how big do classic eggplants get

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Classic Italian Eggplant With glossy, 8-9″ long, teardrop-shaped fruit, this versatile heavy fruiter will give you the taste and tenderness that will keep you coming back for more.
how big do classic eggplants get

When to Plant Eggplant

  • Start seeds indoors in flats or peat pots 6 to 8 weeks prior to the last spring frost date. Seeds germinate quickly at temperatures between 70° to 90°F (21° to 32°C). Alternatively, buy 6- to 8-week-old nursery transplants just before planting.
  • Do not plant eggplant transplants into the garden until well after the last threat of frost.
  • If purchasing transplants: Buy high-quality specimens. Do not purchase tall, spindly plants or young plants that already have blossoms (ideally, young plants should spend energy becoming established before they begin flowering).

How to Plant Eggplant

  • Start seeds indoors, sowing them ¼ of an inch deep in flats or peat pots.
  • After the risk of the last spring frost has passed and daytime temperatures are 70° to 75°F (60° to 65°F at night), set seedlings in holes 24 to 30 inches apart in rows 3 feet apart. Use a covering of black plastic mulch to warm soils before setting out transplants if soil temperatures aren’t yet high enough.
  • Immediately after planting (in ground or pot), set 24-inch-high stakes 1 to 2 inches from each plant or use cages to provide support and avoid disturbing the soil or roots later. Eggplant will fall over when laden with fruit.
  • After planting, water well. Add a layer of mulch to retain moisture and suppress weeds.
  • If you live in a cold climate, consider using row covers to keep the young eggplants warm and sheltered. Open the ends of the row covers on warm days so that bees may pollinate the eggplants’ flowers.
  • Growing

  • Water well to moisten the soil to a depth of at least 6 inches so the soil is moist but never soggy. Consistent watering is best, and a soaker hose or drip system at ground level is ideal.
  • The critical period for moisture is during fruit set and fruit development. Strangely shaped eggplants result from inconsistent or inadequate watering.
  • Mulching can help to provide uniform moisture, conserve water and reduce weeds.
  • Apply a balanced fertilizer every 2 weeks or so.
    • Note: Too much nitrogen may cause excessive vegetative growth. If you are using plastic mulch, apply fertilizer through drip irrigation, or apply fertilizer to the side of the row.
  • For bigger fruits, restrict to five or six per plant, pinching off the extra flowers that develop.
  • Eggplant may fall over once loaded with fruit! Be sure to stake tall plants or use a cage to keep the plants upright. If growing eggplant in containers, stake the stems before the fruit forms.
  • For a bushier plant, pinch out the terminal growing points, the central points on a plant from which new shoots and leaves grow. Look for the newest (and usually smallest) leaves at the center of the plant and pinch out the bud forming there.
  • Eggplants are susceptible to temperature fluctuations: Cool nights (below 55°F/13°C) or hot days (above 95°F/35°C) can cause poor fruiting. Cover plants on cold nights and provide shade (e.g., a beach umbrella) on hot, sunny days. Cold also impairs ripening.
  • Recommended Varieties

The standard eggplant produces egg-shaped, glossy, purple-black fruit.

  • ‘Black Beauty’ is the traditional eggplant size. One plant produces 4 to 6 large rounded fruit. Other regular types include ‘Black Magic’, ‘Purple Rain’, and ‘Early Bird’.
  • ‘Black Bell’: classic oval to round, 6-inch, purple/black fruit; disease-resistant
  • ‘Dusky’: classic pear-shaped, 6- to 7-inch, glossy purple/black fruit; excellent flavor; disease-resistant

Other interesting eggplant varieties include:

  • ‘Applegreen’: oval, 5- to 6-inch, tender, pale green fruit
  • ‘Bambino’: oval, walnut-size, purple/black fruit; 1 1/2-foot-tall plants
  • ‘Casper’: cylindrical, 6-inch, snow-white fruit; mushroom flavor
  • ‘Cloud Nine’: teardrop-shaped, 7-inch, white fruit; disease-resistant
  • ‘Kermit’: Thai type; round; 2-inch, green fruit with white-striped shoulder
  • ‘Rosita’: pear-shaped, 6- to 8-inch, rose-pink fruit; sweet flavor

The long, slender Japanese eggplant has a thinner skin and more delicate flavor.

  • ‘Ichiban’: 10- to 12-inch, slim, purple/black fruit; bears until frost. Expect a dozen or more fruit from one plant.
  • ‘Little Fingers’: finger-sized purple/black fruit; good for containers. Small-fruited varieties tend to be especially heavy bearers.

Ornamental varieties are edible, but have poor eating quality.

  • ‘Easter Egg’ is an ornamental eggplant, usually white in color. (Not edible.)
  • Harvesting

  • Harvest eggplant 65 to 80 days after transplanting, depending on the variety. When starting from seed, expect 100 to 120 days to maturity. July, August, and September (even into October) are all harvest months for eggplant, depending on where you live and the variety you planted.
  • Eggplant tastes best when harvested young as soon as it’s dark and glossy purple. Fruits are ripe when their skin doesn’t rebound to gentle pressure from your finger. If you cut into an eggplant and find an abundance of brown seeds, it’s already too late.
  • Harvest early and often, and the plant will be quite prolific. Once ready, check on your eggplants every 2 to 3 days.
  • Japanese eggplant may be ready to harvest when the size of a finger or hot dog.
  • When harvesting, do not pull the fruit (it won’t come off). With a sharp knife, cut through the tough stem above the green cap, or calyx, on the top. The calyx can be prickly, so want to wear gloves.
  • You can cut these plants back like peppers if your season is long enough for a second crop.

How to Grow Eggplants in Containers from Seed | Easy planting guide


What is the standard eggplant size?

The standard eggplant produces egg-shaped, glossy, purple-black fruit 7 to 10 inches long when fully mature. Only a few plants are needed to meet the average family’s needs. The long, slender Japanese eggplant has a thinner skin and more delicate flavor.

How much space does an eggplant plant need?

Eggplants grow into tall, angular plants, so they should be spaced 24 to 36 inches apart. Improve planting holes by mixing in 2 inches of compost to help hold moisture and fertilizer in the soil. Set plants at the same depth at which they are growing in their containers, and water well before spreading mulch.

How many eggplants do you get from one plant?

The standard eggplant produces egg-shaped, glossy, purple-black fruit. ‘Black Beauty’ is the traditional eggplant size. One plant produces 4 to 6 large rounded fruit.

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