what does coquito taste like

Coquito | Christmas isn’t Christmas in Puerto Rico without a glass of cold coquito (co-kee-to). If you don’t know what’s coquito my heart hurts for you because it’s the best thing EVER! I like to call it eggnog’s better tasting sassy cousin. Even though it’s nothing like eggnog.

I make bottles of this every year and give away as gifts to friends and family. Bring a bottle of coquito to any holiday party and I am positive you will be invited back the next year.

Christmas means its time for coquito! Coquito is a rich creamy coconut and rum drink that is served in Puerto Rico for Christmas.

This cocktail is rich and creamy – tastes like a cinnamon bun. Coquito means “little coconut” in Spanish and is sometimes considered to be the Puerto Rican eggnog. There are countless variations of coquito as the recipe differs from region to region and family to family.
what does coquito taste like

Is that Enough Rum?

In the recipe, I suggest 1 1/2 cups of rum. If that sounds like too much start with 1 cup and add more to taste. I like to add just enough rum that it’s prickly on the back of your throat and warms you on the inside. It will be one of the few drinks you’ll have that is cold that warms you up.

Just be careful because the flavor of the rum gets stronger the longer the drink “marinades”.

Does Coquito Have Eggs?

Like many traditional foods or drinks that coquito can trigger some passionate debate. The biggest debate regarding coquito is with or without egg yolk.

Everyone that is familiar with coquito stands firmly in one camp. I am firmly in the no egg yolk camp. My abuela and mother made it with no egg yolk so I make it with no egg yolk. I always say coquito isn’t eggnog it’s coquito.

Coquito and Which Rum is Best? | How to Drink


Does coquito get you drunk?

Can You Get Drunk Off Coquito? This depends on how much alcohol you add to the coquito mixture. If you’re adding just enough for flavor’s sake, you might get a little buzzed, but definitely not drunk. However, if you go heavier on the alcohol, such as the entire bottle, then yes, you’ll definitely get drunk.

What is coquito compared to?

Although they might seem similar, coquito and eggnog are different beverages entirely. The main difference is that coquito’s base is rum and coconut, whereas eggnog’s base is egg and cream with the optional addition of rum or brandy.

What are the chunks in coquito?

Coquito should be smooth, but it can become chunky if you use coconut milk instead of cream of coconut. The fat in coconut milk can separate and solidify towards the top of the container. Returning it to the blender just before serving should resolve the issue.

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