how much roux do i need for 1 gallon of gravy

Learn how to make a flour gravy that’s delicious and has the correct thickness every single time. The ratio of flour to fat to stock is given as well as the method for how to combine everything to make it taste amazing.

Making gravy used to be a mystery to me. I’d add flour to my roast’s drippings and maybe some broth or stock. Then season it up, stir it up, and simmer it up. Sometimes it would be delicious, thick but not too thick, meaty but not overpowering. Other times, it would taste a bit like flour, water, and salt. Too thin. Just plain not good.

I did some research and started making notes about what I was doing. I’m going to tell you the stuff that worked and what led to me being able to make perfect gravy every single time.

how much roux do i need for 1 gallon of gravy

Step #7: Get The Right Amount Of Liquid

Now make note of how much liquid you have. Remember, our goal this time is 3 cups of gravy so the recipe calls for 3 cups of liquid. How much do you have? If it’s more than 3 cups, you’re not going to use it all. You can add the extra to your mashed potatoes instead of milk, freeze it for later, or discard it.

If, on the other hand, you have less than 3 cups, then add to it. As noted above, you can use unsalted broth or stock, wine, or water. Only go with wine or water if the drippings are very meaty flavored. If they’re not, stick with broth or stock. Make sure it’s unsalted though. Gravy can get salty quickly as it simmers and reduces. You want control over that salt as much as possible.

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Gravy isn’t complicated but if you want to be great at it you need to understand why you’re doing each step. What I’ve done is to put a very lengthy explanation here with pictures and all the info you need. It has the method and also the gravy ratio for how much fat to use with how much flour and how much stock or broth.

This post is going to tell you how to make a gravy using flour. All-purpose white flour. You would use a different method if using cornstarch or any other flour as a thickener. If you want to use cornstarch, amounts are given over here in my Instant Pot Gravy recipe and also in this delicious Cornstarch Gravy Recipe.

As I said, the instructions are a bit lengthy but, at the bottom of this article, there’s a much shorter set of instructions in printable form that you can take into the kitchen with you.

If you have any questions, please put them in the comments below. I’m happy to answer and help you make the best gravy of your life, and I hope you’ll then keep making it for the rest of your life. It’s easy once you’ve got it down. Promise.

How to Make a Roux Like a Pro | Food Network


What is the ratio of roux to liquid for gravy?

A traditional roux uses roughly an equal amount of flour and fat, but gravies often call for a bit more flour than that, to ensure the gravy is thick enough. (The classic ratio for gravy is three:two:one, so 3 tablespoons flour, 2 tablespoons fat, and 1 cup of hot stock.)

How much roux does it take to thicken a gallon?

To thicken one gallon of liquid use 12 ounces of roux, but you can use up to a pound if you want it to be very thick. *There is a such thing as a dry roux, which calls for you to toast the flour before using it. This type of roux is common in Creole and Cajun recipes.

What is the ratio of roux to liquid?

1 Tbsp. flour mixed with 1 Tbsp. of butter or other fat should yield enough roux to thicken 3/4 to 1 cup of warm liquid. To avoid lumps forming, slowing whisk liquid into the roux and simmer until mixture thickens.

How much fat & flour should I add to Roux gravy?

You can adjust the amount of fat and flour depending on how thick you like your gravy. To make 1 cup of roux gravy, start with 2 tablespoons of fat, 2 tablespoons of flour, and 1 cup of liquid. If you would like a thinner gravy, decrease the fat and flour measurements to 1 1/2 tablespoons each, to 1 cup of liquid.

How do you make roux gravy?

To make 1 cup of roux gravy, start with 2 tablespoons of fat, 2 tablespoons of flour, and 1 cup of liquid. If you would like a thinner gravy, decrease the fat and flour measurements to 1 1/2 tablespoons each, to 1 cup of liquid. The liquid can be broth, milk, heavy cream, wine, or any combination depending on how rich you want the finished product.

What is the ratio of Roux to stock?

The ratio of roux to stock will depend on the type of sauce you are making and the type of roux you are using. So let’s look at the three main types of roux. 1. White roux This is made by cooking the flour and butter together for a very short time only. This is used in white sauces such as a bechamel sauce. 2. Blonde roux

What is a roux & how do you make it?

Roux is what makes chowders, stews and from-scratch gravy thick and silky. It’s what makes New Orleans gumbos rich and nutty. And—believe it or not—it’s made up of just two ingredients. Stirred into hundreds of recipes, a roux is a mixture of equal parts flour and fat, usually butter or oil.

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