how much does flash freezer cost

General Price Range and Operation Cost In reality, even the smallest of the Flash Freezers for business use cost over $10,000. Of course, prices change depending on the model you choose.
how much does flash freezer cost

What is a Blast Freezer?

Unlike ordinary run of the mill freezers, blast freezers focus on using super cooled air to rapidly freeze products for long periods of time, often several months to even years. Our blast freezers do this by focusing on rapidly freezing contents via air circulation or cold air flow within the freezer at a faster rate then other air type freezers in the market. In addition to this, the blast freezers also come with a patented 360 degree cooling technology that ensures that the product is frozen properly each and every time without any exception from all directions.

This ensures an even freezing profile, allowing for no breakage or damage to the outer layer or skin of the product.

The blast freezer comes with a wide range of premium features such as :

  • 360 Degree freezing to freeze all surfaces of contents being frozen
  • Frozen contents will maintain original texture and flavor
  • No ice buildup in the vents for easy cleaning and easy use
  • 24 hour freezing
  • Tunnel freezer model size customization
  • IQF and BQF capabilities.
  • Benefit of Continuous production with little labor costs!

Drip Loss and why should you care?

Drip Loss is the process by which products lose a bit of their weight every time they are thawed or defrosted in the form of water. Drip loss is caused due to internal cell damage during the process of freezing.

In the process of freezing, there is something known as the “Ice crystal formation threshold”. This is the phase between 0 to -10 Degrees Celsius. It is at this stage that ice crystals form. The longer it takes a freezer to cross this threshold, the larger the size of the ice crystals and more significant the damage upon defrosting. Our freezers focus on getting past this threshold as fast as possible so as to minimize cell damage and preserve product integrity.

A debate on cost reduction and productivity improvement can not be concluded without considering the consequences and effect of driploss on food production. Higher driploss quantities lead to substantially reduced quality. Furthermore, drop loss also leads to a decrease in many of the product being thrown away.

Our Blast Freezer Line Up ensures the highest drip loss prevention on the market and allows for extreme flexibility in terms of storage time.

How flash-freezing preserves food quality


Is flash freezing better than regular freezing?

What is the difference between flash frozen and frozen? Don’t let the name fool you – flash-freezing is much different than what happens in your household freezer. It’s done much faster, at much colder temperatures, and takes much less time than traditional freezing. It also has far better results!

What is the difference between a freezer and a flash freezer?

Unlike regular freezers which are usually used for storage, Flash Freezers are used for rapid cooling of produce prior to storage in separate units. Products are placed in the Flash Freezer for high speed cooling and then placed into storage for use later.

How long does a flash freezer take?

This flash freezer is not only faster, but because is fast at flash freezing food products (within 30 minutes or less*) the food is frozen and the outer cell wall is covered with smaller ice crystals reducing the damage that is caused within the food that is frozen and that in turn decreases the chance of texture and …

How cold is flash freezing?

In physics and chemistry, flash freezing is the process whereby objects are rapidly frozen. This is done by subjecting them to cryogenic temperatures, or it can be done through direct contact with liquid nitrogen at −196 °C (−320.8 °F). It is commonly used in the food industry.

What is a flash freezer?

Sometimes called a flash freezer or blast freezer, many of these models include a freezer holding feature that will take foods to freezing and store them until you’re ready to remove them. The largest, multi-rack roll-in blast chiller units can accommodate up to three full racks at once.

Why should you buy a flash freeze?

Our Blast Freezer lines are capable of providing you with 30-50% increased savings, of course depending on the model, product and quantity. At Flash Freeze, we realize that in order to make the best out of frozen foods, certain thresholds need to be met.

What is the difference between a blast chiller and a flash freezer?

Both terms, “blast chiller” and ” blast freezer ,” are often used interchangeably. However, they serve slightly different purposes. While a blast chiller mostly focuses on cooling food rapidly, blast freezers are designed to reach even lower temperatures to protect frozen food longer. Flash freezers are another option for rapid freezing.

How many pans can a flash freezer hold?

The type of flash freezer or cooler you choose will depend on the volume of food you will need to chill at once. A floor model reach-in unit will hold around 10 to 24 pans, letting you chill a few hundred pounds of food at once. The largest roll-in equipment will accommodate several racks, chilling thousands of pounds of product.

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