should you refrigerate flaxseed oil

Flaxseeds are a nutritional powerhouse and a great source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Pressing and using the oil comes with similar health benefits but at the cost of shortened shelf life compared to whole flaxseeds. How long until flaxseed oil goes bad, then?

Flaxseed oil has a short shelf life of around six months when sealed, shortening to around 2-3 months (max) after opening when stored in the fridge. Due to its fragile nature, flaxseed oil shouldn’t be heated and should always be refrigerated after opening.

Heat, light and air can make flaxseed oil spoil quickly so it should be stored in the refrigerator. It may keep in the refrigerator for a couple months depending on how it’s handled. For the best quality, buy flaxseed oil in smaller bottles and use it within the shortest time possible.
should you refrigerate flaxseed oil

What is the shelf life of flaxseed oil?

Flaxseed oil has a very short shelf life compared to other liquid plant-based oils. The fats in flaxseed oil are more prone to going rancid and aren’t very shelf-stable when compared to whole flaxseeds.

Flaxseed oil generally lasts around 4-6 months after it’s made, but will only last a couple of months after opening. Unlike other oils, flaxseed oil should be stored in the refrigerator as a default to help prolong its short shelf life.

The short shelf life of flaxseed oil correlates with its fragility as a cooking oil. Due to its very low smoke point, flaxseed oil shouldn’t be heated or cooked with, only used as a cold oil (drizzling on salads, etc). Applying heat to flaxseed oil breaks down the fats and leads to the formation of smoke.

How long does flaxseed oil last after opening?

Once you open flaxseed oil, the clock starts ticking in terms of how long it lasts. Upon researching, there are different timelines in terms of how long flaxseed oil lasts after opening – the range appears to be anywhere from as short as two weeks to around 2-3 months.

While some types of flaxseed oil might last longer than that, the general consensus is to use flaxseed oil sooner rather than later once it’s opened.

You can also freeze flaxseed oil, but it doesn’t necessarily extend the short shelf life.

Pantry Refrigerator Freezer
Sealed flaxseed oil ~6 months 4-6 months 4-6 months
Opened flaxseed oil Not recommended to store flaxseed oil at room temperature 2-3 months maximum 2-3 months maximum

While most types of oils are fine to use a bit after their expiration date, flaxseed oil is an exception. Using flaxseed oil past its expiration date isn’t recommended since it has such a short shelf life as is.

If flaxseed oil is slightly expired and has been stored in the fridge or freezer, then you can probably get a bit more use out of it, but if it’s been stored in the pantry then you should definitely toss it.

Flaxseed vs Flaxseed Oil – Which Is Better?


Does flaxseed oil need to be refrigerated?

Like any oil, flaxseed oil may turn rancid if it is not refrigerated. Flaxseed oil requires special packaging because it is easily destroyed by heat, light, and oxygen.

How do you store flaxseed oil after opening?

Unopened: Store in a cool dry place, far from heat and light sources. Opened: Always refrigerate (recommended store at 4°C). Consume within 6 months once opened.

What happens if you don’t refrigerate flaxseed?

To extend the shelf life of flaxseed, even more, refrigerate it. While the rigid hull will keep the seed fresh and protect it from the environment, flaxseed will spoil over time. Refrigeration is especially recommended when storing ground flaxseed, as it no longer has the hull to protect it.

What is the best time to have flaxseed oil?

And the best time to take flaxseed oil capsules is in the morning, before breakfast. Taking flaxseed oil capsules in the morning helps to ensure that the proper ratio is maintained throughout the day. And it also ensures that you will not experience any uncomfortable digestive problems later in the day.

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