how do i substitute black beans for meat

Choosing a plant-based diet doesn’t mean giving up the meat-based dishes you love. On the contrary, there are lots of plant foods that make very tasty substitutes for meat, including—and especially—beans. Here’s how the hearty legumes can replace beef, chicken, pork, and even bacon in your favorite recipes.

Substitute Lentils for Ground Meat With their tiny size and toothsome texture, green, brown, and black lentils are one of the easiest plant food swaps to make. The switch works for everything from sloppy joes to pasta sauce. Replace 1 pound of ground meat with 2 cups of cooked, drained lentils. Keep cooking time to around 30 minutes (reduce it if necessary) so the lentils stay whole and firm. Pre-cooked boxed or canned lentils also do the trick when time is short.

Use Chickpeas Instead of Chicken or Turkey The color and chewiness of chickpeas can mimic that of chicken and turkey meat. Coarsely mashed, chickpeas can stand in for poultry in your favorite sandwich salads. Blended with breadcrumbs, they can be turned into mouthwatering burgers and kid-friendly nuggets. You can also just add them whole to recipes for soups and pot pies.

Use equal amounts of cooked chickpeas (by volume or weight) for cooked or raw chicken or turkey.

Mix and Match Beans for Meaty Textures When a meat-based recipe such as chili or soup already calls for beans, try adding a different type to replace the meat. This gives the dish added color and flavor plus a satisfying play of textures. (Three Bean Chili for a Crowd is a great example.) Pair smaller bean varieties with larger ones and vice versa, and use equal amounts of cooked beans (by volume or weight) to replace the meat. Reduce cooking time to under an hour: Beans don’t require as much simmering as meats do. And don’t forget about the tasty beans you can find in the freezer aisle, such as edamame, lima beans, and favas!

Turn to Bean Burgers for Bigger Cuts Take away the bun and give bean burger patties different shapes to turn them into steaks, cutlets, and chunky pieces that can be added at the last minute to hearty stews. Most bean burgers, such as the Basic Veggie Burger, can be cooked and frozen for make-ahead ease.

Oven-Roast Beans for Bacon-Like Bits Get a crunchy, smoky, bacon-like fix from crispy roasted beans. Use our recipe for Jordanian Roasted Chickpeas or toss 1½ cups cooked beans (any type except lentils) with 1 tablespoon chili powder, smoked paprika, or your favorite spice blend, then roast them at 400˚F on a parchment-lined baking sheet for 35 to 40 minutes until lightly browned. Cool completely, then use anywhere you’d use bacon or bacon bits. Store roasted beans in an airtight container to keep them crisp for up to 3 days.

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You can grind them up to make refried beans or bean dip, they can be used in place of part of the ground beef for almost all recipes, and canned ones can be instantly opened, drained, rinsed, and added to any dish.
how do i substitute black beans for meat

Whenever someone asks me what my favorite dish to make is I almost ALWAYS say tacos. Why? There are endless combinations of toppings, creativity is boundless, and not to mention they always taste so dang good.

Second, they are tossed with a bunch of flavorful spices, liquid smoke, and apple cider vinegar.

Lastly, topped on a charred corn tortilla and topped with fajita veggies, cashew cream, and fresh cilantro.

I’ve made lentil, fajita, cumin black bean, and “fish” tacos…but what about turning black beans into a type of taco “meat”? Spiced with all the right spices, pairings, and cooked to the right chewy and slightly crunch texture. I think this recipe hits the spot.

Third, added to a skillet with hot oil to slightly toast the spices and create a nice golden brown color.

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how do i substitute black beans for meat

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One can of Black beans will change how you think about Beef


How much beans to replace meat?

You can substitute a quarter, third or half of your ground meat for crumbled firm tofu, cooked lentils or mashed beans. Known as “meat extenders,” these nutritious ingredients work well when mixed with meat in chili, burgers, Shepherd’s pie, casseroles, lasagna and burritos.

What happens when you replace meat with beans?

Beans In the Kitchen Chef Vincent continues, “A great source of protein, legumes can be a great alternative for meat, which has more fat and cholesterol. Legumes are low in fat and contain no cholesterol. There’s a ton of different beans, all with their own distinct flavor and texture.

What is a substitute for black beans?

Luckily, there are a number of substitutes for black beans. What are the best black bean substitutes? The best black bean substitutes are other bean varieties, such as kidney beans, pinto beans, and Great Northern beans. If you don’t like beans, you can use chickpeas and lentils instead of black beans.

What is the best substitute of cocoa beans?

A popular substitute for cocoa beans are carob chips, which are less bitter and have a slightly sweet nutty flavor while also being caffeine-free. Carob beans or carob pods can be dried and ground into carob powder, then made into carob chips. Ground coffee beans work well in a pinch for baked items like chocolate cakes and other desserts, and are less expensive than carob. In general, substituting an equal amount of carob powder for cocoa powder is practical. More recently, Brazilian researchers used jackfruit seeds to make flour then they dried and roasted the flour to enhance the flavor and aroma, which is similar to the chocolaty flavor of cocoa beans. If this catches on it could reduce waste from otherwise unused jackfruit seeds and reduce the strain of the cocoa industry.

What can I substitute for black beans in a Burger?

Alternatively, you can mash it with breadcrumbs and spices to create a healthy and flavorful veggie burger patty, in lieu of the usual black bean burger. These beans can also be used as a substitute for black beans in Mexican cuisine and in sides like salads and stir-fries, adding a pop of color and texture to your dish.

Can I substitute black beans for chickpeas?

If you don’t like beans and want to substitute black beans in the recipe with something of a similar nutritional value, chickpeas are your best bet. Firstly, both chickpeas and black beans are high in dietary fiber and potassium. Secondly, both are a rich source of vitamin B6 and B9.

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