how do you complete the cart storage area in luigis mansion

Once you get to 6th floor, Castle MacFrights, head to the right. Use Gooigi to move through the bars. Then have his vacuum and pull the spring so that the gate is held open for Luigi.

Castle Macfrights Gem #2 Shine the dark light on the missing suit of armor and break it with a suction shot.

Continue forward and you’ll reach an entryway with a few knights in armor in both sides. Shine your Dark Light on the entryway that’s in the back right to reveal another set of knight armor.

Head through the door and a brief cutscene will play. But ultimately head through the door on your left.

Castle Macfrights Gem #5 Find these bricks in the room where you fight several ghosts with swords. Use the suction shot to reveal the gem.

Continue moving to the left and down the stairs until you reach the final row of spikes. Use Gooigi to cross the spikes and have Gooigi vacuum and pull the rope, lowering the spikes so Luigi can cross safely. Move Gooigi through the spikes at the bottom of the stair to pull the ball and cord so Luigi can get across.

Open the barrel in the middle by using your suction shot and a pull. This will reveal the gold key you need.

Watch out for the ghosts with the shield. To remove the shield, use the suction shot and pull. Once the shield is gone you can stun and capture the ghosts with ease.

Look through the crack in the standing barrel to get a sense of where you’re about to go.

Open the barrel on the right using your suction shot. Enter the barrel and walk to the right, then walk up the ladder. Use the suction shot to break down the door of this barrel and move to the right through a small passage to get the gem.

Go to the next room. Use Gooigi to cross the spikes and pull the rope. This will open a door in the floor.

Dropdown into the floor and you’ll see a dragon next to a web. You’ll need to figure out a way to get past it. Find the torch and vacuum it up. Light it by flashing the light on the dragon and burn the web ahead.

Burn the web by vacuuming up the torch on the ground (off to the right). Stand in front of the dragon’s mouth with the torch. Summon Gooigi to flash the blinking green light with the Stobulb.

Walk to the dragon’s tail and then to the right. It’s hard to see but the path is there. Walk around the dragon and go up the ladder to exit the room.

You’ll need to figure out a way to take the elevator down to the next floor. Summon Gooigi and have him use the poltergust to bring the elevator up.

Then have Gooigi move the fan in the opposite direction so that the elevator will move to the bottom. Use the fan to raise and lower Luigi and Gooigi.

Blow the fan on the wall on the left so that the cage is lowered. Blow the fan on the left wall to lower the small cage with the gem inside. Use Gooigi to retrieve it.

The door on the left requires a key so take the door on the right first. You can reveal it by shining your Dark Light on it.

Enter the room and you’ll see some enemies with crossbows. Don’t try to walk in front of them!

Instead, start by vacuuming and pulling the cord. Have Gooigi walk across the bow shooters to pull the other cord, which will make it safe for Luigi to cross.

Have Gooigi walk across because the bows won’t hurt him. When you get across as Gooigi you can pull the cord to bring down the wooden casing onto the archers.

Then, have Luigi walk into the caged off area to get the key. He’s the only one who can do this because Gooigi dissolves. Squish Gooigi through the bars of the cell Luigi is trapped in. Have him fight off the ghosts and pull the ball and chain before he can be crushed!

Suddenly, ghosts will ambush Gooigi capture them and then run back to pull the rope so you can open the door before the spiked walls crush Luigi.

In the next room, move towards the camera and vacuum/pull the rope to reveal a fan.

Vacuum the fan until the right bridge can no longer move and the left bridge is one move after the correct placement. Then blow the fan to reverse it Your bridges should look like this before your last rotation.

In the next room, you’ll see some more enemies with crossbows ready to shoot you down. Walk to the right, up the stairs, and you’ll see a cart.

Blow on the cart’s wheels (ZL) to push the cart forward. Use Gooigi to move the cart in front of the archers.

Have Gooigi walk to the left, through the crossbow fires. You’ll see just a set of wheels. Use the Dark Light to make the cart appear.

Blow on the cart’s wheels to push the cart forward. Reveal the second cart with the dark light and move it in front of the second row of archers.

Head through the door. Watch out for the set of swinging axes and continue down the hall to get to the boss battle.

You’ll pass a banner, some missing stones in the wall, another 2 banners, and a mysterious set of bricks. Shine your Dark Light on it to reveal a door. Remove this banner from the wall and use the dark light to reveal a door. Inside is the gem.

Head through the door and you’ll enter the secret stash which will give you another gem and some serious coin.

Knight MacFright is ready to rumble but he doesn’t have many attacks. Here’s how you can defeat him.

Knight MacFright will loop around you (avoid him). When he charges towards you his head pop above his armor. Flash him with the Stobulb. Flash Knight MacFright when he charges you. This will make him dizzy and leave him open for a suction shot.

Once you hit him with your light, he’ll retreat into his armor like a frightened turtle. Walk up to him and use your suction shot to vacuum and slam him.Watch out for the arrows that will fire out of the back wall.

Similar to the chef boss from the Mezzanine, Knight MacFright will run and spin towards you.

Wait for him to tire himself out. His shield will get stuck in the ground for a second. Stun him with the Stobulb and vacuum him up. When MacFright has his shield, use the suction shot or wait until he spins himself dizzy to stun and slam him.

On your way to the exit you’ll pass two suits of armor. The second one you pass (after the treasure chest) is holding popcorn and a gem! As you leave the arena, vacuum the popcorn out of the suit of armors arms. The gem is sticking out of it.

Continue to the front gate. Once again, you’ll have to use Gooigi to pull open the gate and then walk to the elevator. Install the button and take the elevator to the 7th floor for the Garden Suites.

Luigi can push the cart in front of the first three hooded figures to block their arrows. To cross the last three hooded figures, Luigi must send Gooigi across, as he doesn’t get hurt by the arrows.
how do you complete the cart storage area in luigis mansion

How to burn the web, get past the crossbows, and beat the knight boss

This portion of the Luigis Mansion 3 guide includes the Castle MacFrights walkthrough complete with each puzzle solution, castle macfrights gem locations, and how to beat Knight MacFright. Notable puzzles include how to cross the spikes, how to burn the web next to the dragon, how to use the wooden elevator and get into the cages, how to cross the wooden bridge, and how to get past the crossbowers with the carts.

Youll also find some tips and tricks for dealing with knight MacFright so you can get the next elevator button.

Below are the walkthrough sections and objectives. Please note we may have added a few objectives ourselves to indicate the steps you need to take to complete the main objective.

  • Explore the Castle
  • Cross the spikes
  • Dragon web puzzle
  • Elevator cage puzzle
  • Wooden bridge puzzle
  • Crossbowers and carts puzzle
  • How to Defeat Knight MacFright
  • Install the Button in the Elevator

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Rail Cart puzzle Floor 6


Where is the storage room in Luigi’s Mansion 3?

The Storage Room is a location in Luigi’s Mansion 3. It is found in the Mezzanine on the second floor of The Last Resort. It is a storage room west of the Dressing Room.

How do you get into the secret room in Luigi’s Mansion?

Secret Treasure Rooms The first one is located on the first floor, in the south-west corner of the Mansion. After you have sucked in the candle-carrying butler, exmaine the room with your Game Boy Horror to find a mousehole. Press A to activate it and go inside to enter the trasure room.

What to do on floor 6 of Luigi’s Mansion 3?

Once you get to 6th floor, Castle MacFrights, head to the right. Use Gooigi to move through the bars. Then have his vacuum and pull the spring so that the gate is held open for Luigi. Shine the dark light on the missing suit of armor and break it with a suction shot.

How do I get to the cart storage room?

Cross the bridge to reach the Cart Storage Area. To cross the Cart Storage room you need to use Gooigi to pull the carts on both sides of the room to block the shuriken throwing statues. Once the path is clear, walk Luigi through. As you walk you will trigger some ghosts.

How do you play cart storage room?

The Cart Storage Room requires two carts to function, but there is only one that can be found. The player needs to find the wheels at the far side of the room and use the Dark-Light Device on them, causing the second cart to appear. The two carts need to be pushed to the middle of the room to complete the puzzle.

How do you get to a cage-lift room?

Pull the balls until a trapdoor opens leading to the floor below. Drop down the trapdoor as Luigi. Pick up the torch and bring it near the button. Flashlight the button then light the torch and use it to burn the spiderwebs. Cross through the bottom and pull the rope at the end to reveal a ladder. Go up the ladder and enter the Cage-Lift Room.

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