is marzipan very sweet

is marzipan very sweet

Where Did It Come From?

Marzipan, a confection made from sugar and ground almonds, is popular throughout the world. The sweet delicacy originated in the Orient and Mediterranean region at around 850, when a Persian doctor prescribed the almond, sugar mixture as a remedy for illnesses. Since then the confectionary has been used for centuries in Europe and become a favorite sweet treat in Germany, Spain and Italy, especially during the holiday season. Today, it can be found in many different forms including bars, candies, cakes, cookies, and even ice cream.

In Germany, the invention of marzipan is often traced back to Lübeck, a city in the north of the country. When flour for making bread became scarce during the 15th century, the senate of Lübeck ordered bakers to produce a substitute. The clever bakers in Lübeck came up with marzipan using eggs, sugar, and almonds and thus this sweet delight was born. The city of Lübeck is also home to world renowned Niederegger marzipan, which was established by Johann Georg Niederegger in 1806. Till to date it is a family-run business and it is probably the most famous marzipan candy manufacturers in the world. If you want to try it for yourself, you can find this mouth-watering delicacy in our store.

Classic Homemade Marzipan Recipe

The recipe below shows how to make marzipan quick and easy at home with almonds, or if you want it simple use ground blanched almonds or almond flour instead.


  • 200 g / 7.05 oz Blanched Whole Almonds (not skinned)
  • 150 g / 5.29 oz Confectioners Sugar (500 g),
  • 2 Tbsp. Liquid of your choice (Rosewater, Cointreau, Curacao, Amaretto)
  • Alternatively 1/2 teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract and water
  • Optional drops of Bitter Almond Oil


Grind your almonds in a food processor until theyre finely ground but not powdery. This takes about two minutes on high speed. You will know you are done when your almonds look like crushed nuts instead of large chunks. If this step seems too time consuming and tedious for you, dont worry: purchasing ground blanched whole almonds will also work fine here too!

Add all ingredients except for liquid / vanilla extract into mixing bowl; use electric mixer set on low speed until thoroughly combined – about 3 minutes total should do it just fine! To ensure smooth results try not overmixing your batter; otherwise it may end up grainy instead. Knead the dough with your hands until you have a smooth mass.

What is the difference between Almond Paste and Marzipan?

What does marzipan taste like?

Marzipan has a very sweet, nutty almond flavor. Its texture is soft, chewy and slightly rough due to the ground up almonds. Marzipan purchased in Europe can have a slightly bitter flavor because it’s sometimes made with a variety of almond called a bitter almond, which isn’t allowed to be imported into the U.S. What Is Marzipan Used For?

What is marzipan made of?

Marzipan is a sweet paste made with sugar, almond meal, and a sweetener, like honey. Some recipes also include egg whites as well as almond oil or extract to make the flavor more prominent. Popular in the Middle East and Mediterranean, it’s typically molded into candies or used to cover cakes.

What is French marzipan?

French marzipan, also known as Massepain, is made by combining ground almonds with sugar syrup into finely ground almonds instead of simply adding granulated sugar to the almond paste. The result is a smoother texture and less sweet taste than the German style.

Is marzipan a dessert?

It has been around for centuries and is a popular treat in many countries. It’s sweet and delicious and can be used to make many different types of desserts. Marzipan has two distinct styles. German and French marzipan, known as Massepain.

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