smoking, and increased age. Taking certain medications and cancer therapy also causes a sour taste. Acidity and gastroesophageal reflux disease also lead to a sour taste. Certain infections, fever, and sickness are also the causes of sour taste.

Does surströmming taste like chicken?

Pieces of surströmming are spread over buttered, crispy thin bread and then layered with slices of almond potatoes, chopped onions, and fresh dill sprigs. The taste of rotten herring isn’t so bad at first, but the smell disarms you each time you try to take a bite. The verdict – It definitely does not taste like chicken.

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