How to Store a Keurig When Not in Use: A Comprehensive Guide

Keurig coffee makers are convenient and efficient appliances that allow you to brew a fresh cup of coffee in minutes. However, when not in use, it’s important to store your Keurig properly to ensure its longevity and prevent potential issues. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to store a Keurig when not in use:

Understanding Keurig Storage:

Before diving into the storage methods, let’s understand why proper storage is important for Keurigs. Keurigs contain internal components that can be affected by moisture, dust, and temperature fluctuations. Improper storage can lead to the growth of mold and bacteria, damage to the internal components, and even malfunctioning of the machine.

Storage Methods:

1. Short-Term Storage (Less than a week):

  • If you plan to use your Keurig within a week, simply leave it plugged in and turned off. This will allow you to brew a fresh cup of coffee quickly and easily.
  • Ensure that the water reservoir is empty to prevent the growth of bacteria.
  • Leave the handle open to allow for proper ventilation and prevent moisture buildup inside the machine.

2. Long-Term Storage (More than a week):

  • If you plan to store your Keurig for an extended period, follow these steps:
    • Empty the water reservoir: This is crucial to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold.
    • Descale the machine: Remove any mineral buildup that could damage the internal components.
    • Clean the machine: Wipe down the exterior and interior of the machine with a damp cloth to remove any coffee grounds or debris.
    • Leave the handle open: This allows for proper ventilation and prevents moisture buildup.
    • Store the machine upright: This prevents water from leaking from the internal tank.
    • Store in a cool, dry place: Avoid storing the machine in direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, or humid environments.
    • Cover the machine: If possible, cover the machine with a dust cover or plastic bag to protect it from dust and debris.

Additional Tips:

  • If you have a Keurig with a removable water reservoir, store the reservoir separately in a cool, dry place.
  • If you have a Keurig with a built-in water filter, remove the filter and store it in a sealed container in the refrigerator.
  • Before using your Keurig after storage, run a brew cycle with fresh water to flush out any residual cleaning solution or mineral buildup.

Properly storing your Keurig when not in use is essential for maintaining its functionality and preventing potential issues. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your Keurig remains in good condition and ready to brew a delicious cup of coffee whenever you need it. Remember, a little care and attention can go a long way in extending the life of your Keurig and ensuring its optimal performance.

Internal and External Water Tanks

To keep the water in the machine primed for the next cup of coffee, many of these coffee makers use both an internal and external water reservoir.

If you use your Keurig frequently, this won’t be an issue because each time you brew coffee, fresh water cycles through the machine.

But, if you intend to store your Keurig, it’s not a good idea to leave any water in the internal tanks because this creates a haven for mold and bacteria. Additionally, if you store the Keurig in a cold place, like a garage, the water may freeze and harm the device.

If you intend to move your Keurig, it’s also a good idea to empty the machine entirely to lower the possibility of spills.

How To Drain a Keurig Classic (The Simple Way!)

Try this simple method first!

  • Your Keurig Classic
  • A mug or cup

Draining My Keurig Internal Reservoir After 10 Other Videos Failed!


Should a Keurig be unplugged when not in use?

It is generally safe to leave your Keurig coffee maker plugged in when not in use. However, if you have concerns about power consumption or if you prefer to be cautious with your electrical devices, unplugging it can be a good practice.

Is it OK to leave water in a Keurig all the time?

Overnight or even for a couple of days is fine, but you definitely don’t want to leave water in your Keurig for a week or longer (via Roasty Coffee). Keeping water in your Keurig for too long can allow for the growth of mold and bacteria, as well as limescale.

How do you clean a Keurig that hasn’t been used in a while?

If the coffee maker has been in storage, or hasn’t been used in days, run a cleansing brew before brewing your beverage. Periodically hand-wash the water reservoir and lid and drip tray with warm soapy water and rinse clean. CAUTION: Parts are not dishwasher safe.

How do you store a Keurig?

One big thing to keep in mind is that you should store a Keurig in a cool, dry place — where it won’t freeze. With some models, you won’t be able to fully drain the water, so it’s important to take care of the interior tubes and water tanks.

How to empty a Keurig machine?

1- First completely empty the water reservoir of your Keurig machine 2- Find the floating disc at the reservoir’s base. Take your hand inside the water tank and raise the disc to the top position. This will trick the machine into believing that the water reservoir is full.

Do you need to empty a Keurig water tank?

When switching water types, like bottled or different water, it’s important to completely empty the Keurig internal tank. This will help to prevent potential minerals or contaminants from the old water source from affecting the taste of your coffee. Also read: Best water for Keurig coffee machines Cleaning and Maintenance

Do you need to drain a Keurig?

If you are going to travel and you plan to take your Keurig with you, then it is important to drain out the water tank. Draining the water tank is also important if you are packing the machine for a move, if you are shipping the machine, or if you are going to store it for a long time. To drain a Keurig, you’ll need to own a Keurig.

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