is it safe to drink flat soda 2

It’s not uncommon for people to open a bottle or can of soda and forget about it when they get distracted by other things. When they discover the soda the next day it has exhausted its fizz and they typically believe there’s no choice but to throw away what remains. Even if the can is still almost full. But such is not the case. There are actually quite a number of things that can be done with flat soda, even vegan, all natural soda that’s gone flat. In this post we’ll look at 8 awesome things you can do with flat soda.

If the soda in your glass, can, or bottle has gone flat there’s nothing stopping you from drinking it. Just don’t expect it to provide the same level of tasty refreshment it would if it were still bubbly. Just as an aside: it’s actually better for your teeth to drink flat soda.
is it safe to drink flat soda 2

3: Antidote for an upset stomach

You may or may not have heard that cola is an effective way to settle an upset stomach. It’s true. But what’s even better is that cola retains its ability to calm your tummy even if it’s gone flat. In fact, flat soda is probably better for settling an upset stomach because the lack of carbonation won’t contribute to feelings of being bloated or gassy.

So next time you leave half a can of delicious vegan Rocky Mountain Colorado Cola out overnight don’t throw it away when you do cleanup in the morning. Just put it in the fridge until you, or someone else, has a stomach ache.

Why mix your Jell-O with plain old water when you can mix it with still tasty, just not so fizzy, flat soda? If you have some of our Buena Vista Black Cherry lying around that’s gone flat don’t throw it down the drain, mix it with Black Cherry Jell-O and take that taste sensation thing to a whole new level.

Same thing if you have some Orange Jell-O mix and a couple of half-finished bottles of our Old Centennial Orange Cream soda. The result will really tantalize the taste buds.

6: Enhance your cake recipes

If you’re looking for a way to get something new out of your cake recipes AND you happen to have some soda lying around that’s gone flat you’re in luck! Simply replace the eggs, oil and water the recipe calls for with 12 ounces of soda.

It’s one of the simplest and best ways to make use of flat soda and there is nothing special you need to do to make it work. Just add the soda and bake as directed and you’re in for a real taste treat.

The Shortcut: Keep Your Soda From Going Flat


Is drinking flat soda safe?

Overall, it is generally best to avoid drinking old, flat soda, especially if you are unsure how long it has been left open or stored. If you decide to drink it, it is a good idea to pay attention to any changes in taste or odor and discard the soda if it tastes or smells off.

Does flat soda go bad?

Safety: While opened soda may lose its carbonation and flavor over time, it is generally safe to drink as long as it has been properly stored and the bottle or can is undamaged [2]. The “expiration” date on the bottle is not a safety date but rather an estimate of how long the soda will remain at peak quality [2].

Why does 2 liter soda go flat?

However, all good things fizzle out and eventually soda’s effervescence goes flat. But why? It turns out that gas in the beverages forces the bubbles out. Carbonated drinks fizz because bubbles of carbon dioxide are infused within the liquid during production.

What happens when soda goes flat?

On the other hand, sodas lose their fizziness when the CO2 is dissolved, lacking the sweet and syrupy ingredients, and the product becomes flat and unpleasant. Essentially, the drink loses its sparkle and this often occurs in warm (e.g maybe hostile and unsupportive environments) conditions.

Should you drink flat soda?

If you prefer flat soda, drinking it will be no risk. For some people who find the bubbles leave a bad aftertaste or dislike the texture of the bubbles, drinking a flat drink will be more pleasurable. Do you remember being given flat soda for an upset tummy – it was one way our parents tried to keep us hydrated when we were sick.

How much soft drink is safe to consume?

Sodas should not be a daily food to consume due to the high amount of sugar, sodium and additives that they contain. Therefore, most strict recommendations indicate that you should not drink more than one can of soda a week.

Is flat soda bad for You?

Maybe it’s even better for you that way. Flat soda is OK to drink for several days once opened if kept in the fridge to prevent bacteria growth. The loss of carbon dioxide will alter the flavor but it’s an unpleasant flavor, odor, and change of appearance that indicate spoilage.

Should you throw away a flat soda?

Drinking a flat soda poses no danger to your health if it hasn’t spoiled, as the escaped carbon dioxide gas is not the main preservative. You can treat the drink like any other in terms of when it is sensible to throw it away.

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