Discover the Purity and Flavor of Not-From-Concentrate Apple Juice

Apple juice, a beloved beverage enjoyed by people of all ages, offers a refreshing and nutritious way to quench your thirst. However, not all apple juices are created equal. Not-from-concentrate (NFC) apple juice stands out as a superior choice, offering an unparalleled taste and nutritional value.

What is Not-From-Concentrate Apple Juice?

NFC apple juice is made from 100% pure apples, without any added water or concentrates. The apples are pressed and the juice is extracted, preserving the fruit’s natural flavors and nutrients. Unlike concentrate apple juice, which is made from apple puree that has been dehydrated and then reconstituted with water, NFC apple juice retains the full essence of the fresh fruit.

Benefits of Not-From-Concentrate Apple Juice

1. Superior Taste: NFC apple juice boasts a richer, more vibrant flavor than concentrate apple juice. The absence of added water and preservatives allows the natural sweetness and tartness of the apples to shine through, creating a taste that is both refreshing and satisfying.

2. Higher Nutritional Value: NFC apple juice is a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It contains vitamin C, which supports immune function, and potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure. The antioxidants in apple juice, such as quercetin and catechin, have been linked to reduced risk of chronic diseases.

3. No Added Sugars or Preservatives: NFC apple juice contains no added sugars or preservatives, making it a healthier choice for those who are conscious about their sugar intake. The natural sugars present in the apples provide a moderate level of sweetness, without the artificial additives found in many other fruit juices.

How to Identify Not-From-Concentrate Apple Juice

When selecting apple juice, look for the “Not From Concentrate” label on the packaging. This label guarantees that the juice has been made from 100% pure apples, without any added water or concentrates.

Not-from-concentrate apple juice is the superior choice for those who value taste, nutrition, and purity. Its rich flavor, high nutritional value, and lack of added sugars and preservatives make it a healthy and delicious beverage for the whole family. By choosing NFC apple juice, you can enjoy the true essence of fresh apples in every sip.

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Our method of obtaining the highest natural flavor profile and avoiding concentrate is achieved by extracting juice from fresh fruits and vegetables.

Is Fruit Juice Concentrate Healthy?


What apple juice is not from concentrate?

Pomona Organic Apple Juice (Pack of 12), Cold Pressed USDA Organic Juices, Apples And Lemon Juice, No Added Sugar, Not From Concentrate, Vegan, Kosher, Non GMO, Pasteurized, 8.4 Oz Glass Bottles.

Is Martinelli apple juice not from concentrate?

Enjoy the Paradise of Martinelli! No concentrates, sweeteners, or additives. 100% pure apple juice sourced from fresh apples grown in the U.S. Made exclusively from U.S. grown fresh apples. Delightful beverage suitable for both kids and adults.

What is juice that is not concentrated?

When you buy juice that is labelled ‘not from concentrate’ it means that the juice has been pressed or squeezed. This type of juice then goes through pasteurisation to ensure it’s safe for consumption and free from any pathogens. This process also extends the shelf life of the drink.

Why is all apple juice from concentrate?

Juice from concentrate is popular because fruit concentrate is easier and cheaper to store and transport than liquid juice.

What is the difference between ‘not from concentrate’ and ‘from concentrate’ juices?

Both “from concentrate” and “not from concentrate” juices are pasteurized to remove potential pathogens that may have been in the fruit. Pasteurization involves quickly heating the juice to kill any pathogens. Commercial juices labeled “not from concentrate” are made by juicing the fruit, and then pasteurizing it.

Is apple juice acidic?

As much as some apples have a slightly acidic taste, it is not considered an acidic fruit. The green apple almost falls into this category: it is in the semi-acidic fruit group. Apple juice falls into the non-acidic category.

Is a ‘not from concentrate’ juice bad for You?

However, if no additional ingredients, such as sugar and chemical preservatives, are added to a “from concentrate” juice, it’s no worse for you than a juice that’s not from concentrate. “Not from concentrate” isn’t the same thing as fresh, raw juice — it’s simply juice that’s been pasteurized without being concentrated.

How is Fruit Juice labelled ‘from concentrate’?

Juice labelled ‘from concentrate’ goes through a process where the juice is extracted from the fruit and then gets filtered and dehydrated to remove some of the water content. It is also pasteurised – this process involves gently heating the liquid to kill any potential pathogens found in the fruit.

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