what does frenching a rib roast mean

Frenching is the process of scraping some of the meat and fat off of the ribs in order to create hand-held “chops.” This is often a preferred way of trimming the meat by some butchers — and it’s how we sell our rack of lamb here at Market House!
what does frenching a rib roast mean

Frenching Technique Used on Other Foods

Its not only bones that are given the frenching technique. Frenching also means cutting food in a certain way to ensure that the food cooks faster and more evenly in addition to looking attractive when it is presented.

Two classically frenched vegetables are green beans and potatoes or fries. This means they are cut into long, thin strips, also known as a julienne cut.

Commonly Frenched Meats

The most common examples of frenched meat can be found in a crown roast, whether it is beef, pork or lamb, whose rib ends are scraped clean of all meat, fat, and sinew. The ribs are then formed into a circle or crown shape and sewn together with butchers twine, so it stands up. Frequently, the interior of the “crown” is stuffed with a savory bread dressing.

Frenching a Rib Roast


What does Frenching meat mean?

Having meat ‘Frenched’ means to remove all the excess meat, fat and cartilage from the bones of your rack. Stripping the meat away is done for aesthetic purposes – it doesn’t actually change the flavour or texture of the cooked result – and simply makes the bones look a bit neater on the plate.

What is a French cut rib of beef?

A luxurious choice, the French trimmed rib of beef is aged on the bone, concentrating the flavour as the meat matures. When cut, the chine bone is removed, excess fat is trimmed and the ribs are french trimmed.

What is a Frenched bone?

To “french” a bone is a culinary term that means to cut the meat away from the end of a rib or chop so that part of the bone is exposed.

What does it mean to French a rib roast?

To French a rib roast, or chops for that matter, means to trim and scrape away the meat, fat, and sinew from the slender end of the ribs so that a section of the bones is exposed. It makes for a more elegant presentation. In days of yore, little frilly caps were slipped over the bones for looks and to protect those with delicate constitutions.

What is the reason for the pain in the ribs?

Pain in ribs can be due to various reasons including trauma (rib fracture), pulled muscle, joint inflammation, referred pain (liver, spleen, and lungs) and due to underlying undiagnosed auto-immune disorder.

What is Frenching ribs?

Frenching is the process of scraping some of the meat and fat off of the ribs in order to create hand-held “chops.” This is often a preferred way of trimming the meat by some butchers — and it’s how we sell our rack of lamb here at Market House! But what different does Frenching really make, anyway? In truth, this is primarily an aesthetic choice.

What is French trimming a rib roast?

French trimming–or frenching– a rib roast is removing the meat, fat, and sinew around the ribs for a restaurant-worthy look.

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