is dutch chocolate bitter

Welcome back to my beloved baking basics series where I blab about nerdy baking things. If you’re a curious baker like I am, grab a cup of coffee with me and stick around! Especially if you like chocolate.

Today I’m demystifying the difference between dutch-process and natural cocoa powder. Like the baking powder vs. baking soda head-scratcher, the difference between these two types of unsweetened cocoa powders is beyond confusing. When I first began, most explanations I saw on the internet left me even more puzzled than when I started reading. So, let me break things down for you in regular terms.

There are two types of unsweetened cocoa powder: dutch-processed and natural. The two have different chemical properties and, therefore, different little jobs in a recipe.

Dutch processed cocoa, Dutch cocoa, or alkalized cocoa, is cocoa solids that have been treated with an alkalizing agent to reduce the natural acidity of cocoa, giving it a less bitter taste (and darker colour) compared to “natural cocoa” extracted with the Broma process.
is dutch chocolate bitter

What Is Cocoa Powder?

I’m glad you asked! Cocoa powder comes from cocoa beans. Crazy, isn’t it. The beans are fermented, dried, roasted and cracked into nibs. Then, the nibs are pressed to remove 75% of their cocoa butter. This leaves us with chocolate liquor. The pasty liquor is dried and then ground into unsweetened cocoa powder. All done!

is dutch chocolate bitter

Before you read the differences between dutch-process and natural cocoa powder, I encourage you to read my informational post about baking soda vs. baking powder. Understanding the difference between these two will greatly help you make sense of dutch-process vs natural cocoa powder.

Let’s break down each.

Dutch-Process Cocoa Powder (Alkalized Cocoa)

Dutch-process cocoa powder starts with cocoa beans that have been washed in alkaline solution of potassium carbonate. This wash neutralizes their acidity. So, dutch-process cocoa powder is neutral. Because it is neutral, it does not react with baking soda. It’s often paired with baking powder. (But not always!)

Alkalizing cocoa makes it darker in color, mellow in flavor, and dissolves easily into liquids. Homemade Oreo cookies are made from dutched cocoa! Yum.

Natural cocoa is just that—natural powder from roasted cocoa beans. It’s acidic and bitter, with a very strong and concentrated chocolate flavor. Natural cocoa powder (ACID) is often used in recipes calling for baking soda (BASE) because the two react with each other to allow your baked good to rise. If you live in the US, the cocoa powder you often see in the baking aisle is natural—like Hershey’s (not the Special Dark, the regular) or Ghirardelli. Flavor varies by brand, but you can always find me using either of these two.

is dutch chocolate bitter

Why dutched cocoa is different from natural cocoa


Is Dutch chocolate sweet or bitter?

The Dutch process uses alkali to reduce exactly those bitter and astringent properties. The regular cocoa deliberately leaves in those properties. They increase the overall chocolate flavor, of which bitter and astringency are part.

What does Dutch chocolate taste like?

Dutch process cocoa has a smoother, more mellow flavor that’s often associated with earthy, woodsy notes. There are also heavily Dutched “black” cocoa powders that bring the cocoa powder to an alkaline level of 8. This is the kind of bittersweet cocoa you’ll find in Oreo cookies.

What’s the difference between Dutch chocolate and regular chocolate?

In general, natural cocoa offers mild, light flavor (some call it “old-fashioned chocolate flavor”) while Dutch-process will give you a darker, more bittersweet experience. These days it seems like most people’s taste tends to dark chocolate, and the darker the better.

What is special about Dutch chocolate?

Dutch-processed cocoa powder (also referred to as Dutched chocolate, European-style or alkalized) is made from beans that have been washed with an alkaline solution that neutralizes that natural acidity and raises their pH to closer to seven. The process gives the powder a darker color and a smoother, softer flavor.

What does Dutch-process chocolate taste like?

Dutch-process appears much darker, nearly black, and this color is reflected in baked goods made with each type. You might think that the darker colored powder would have a more intense chocolate flavor, but the opposite is true.

What are the negative effects of dark chocolate?

The main problem with most brands of dark chocolate is that they contain a lot of added sugar. Dark chocolate also has caffeine and theobromine, which can cause problems for people who are sensitive to them. Some people may also experience digestive issues after eating dark chocolate. Additionally, dark chocolate contains oxalates, which can bind to calcium and lead to kidney stones. Finally, some people may be allergic to cocoa or other ingredients in dark chocolate. If you experience any negative effects after eating dark chocolate, stop consuming it and talk to your doctor.

What is the difference between natural and Dutch chocolate?

It is a lighter shade of brown than its Dutch relative. If a recipe is not specific about using natural or Dutch cocoa, go with natural. Cocoa powder, which is the most concentrated form of chocolate, is used in baking when an intense chocolate flavor is desired, but not the fat, sugar, or other ingredients that are present in regular chocolate.

Is Dutched cocoa a dark color?

Dutched cocoa can come in different shades, but counterintuitively, the darker the color, the milder the taste. It is often used in recipes where a really dark color is desired but a deep chocolate flavor isn’t needed. Can You Substitute Dutch and Natural Cocoa Powders?

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