how long does it take lasagna to cool

Learn how to make the best lasagna and get lots of lasagna tips along the way.

Just like the kidney bean versus no-kidney-bean debate surrounding chili, people are divided on what should be in lasagna. Should it have ricotta or not? A meat sauce or not? Mozzarella or not? Also, there are some procedural disagreements like should you boil the noodles first or not? How many layers do you need to have? There sure are a lot of places for debate when it comes to lasagna!

All those contentious issues mean that there are many ways to make lasagna. Because of that, it’s pretty difficult to come up with the ultimate lasagna that everyone will love. Somebody somewhere will have a problem with it, no matter what.

And so, I’m not claiming that this recipe is the best lasagna for everyone. I’m claiming that it’s my best lasagna for me. It’s my favorite. That’s all. There are reasons why it’s my favorite. It’s meaty, but not too meaty. It’s creamy and moist, but not so moist that it falls apart. It’s cheesy, but not too cheesy. Middle of the road, lasagna, perhaps.

Along with the steps below to make this lasagna, and the recipe at the bottom, I’ve also included my best tips. You can apply these tips to any of your own lasagna recipes. For more lasagna tips (and a different perspective), I really like this article on Epicurious and this one from Bon Appétit.

Remove the lasagna from the oven and allow the bubbling layers to cool for at least 15 minutes. Not only does this prevent diners from burning their mouths, but it can also make it easier to slice the lasagna into pieces.
how long does it take lasagna to cool

How To Make Lasagna

(Feel free to disagree with any of the following steps and go ahead and do it your way. This is simply how I do it and I won’t be hurt if you do it differently).

Boil the lasagna noodles according to the package instructions. Make sure that you’ve bought regular dry lasagna noodles and not the “no boil” kind. This recipe will not work with the no-boil kind. To make lasagna with no-boil noodles, you need to have more sauce than is called for here.

Drain the noodles and then toss them with a tiny bit of olive oil so that they don’t stick together while you’re getting the other things ready. Lay them flat on a baking sheet so that they don’t end up all bent up. You want them nice and flat.

Make a meat sauce. Here’s my basic spaghetti sauce recipe, which works great here. You’ll need 6 cups of it. If you just want to wing it, go with 1 pound of ground meat sautéed until cooked (you can add chopped onions, celery, carrots, bell pepper – all, some, or none of those works fine) and then add enough canned tomato sauce to make up 6 cups of sauce.

Tip: If you’d prefer this to be vegetarian, you can sauté the vegetables without the meat and then add sauce to those. You might want to add something extra like finely chopped zucchini to the mix as well.

Make the béchamel sauce. Béchamel is a basic white sauce that is used in some lasagnas. It makes everything creamy, moist, and so good. It’s super simple to make. The step-by-step instructions and lots of info about béchamel are over here.

Now that you have all the components ready, it’s time to assemble the lasagna! You start by putting some meat sauce into the bottom of a 9×13 inch cake pan. Always start your lasagna with sauce, never with noodles. Otherwise, the noodles will be too dry.

Spread the sauce around. Sprinkle it with grated Parmesan cheese and then top with three non-overlapping noodles. Drizzle noodles with béchamel and then top with mozzarella cheese. Repeat that set of layers twice more for a total of 3 sets of layers.

Lasagna Layers:

Here are the layers with amounts so you can assemble things quickly at a glance. Each set of layers contains the following ingredients in this order:

  • 2 cups meat sauce
  • ¼ cup Parmesan cheese
  • 3 non-overlapping noodles
  • 1 cup béchamel
  • 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese

After doing that a total of three times, you’re done. You can add extra mozzarella cheese to the top if you want.

If you’re wondering why there isn’t any ricotta in there, here’s why: I find it dry in lasagna. I don’t think it adds much in terms of flavor either. I use the béchamel instead. If you’re a die-hard ricotta fan, go for it. Add it onto the noodles, before the béchamel or instead of it. But make sure to add beaten egg to the ricotta (this adds moisture) and to season it well with salt and pepper. Otherwise it’s really really bland.

Cover the top of the pan with foil. Bake covered in a 375°F oven for 20 minutes. Remove foil and continue to bake until it’s heated through and bubbling, about 20 more minutes. Covering it for the first half is important because that stops it from drying out as it bakes.

The next step is important. Do not skip it!

I’m going to say this again: Do not skip this step!

Let the lasagna rest at room temperature for 15 minutes. Do it. Don’t ask questions. Just do it.

O.K., O.K., you can ask a question.

Why Does Lasagna Have To Rest?

When the lasagna is baking (and this is true for all kinds of casseroles, really) it’s all hot and bubbling and everything is agitated and steaming inside and out. If you just take it out of the oven and cut into it, all that steamy agitation is going to squirm all over the place. You won’t get a nicely held together slice. It’s going to slip and slide and be sloppy for sure.

Letting the lasagna rest allows everything to calm down in there. It lets it set a bit. Then when you cut into it, it can hold together better. It’s going to taste better too when the first bite doesn’t scald your tongue.

Note that the 15 minute resting time will not cool the lasagna down to the point where it’s no longer hot. It will still be very hot and delicious. Don’t worry. I promise it will be good.

After it rests, you can cut it and serve it. I cut it into 12 pieces, 3 cuts in one direction (lengthwise in the pan) and 4 in the other direction (widthwise in the pan).

To serve the lasagna (as in, to get it out of the pan) I use a small-ish metal spatula. It really lets you get under the slice. Note that when I serve lasagna, I always have a second spatula right beside me. If the lasagna is for some reason more slippery than I anticipated, I use the second spatula, held in my other hand, to keep things together a bit better.

I love serving lasagna with an Italian salad and my delicious garlic bread recipe.

how long does it take lasagna to cool

The printable lasagna recipe, in a shorter, more concise form, is below. I hope you love this one. I really really think you will!

How Long Do You Bake Lasagna? Homemade Lasagna Recipe


How long do you have to let lasagna cool?

Bake in the preheated oven for 30 to 40 minutes. Remove the foil and bake until cheese is golden brown, 5 to 10 more minutes. Remove from the oven and let stand for 10 minutes before cutting and serving.

How long should lasagna sit out before cutting?

Top the final layer with remaining sauce and Parmesan. Cover the baking dish with aluminum foil and bake for about 45 minutes. Uncover, then bake until hot and bubbly, about 10 minutes. Let lasagna stand 10 minutes before serving.

How long does it take to cook lasagna at 350?

How long to cook lasagna at 350? The baking time for lasagna is 65-70 minutes in an oven set to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius).

How long to bring lasagna to room temperature?

Whether your frozen lasagna was previously baked or not, reheating it is the same. Start by thawing the lasagna in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, let your lasagna sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes — this is a good time to preheat the oven.

How long does lasagna take to cool?

Simply transfer the lasagna to another pan and place them warm in the fridge. If you want to put the lasagna in the fridge with the pan in which you baked them, wait about an hour or until the pan has cooled. How long it will take for the pan to cool depends on the material the pan is made of and the depth of it.

Can one eat lasagna?

Lasagna can be eaten, but we must know what the person needs, or better. If you seek weight loss, or control the consumption of pasta and cheese. If you are looking for weight loss, it is advisable to replace the layers of pasta with vegetables, such as zucchini or eggplant, helping to balance the nutritional value.

How long do you cook frozen lasagna?

If you are using a refrigerated lasagna, increase the time to about 45-50 minutes. A frozen lasagna cooked at 200° should take about 50 to 60 minutes. Again the internal temperature should reach 160° and the sauce should be bubbling. You can cook at this temperature for much longer. Just make sure that the pasta isn’t going to dry out.

Should lasagna be cooled before refrigerating?

The dish is usually served hot or warm, but some people prefer to eat it cold. It’s true that lasagna should be cooled before being stored in the refrigerator. This prevents the noodles from sticking together and allows them to absorb moisture better. 1 Can you put the lasagna in the fridge hot? 2 How long should lasagna cool before refrigerating?

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