what does canola get turned into

The oil from canola is used for cooking and baking at home, restaurants and in food processing plants. Canola oil also has non-food uses – for example biodiesel and bio-plastics. Canola meal, the part left over after the seeds are crushed and the oil extracted, is used for animal feed, pet food and fertilizer.
what does canola get turned into

The oilseed packed with healthy oil, protein and potential

In a few decades, canola has become one of the world’s most important oilseeds and one of Canada’s leading crops. Today canola is a true “made-in-Canada” success story and the foundation of a thriving, sustainable industry.

One of the most widely grown crops in Canada, canola plants produce beautiful small yellow flowers which develop into pods, resembling pea pods. Each pod contains tiny black seeds, made up of about 45% oil. Once harvested, canola seeds are crushed to release the oil contained within the seed.

Canola grown in Canada belongs to the Brassica napus B. rapa or B. juncea species which belong to a much larger mustard family (Brassicaceae). Cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower are also part of this same botanical family. Learn more about the history of canola seed development.

what does canola get turned into

The name canola is a contraction of Canada, where canola was developed, and ola, referring to oil.

To earn the name canola, products must meet this internationally regulated standard:

“Seeds of the genus Brassica (Brassica napus, Brassica rapa or Brassica juncea) from which the oil shall contain less than 2% erucic acid in its fatty acid profile and the solid component shall contain less than 30 micromoles of any one or any mixture of 3-butenyl glucosinolate, 4-pentenyl glucosinolate, 2-hydroxy-3 butenyl glucosinolate, and 2-hydroxy- 4-pentenyl glucosinolate per gram of air-dry, oil-free solid.”

Premium protein for animal feed

The solid parts of canola seed are processed into canola meal, an efficient protein source for dairy herds, livestock, poultry and fish. Canola meal has the potential to be a plant-based protein for human diets, as well.

Learn more about canola meal.

what does canola get turned into

what does canola get turned into

Canola: What the Heck Is It?


What can canola be turned into?

Canola is grown for its seed, which is crushed for the oil. The oil is used for industrial purposes like biodiesel and food uses including: margarine. cooking oils.

What do we turn canola crops into?

The process for turning canola seed into oil and meal is similar to how other oilseeds are processed. Seed is preconditioned and pressed to separate the oil from the solids. Further refining and processing create finished canola products, ready for the market or further processing.

What is the finished product of canola?

Its excellent performance under cold conditions provides an advantage over alternative vegetable oils. Canola meal is a co-product of canola that is available after the seed has been crushed and the oil extracted. The high-quality protein meal can be used for cattle, poultry, swine and fish diets; and as a fertiliser.

What is canola harvested for?

Canola is a crop with plants from three to five feet tall that produce pods from which seeds are harvested and crushed to create canola oil and meal. These plants also produce small, yellow flowers, which beautify the environment.

How is canola seed processed?

The process for turning canola seed into oil and meal is similar to how other oilseeds are processed. Seed is preconditioned and pressed to separate the oil from the solids. Further refining and processing create finished canola products, ready for the market or further processing. Most Canadian companies use the same method to process canola seed.

How is canola oil made?

RBD oils are produced by crushing the plant material, usually seeds, to express the oil, followed by extraction of the crushed material with a low-boiling solvent, most commonly hexane, to obtain the remainder of the oil. Canola oil is generally considered a “healthy” oil because it is very low in saturated fat (7%).

What is canola oil?

Canola oil is a vegetable oil derived from the canola plant. Canola seed processing involves synthetic chemicals that help extract the oil. Canola is a good source of vitamins E and K. One tablespoon (15 ml) of canola oil delivers ( 8 ): Aside from vitamins E and K, canola oil is devoid of vitamins and minerals.

Why is canola seed pressed slowly?

Seed is pressed slowly to limit friction and avoid elevating temperatures. Canola oil produced by these methods has a stronger colour, taste and odour and similar to the expeller press, the meal contains a high oil content. Learn how canola seed is processed in Canada, the most experienced nation for canola crushing and refining into oil and meal.

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