how do you stop popcorn from burning

If you think microwaving popcorn is as simple as pressing a button, you might be in for a surprise. Do it wrong, and you could not only ruin your popcorn but break your microwave as well.

Once the popping slows to several seconds between pops, remove the pan from the heat: Remove the lid and dump the popcorn immediately into a wide bowl. With this technique, nearly all of the kernels pop, and nothing burns.
how do you stop popcorn from burning

Think about microwave quality

Not all microwaves are created equally. Uncooked kernels require a minimum of 500 watts to be popped. The power of a microwave largely depends on when it was made and its size. Smaller and older microwave ovens often struggle to pop all kernels. Newer models also have a built-in sensor, so they can detect when something is being overcooked and automatically shut off. If you have a smaller model, consider buying smaller bags of microwavable popcorn.

To determine the wattage of your microwave, check either:

  • the inside of the oven’s door
  • the serial number plate on the back of the oven
  • the owner’s manual
  • the manufacturer’s website

Use a second plate

The purpose of a microwave plate is to rotate food so it can be evenly heated. It also absorbs extra microwave energy to keep it from bouncing around and damaging the microwave. And though the transparent glass is designed to withstand heat and pressure, they have been known to crack and break. And unfortunately, it is neither easy nor cheap to find a replacement plate when this occurs.

GE Appliances recently came out with a statement saying extreme heat from popcorn bags is the primary cause of microwave plates breaking. The superheated oil in popcorn bags, when in direct contact with the glass, can create stress points prone to fracturing. As an appliance repair service, this came as no surprise to us, since the first question we ask customers who call about a broken microwave plate is: “Were you cooking popcorn in your microwave when it happened?”

We recommend always cooking prepackaged popcorn on a separate plate to decrease the heat stress on the glass plate. This also ensures that the glass plate’s surface stays clean of any popcorn oils.

How to Not Burn Homemade Popcorn : Popcorn Recipes


How do you make popcorn not taste burnt?

You should use very little oil and choose a peanut, sunflower or corn oil. You can also use olive oil but the taste would be a bit different. A trick to prevent burning is to add 1 teaspoon of sugar in the oil to prevent the corn from burning. Popcorn 8s very simple to make.

How do you cook popcorn without burning it?

Return the pot to medium heat and place the lid just slightly ajar so steam can escape. Once the popping starts, carefully grasp the sides of the pan with potholders and give the pan a gentle shake about every minute; this helps prevent burning. Continue until you hear less than one pop per second.

Why does my popcorn always burn the pan?

More often than not, the culprit behind the buttery gold corn kernels burning is the cooking vessel. Using anything but a heavy-bottomed pot, for example, will likely result in burnt popcorn because lightweight vessels can’t circulate heat as evenly.

Why did my popcorn catch fire?

One of the main reasons microwave popcorn can be hazardous is because of its packaging. Most microwave popcorn comes in bags lined with a special coating that can stand up to the high heat of the microwave. But these bags aren’t fireproof, and if left unattended, the insides can quickly get too hot and ignite.

How do I Stop my popcorn from burning?

Listen for the popping corn to slow down. If the popcorn starts to burn before slowing, try setting the microwave power below 100 percent. This will give a little more pop time without such intense power. Never leave the microwave unattended while popping corn. Popcorn pops very fast. Remove the bag as soon as the popping slows down.

Is microwave popcorn safe to eat?

Microwave popcorn often contains high amounts of salt and flavorings, and may contain chemicals, which can add calories and make it a less-healthy option. So, it is a better option to homemade popcorn, using popcorn kernels, and adding olive oil and a small amount of salt.

How do you keep popcorn from popping?

Keep a close watch. And listen until the kernels have stopped popping no more than about 2-4 seconds between each pop. If you’re making popcorn on the stove or in a kettle, keep the heat to a medium-high temperature, continuously shake or stir the kernels, and remove them from the heat source once they’re done.

How do you keep popcorn from burning in the microwave?

Almost anyone who pops microwave popcorn has burnt it once or twice. There are some ways to keep popcorn from burning in the microwave. Reading the directions for popping is the place to start. Place the popcorn in the microwave. Set the timer for three minutes. Remember, when popping corn in a microwave, all microwaves are different.

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