what are 3 methods of measuring solid fats

Q-ChatStick method. Method used for cutting off fats where you get your desired amount and cut through paper with a serrated knife.Dry-measure method. … Water-displacement method. … Chop and mince. … Cube and dice. … Pare. … Score. … Slice.

  • Stick method. Method used for cutting off fats where you get your desired amount and cut through paper with a serrated knife.
  • Dry-measure method. …
  • Water-displacement method. …
  • Chop and mince. …
  • Cube and dice. …
  • Pare. …
  • Score. …
  • Slice.

what are 3 methods of measuring solid fats

Measuring Dry Ingredients for Bread Making

When using measuring cups to measure larger quantities of dry ingredients such as flour, granulated sugar, and powdered sugar, the ingredients should be spooned into the measuring cup until heaping over the top of the cup. It may be beneficial to stir the dry ingredients to aerate the ingredient and remove any lumps that have developed. Do not shake, tap, or pack the ingredient into the cup. Using the back edge of a knife or another straight edged object, level the ingredient by running the straight edge along the rim of the cup to remove the excess. The same technique can be used for ingredients that are bulkier and less finely ground, such as meal, cracked grains, or finely chopped nuts.
Brown sugar can be measured with this method, but it must be packed firmly into the measuring cup to eliminate air pockets before it is leveled with a straight edge. After the brown sugar is removed from the measuring cup, it should retain the shape of the cup if it was packed properly.
When using spoons to measure dry ingredients such as baking powder, baking soda, or salt, pour or scoop the ingredients into the spoon. Use the back edge of a knife or another straight edged object to level the ingredient by running the straight edge along the rim of the spoon to remove the excess.
A kitchen scale can be used to measure flour by weight for the most accurate quantity. Occasionally, the quantity of flour that is actually contained in a measuring device may be inaccurate due to several factors, such as the manner in which the flour is added to the measuring device, the degree in which the flour is compacted, and the humidity level. Using a scale to weigh the ingredient eliminates the inaccuracy and provides a more precise measurement. Because flour is generally the major ingredient in most breads, it is important to be as accurate as possible with measuring flour to achieve the best results. It is also worth noting that different types of flour do not weigh the same.

Weight of Flour – Per 1 Cup (approximate weights)

All Purpose Flour

Whole Wheat Flour

Bread Flour

Rye Flour

4 3/8 oz or 125 g

4 1/4 oz or 120 g

4 1/2 oz or 127 g

3 5/8 oz or 102 g

“The Handbook of Food Preparation,” published by the American Home Economics Assn., gives the approximate weight of one cup of hydrogenated fat as 6.6 ounces, peanut butter as 4.45 ounces. However, both this publication and McWilliams recommend measuring solid fats by pressing them firmly into the appropriate graduated measuring cup and then leveling with a spatula. Care should be taken so no air pockets remain when these ingredients have been packed into the cup.

Answer: Actually, neither procedure is recommended. According to “Food Fundamentals” (John Wiley & Sons: 1985) by Margaret McWilliams, the water displacement method “is inaccurate because the measurement includes the water clinging to the fat. The water acquired by this method is a particular problem when making pastry.”

A: Unfortunately, the cheese is no longer being manufactured, according to Merrill Bonar, deli clerk at Gelson’s Market on Laurel Canyon Boulevard in North Hollywood. Bonar, who has been in the delicatessen business 48 years, told us Liederkranz was originally produced by Borden but has not been available for four to five years. He suggests fresh Limburger cheese as the closest substitute.

Q: I have been trying to find a cheese called Liederkranz, so far with no success. Please tell me if and where it’s available.

Question: Is there some reason why one should not measure bulk fats by the displacement method instead of weight? If so, what would the weight be for 1/4, 1/2 and one cup of shortening and peanut butter?

How to Measure Shortening


What are the methods for measuring solid fats?

Solid fats, such as butter, margarine, or shortening, can be measured in several different ways. Two of the easiest are the stick method and the dry measuring cup method. stick. One stick weighs 1/4 pound and is equal to 1/2 cup.

What is the stick method of measuring fats?

Stick method: This method is used for fat that comes in 1/4-pound sticks, such as butter or margarine. The wrapper is marked in tablespoons and in fractions of a cup. Simply cut off the amount needed. Dry measuring cup method: Pack the fat down into the cup, pressing firmly to remove air bubbles.

How do you measure fats in cooking?

In measuring fats, bring to room temperature if stored in refrigerator, then press firmly into spoon or cup and level off with straight-edged knife or metal spatula. One stick of butter or margarine measures 1/2 cup, or 8 tablespoons. Many wrappers have a printed measuring guide.

How do you measure brown sugar or solid fats?

Measuring Brown Sugar or Solid Fats: fill a dry measuring cup, using a spoon or rubber spatula. Pack down the ingredient, and level off, if necessary, so it is even with the top of the cup.

What methods are used to measure solid fat content?

MALCOLM J.W. POVEY, in Ultrasonic Techniques for Fluids Characterization, 1997 The major contemporary methods of measuring solid fat content are dilatometry (A.O.C.S., 1973 ), calorimetric ( Walker and Bosin, 1971 ), wideline nuclear magnetic resonance ( Mansfield, 1971) and pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance (pNMR) ( Waddington, 1986 ).

What is the most accurate way to measure body fat?

Body fat percentage measures the total amount of fat in your body by distinguishing fat from muscle. Hydrostatic weighing, also known as underwater weighing or hydro-densitometry, is the most accurate measure of body fat. It is considered the gold standard. It also produces consistent outcomes. Some other methods to weigh your body fat are skinfold test using calipers, waist circumference measuring, waist-hip ratio, hydrostatic weighing, Bioimpedance analysis (BIA) or body fat scales, DEXA scan, Air Displacement Plethysmography, 3D Body Scanner, etc.

What is the standard method for determining fats in different foods?

There is no single standard method for the determination of fats in different foods. The validity of any fat analysis depends on proper sampling and preservation of the sample prior to analysis. Predrying of the sample, particle size reduction, and acid hydrolysis prior to analysis also may be necessary.

How do you measure solid fat?

You can also measure solid fats with the liquid displacement method; ex: If you need 1/4 cup shortening, fill a liquid measuring cup with 1/4 cup water, add enough shortening until the water level reaches the 1/2 cup mark. Since 1/4 cup + 1/4 cup = 1/2 cup, you know that your measuring cup now contains your desired 1/4 cup shortening.

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