how do you keep cilantro plant alive

how do you keep cilantro plant alive

Learn more about how to get started!

What will you grow? Fresh plants delivered safely to your door.

What will you grow? Fresh plants delivered safely to your door.

What will you grow? Fresh plants delivered safely to your door.

What will you grow? Fresh plants delivered safely to your door.

What will you grow? Fresh plants delivered safely to your door.

What will you grow? Fresh plants delivered safely to your door.

What will you grow? Fresh plants delivered safely to your door.

What will you grow? Fresh plants delivered safely to your door.

What will you grow? Fresh plants delivered safely to your door.

What will you grow? Fresh plants delivered safely to your door.

What will you grow? Fresh plants delivered safely to your door.

What will you grow? Fresh plants delivered safely to your door.

What will you grow? Fresh plants delivered safely to your door.

Quick Guide to Growing Cilantro

  • Plant cilantro during the cool days of spring or fall.
  • Grow cilantro in an area that receives full sun and has rich, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.2 to 6.8. Offer afternoon shade if you live in a warmer climate.
  • Improve native soil by mixing in several inches of aged compost or other rich organic matter. For growing in containers, consider a premium bagged potting mix.
  • Keep soil moist and use a soaker hose or drip irrigation if necessary.
  • Encourage prolific leaf production by regularly feeding with a water-soluble plant food.
  • Harvest cilantro leaves once they are large enough to eat. Avoid harvesting more than a third of the plant at any one time.

Tips on Growing Coriander from the Supermarket (fresh cilantro all summer!)

How do you save a dying cilantro plant?

If one stem of cilantro has gone to flower the other can be saved. Regularly prune the other stems back down to about 8 inches to keep stimulating new growth and preventing them from flowering and then dying back. A dying cilantro plant is often because the soil is not at the right moisture level.

What are the benefits of cilantro?

Cilantro also known as coriander is an annual herb in the family Apiaceae. All parts of the plant are edible including the fresh leaves and the dried seeds which can be used in cooking. The herb contains antioxidants which have been researched to provide health benefits in the form of reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, inflammation caused by obesity, seizure severity, raising energy levels, healthy hair, and skin.

How do you care for a cilantro plant?

Cover plants if the weather unexpectantly dips below freezing. Growing cilantro needs to be kept moist as it grows quickly. Make sure it gets an inch of water per week when it’s young. Once established, reduce the water slightly. Cilantro needs to be fertilized twice per growing season.

How do you keep cilantro plants from bolting?

The best thing is to keep watering your cilantro plants regularly to discourage them from bolting. It also helps to keep the plants cool, so be careful with them when temperatures soar. A shady corner in your kitchen garden ideas is the best spot for cilantro during the summer months.

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