What Does “Fugetsu” Mean in Japanese?

“Fugetsu” is a Japanese word that encapsulates the beauty and tranquility of nature, particularly the interplay between wind and moon. It is a compound word comprising two kanji characters: “fu” (風), meaning “wind,” and “getsu” (月), meaning “moon.” Together, these characters evoke a sense of serenity and harmony between the elements.

Etymology and Cultural Significance

The term “fugetsu” has a long history in Japanese culture, dating back to ancient times. It was often used in poetry and literature to describe the changing seasons and the ephemeral nature of life. The word also found its way into traditional Japanese arts, such as painting and calligraphy, where it was used to depict scenes of nature and evoke a sense of tranquility.

Modern Usage

In contemporary Japanese, “fugetsu” continues to be used in a variety of contexts. It is commonly found in the names of businesses, restaurants, and cultural institutions, often conveying a sense of elegance and sophistication. The word is also used in everyday speech to describe moments of peace and tranquility, or to express appreciation for the beauty of nature.

Examples of Usage

Here are some examples of how “fugetsu” is used in Japanese:

  • 風月の夕べ (fugetsu no yube): A moonlit evening
  • 風月を愛でる (fugetsu o manazuru): To appreciate the beauty of nature
  • 風月堂 (fugetsudo): A famous Japanese confectionery company
  • 風月 (fugetsu): A popular chain of Japanese restaurants

“Fugetsu” is a versatile and evocative Japanese word that captures the essence of nature’s beauty. Its rich history and cultural significance continue to resonate in modern-day Japan, where it is used in a variety of contexts to convey a sense of tranquility, harmony, and appreciation for the natural world.

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What went wrong? Little Tokyo began to die after the riots of 1992. After the riots, nobody wanted to be down here. A lot of businesses disappeared. The company saw a decline in business as Japanese-Americans were leaving Little Tokyo and ceasing to follow Japanese customs. As Japanese-Americans began to integrate and embrace American traditions, we saw a decline in orders for custom goods like manju and mochi for weddings and funerals, which were essential for my father and grandfather.

I considered remodeling the store at one point, but when customers visit—some of whom may have moved on—and discover it’s still the same—in Little Tokyo 25 years later, they start crying. They say, “It is exactly the way I remember it. They tell me that when they see this store, they are reminded of their early years and of their departed relatives. I honor the memories of all the children my age who still hold onto something in this world.

Yours is the oldest sweet shop in Los Angeles. We’d love to learn some of its history. My grandfather, Seiichi Kito, was a confectioner in Japan. He and my grandmother Tei shared a story of forbidden love akin to Romeo and Juliet. You see, Seiichi was only an apprentice at a Japanese fugetsu-do when he fell in love with Tei. Her family chose to leave her behind and relocate to the United States, where they had relatives who were successfully establishing a community, because they disapproved of my grandmother’s marriage to a man with such a menial job. So, they came to Little Tokyo in 1903.

Fugetsu-Do is renowned for its manju and mochi, which are traditional Japanese sweets made from ground rice. We recently had a visit with Brian Kito at his cozy store, where we discussed the store’s 116-year cultural history with the Japanese-American community.

The Fugetsu-Do Sweet Shop was established in 1903 by the family of confectioner Brian Kito in the Little Tokyo neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. Similar to the neighborhood, Fugetsu-Do saw the riots in 1992 in Los Angeles, the forced relocation of Japanese Americans during World War II, and economic downturns. The shop’s hardships and eventual success tell the tale of Little Tokyo as a whole.

FUGETSU-DO, a short documentary


What is the meaning of Fugetsu?

Fugetsu (風月?, literally meaning “wind moon“) fits most of the Wano Country families theme of having the kanji for “moon” (月?) in its name.

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