how do you write recipe instructions

You can bring your recipes to life with good recipe writing. Learn the rules for writing a good recipe, including recipe writing tips, writing strategies, styling tips, photography ideas, and food photography backdrops.

Today, many people are interested in adding a number of skills to their resumes, and good recipe writing may be a valuable one. Whether you’re a blogger, book author, newsletter editor, chef, dietitian, social media influencer, or home cook, there are many reasons why becoming a great recipe writer can further your success. “Writing recipes that are clear, easy to follow, tailored to a specific audience, and well tested and work as promised really matters. Bringing them to life visually is the icing on the cake,” says Liz Weiss, MS, RD, book author, blogger, and recipe developer.

Writing your own recipes can be a tool for providing your own unique perspective on cooking, meal planning, and healthy eating. However, recipe writing is an art, though one that you can easily learn with a bit of education. You can learn how to create and write recipes with a few important writing strategies.

List steps in order, keeping instructions short and to the point. The instructions should match the same order as the ingredients list. And they should be as short and simple as possible. Try to describe the easiest way possible to accomplish the steps in the recipe.
how do you write recipe instructions

Recipes: Essentials in Writing

The rules for recipe writing are pretty intuitive and straightforward. Yet, if you don’t practice them, you can leave a cook confused, hopeless, and with a batch of inedible food. Likely, you’ve tried to follow a poorly written recipe, and you know just how frustrating it can be. Try my writing tips for recipes worthy of a best-selling cookbook author.

1. Know Your Audience.

Is the recipe for a children’s cooking class, or for a group of chefs? Is it a 5-minute recipe or a culinary masterpiece? Understand your audience before you sit down to write the recipe.

how do you write recipe instructions

2. Use Descriptive Recipe Titles.

Just the title of a recipe can invite you in…or out. What would you rather make: Mushroom Bomb Lentil Pasta or Pasta with Mushrooms? Use descriptive words, without creating an excessively long title—it’s not necessary to list every ingredient in the title.

how do you write recipe instructions

3. Add a Recipe Description.

Just one or two sentences with your personal take on the recipe can go a long way to encouraging someone to try it. Descriptions can include background or personal history of the recipe (was it your grandmother’s recipe?), the flavor and aroma qualities (does it have spice, zest, or umami, for example?), suggestions for serving (does it pair well with a crisp coleslaw or hearty soup?), and cooking tips (can you substitute one ingredient for another?).

how do you write recipe instructions

4. List the Preparation and Cooking Time.

The addition of preparation times can be invaluable to cooks who are rushing to get dinner on the table. Total preparation time refers to how much time it takes to do everything from start to finish, including cooking time. Active cooking time refers to how much time is actively needed to prepare the recipe, not including waiting around time when a recipe is baking or chilling. If you plan on including preparation times in a recipe time yourself while testing it.

5. Provide the Number of Servings and Serving Size.

In order to determine serving size and number of servings, measure your recipe when it is finished—using tablespoons, cups, ounces, or grams—and determine your desired serving size and total number of servings per recipe. For example, if a soup recipe makes 1 quart of finished product, you may decide that the recipe makes 4 (1-cup) servings.

how do you write recipe instructions

6. List Ingredients in Chronological Order.

The ingredients list is one of the most important parts of a recipe, and it should be listed in the order that it will appear in the directions list. That way the reader can follow along with the ingredients and instructions in an organized fashion.

7. Be Specific.

Make sure to be specific and list exact amounts needed. Include the state of ingredients (i.e., frozen, fresh, thawed, canned), size of cans or packages, and complete name of the ingredient. For example, “1 package of tofu” isn’t specific; a better listing might be “1 (14-ounce) package firm tofu.”

8. Spell Out Measurements and Amounts.

While some recipe formats allow for uniform abbreviations for units of measurement, you are better off spelling them out. This applies to teaspoons, tablespoons, cups, quarts, gallons, ounces, pounds, grams, and liters. And if the ingredient is used more than once be sure to indicate “divided” on the ingredients list, so that the cook knows that it will be used at least twice. Try to avoid unnecessary ingredients and keep them simple and accessible.

how do you write recipe instructions

9. Separate Ingredients for Major Steps in a Recipe.

If the recipe is a salad with a dressing, for example, it will be easier to follow if you indicate a subhead for “salad” and “salad dressing” with the respective ingredients grouped in the categories. This should follow through to the instructions list, too.

10. List the Utensils Needed, If Unique.

Consider including a list of utensils needed, especially if they are unique, such as cheesecloth, an immersion blender, or food processor.

how do you write recipe instructions

11. List Steps In Order, Keeping Instructions Short and To The Point.

The instructions should match the same order as the ingredients list. And they should be as short and simple as possible. Try to describe the easiest way possible to accomplish the steps in the recipe.

12. Indicate Size of Bowls and Cookware.

Don’t assume the cook will know what size a “baking dish” or “casserole dish” is. List common sizes, such as 9 x 13-inch, or 9 x 9-inch.

13. Give Specifics About Doneness.

Avoid using terms like “cook until done”; how does one know when it is done? Provide a cooking length and indicator for doneness, such as “tender when pierced with a fork”.

how do you write recipe instructions

14. Test Your Recipe.

A recipe must be thoroughly tested (some suggest two to four times) before it is written.

15. Include Storage Suggestions.

Include directions on how to store leftovers, such as temperature and containers.

how do you write recipe instructions

16. Offer Extras.

For extra credit, offer additional information, such as gluten-free and vegetarian methods or substitution ideas for ingredients.

17. Include Nutritional Information.

It’s always a good idea to include nutritional analysis using the USDA database based on the serving size of your recipe. Many nutrition software programs can perform this function.

how do you write recipe instructions

18. Add Quality Food Photography.

In the social media era, people really do eat with their eyes. It’s essential to provide good quality food photography of your recipe, including recipe preparation shots and styled finished recipe shots, which can be accomplished with even a smart phone. Try food photography backgrounds to help make your recipes look even more polished.

More Recipe Writing Tips from Dietitians

There is much more to writing a good recipe beyond the basic rules. I asked several recipe writers to weigh in on their best advice.

  • Keep a journal. Abbey Sharp, RD, blogger at Abbey’s Kitchen, suggests keeping a journal in the kitchen to keep track of “accidental creations”. “Sometimes a recipe I whip up without any intention of it going on the blog becomes a huge hit, and if I haven’t tracked the exact ingredients I then have to start from scratch. After that initial idea of a recipe works out, I take my notes, think about what may work better and then re-write and test it,” says Sharp.
  • Test, test, test. Elizabeth Shaw, RD, blogger at Shaw’s Simple Swaps, suggests, “I recommend testing a recipe at least twice before publishing it, and re-reading your recipe instructions. I’ve definitely messed up on this and then am notified by a reader, which is totally embarrassing.”
  • Be prepared when testing. Amy Gorin, RD, writer and blogger, says, “I typically buy double or triple ingredients for a recipe so that I have everything on hand to re-test a few times. The other thing I’ve learned is to have a good camera on hand in the kitchen, and extra lighting if you need it. I can’t tell you how many recipes I’ve created that I haven’t posted because the pictures aren’t good enough.”
  • Enlist taste testers. Kim Melton, RDN, nutrition consultant, says, “I always ask several people to taste a recipe after I make it. There are some things I love the taste of but someone else might not like it. I love really spicy, hot food and most others wouldn’t like how hot I make something. Also, I have found other people can sometimes detect subtle flavors that I may not.”
  • Keep it simple. “Don’t assume that people have the same cooking skills that you, someone who spends a lot of time in the kitchen, has. Try to explain what to do in the directions as explicitly as possible and write like you’re talking to a friend. Beginner cooks want, and need clarity, so don’t be vague,” says Elizabeth Ward, MS, RD, nutrition consultant.

Writing instructions: How to write a recipe?


How do you write cooking instructions?

Give Clear, Specific Directions Effective step-by-step instructions are precisely structured. The method must list each step in the order in which it occurs in the execution. Every step must be as detailed as possible. It must contain key information like oven or stove temperature, duration of marinating, etc.

How do you write a recipe format?

The directions should include step-by-step directions detailing how to put the recipe together and in what order. Include any steps for keeping foods safe*; how to cook the ingredients to create the dish; and how to serve it when appropriate.

How to teach learners to write their own recipe or instructions?

When teaching children to write recipes, it is important that they are first given examples to identify the key features such as including a list of ingredients and equipment, steps in chronological order that are separated by numbers or bullet points and imperative verbs.

How do you write instructions in a recipe?

Separate each step into a different paragraph. If you are mixing dry ingredients in a bowl, for example, use one paragraph for all the instructions for that step. Finish with serving instructions including how to plate, what temperature to serve, how to garnish. The last instruction should be regarding storage, if applicable.

How do you Write Ingredients in a recipe?

When noting the ingredients, write them in the exact order you use them in from start to finish. If you’re using multiple ingredients at once, write them in order of descending volume. Then be sure to write down the exact measurements of each ingredient. If you use abbreviations (which are recommended), use them throughout the whole recipe.

How do you write a recipe step?

When writing recipe steps, think concise and precise: Every sentence should be to the point and packed with information. Avoid extraneous adjectives or distracting parentheticals—these belong in the headnote. The biggest question here: Where do the breaks go? Where does step 1 end and step 2 begin?

Do you know how to write a recipe?

Knowing how to write a recipe is something even an amateur cook can benefit from knowing. There are two main parts of a recipe, the Ingredient List and the Preparation Method. I’ll take you through some basic guidelines for writing both parts. This is our own style guide and loose list of rules.

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