do eggs stick to stainless steel

We’re not cooking or food safety experts by any means, so always make sure to listen to the pros’ directions above ours! This is just how we go about cooking eggs in stainless steel without sticking, and it works beautifully for us. This post contains affiliate links which may lead to a commission if purchased. This comes at no extra cost to you. Thanks!

I wish it didn’t take me this long to realize that cooking eggs in stainless steel without sticking is this easy. I was on the “nonstick pan” train for years, under some misconstrued notion that it’s easier to cook eggs in nonstick pans. (I mean, who can resist those infomercials with sunny-side up floating magically across the pan?) I knew that nonstick pans aren’t great for our health, and I was very aware that nonstick pans don’t last very long at all. However, the thought of smelly, brown, burnt eggs stuck to the pan after cooking eggs in stainless steel kept me in the zombie “nonstick pan” line. That is, it did until now.

The primary issue when cooking eggs in a stainless steel pan is the tendency for the eggs to stick to the pan’s surface. However, with proper preparation, technique and some patience, you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of stainless steel cookware while still creating delicious, perfectly cooked eggs every time.
do eggs stick to stainless steel

Steps I Use for Cooking Eggs In Stainless Steel Without Sticking

  • Pre-heat the stainless steel pan on medium-high heat.
  • Use the water test to determine if the pan is at the right temperature. The water should not sizzle, but form a bead that glides across the surface of the stainless steel pan. Make sure to dump the water out before adding fat.
  • Add fat. I use about 1/2 TBS of butter for 6-8 eggs.
  • Allow the fat to heat up for 5-10 seconds.
  • Pour in pre-scrambled eggs.
  • Turn down heat to medium
  • Allow the eggs to cook for 5-10 seconds without stirring
  • Gently stir scrambled eggs until cooked through, preventing any egg from sitting on the bottom for too long.
  • Pour onto plate, season, and enjoy!

That’s it! The key to cooking eggs in stainless steel without sticking lies in pre-heating the pan to the right temperature. Remember how the droplet of water would glide across the surface of the pan without evaporating? That’s because if the pan is hot (but not too hot) a tiny layer of air is formed between the water and the pan. (Read up on the Leidenfrost effect for more details on this phenomenon.) The same thing happens with your food, and therefore prevents sticking.

I didn’t believe cooking eggs in stainless steel without sticking was this easy until I gave it a try. After years and years of stinky, burned scrambled eggs in stainless steel pans, I somehow nailed this technique on the first try! In fact, this technique works even better than nonstick pans do. Nonstick pans are notorious for beginning to stick after a few months of use, and we were having the scrape the heck out of ours by the end. (Of course, this is horrible for the nonstick coating, too!)

It’s All In The Cookware Temperature

Now, let’s switch to a more positive note! Cooking eggs in stainless steel is so much easier than I ever imagined possible. And no, it doesn’t have to do with adding copious amounts of oil or butter to the pan. Ever noticed how stainless steel pots reviews online can have drastically different testimonials regarding sticking, depending on the reviewer? This is because cooking eggs in stainless steel without sticking all depends on the cooking method, not the amount of fat used.

Sure, some fat is required when cooking eggs in stainless steel. But I use no more butter for 8 eggs than I would use on a single piece of toast. So it’s really pretty negligible, and you shouldn’t be afraid of butter, anyway! As someone who eats 3500+ calories a day, I can assure you that lack of exercise is far more dangerous to your health than a tiny sliver of butter in your eggs. But, that’s a topic for a different post.

Let’s break down the steps I use for cooking eggs in stainless steel without any sticking whatsoever.

How To Cook Eggs in a Stainless Pan Without Sticking – Bruno Albouze


How do you fry eggs without sticking to stainless steel?

So splash your pan with water, and if it sizzles like that, it’s not ready. Food will stick to it. Wait another 30 seconds to a minute, and then test again with a few drops of water, and if they dance on the surface like that, like little mercury balls, you’re good to go. Add oil, and then your eggs will not stick.

How do I keep food from sticking to my stainless steel pan?

Once the pan is preheated, add oil or cold butter and allow the fat to heat up before adding food. “This ‘hot pan, cold fat’ method prevents food from sticking,” Staley says.

Can you cook eggs in stainless steel?

Cooking eggs in stainless steel is difficult. Like, REALLY difficult. It feels like a task incapable of surmounting, but those darn t.v. shows and breakfast restaurants make it look so easy! So what’s the trick?

Why do eggs stick to stainless steel?

There are two reasons why eggs will stick to stainless steel. One reason is that the pan is too hot. The eggs will burn quickly if the pan is too hot, which will cause them to stick. A second reason is that you didn’t put enough oil into the pan. Not enough oil will make the eggs stick to parts of the pan.

How do you keep eggs from sticking to a stainless steel pan?

It is best to use a non-stick cooking spray, butter, or oil with a high smoke point, such as vegetable or avocado oil. Apply a thin layer to the surface of the pan to prevent the eggs from sticking. Are there any techniques to prevent eggs from sticking to a stainless steel pan?

How to fry an egg on stainless steel?

Let’s go through how to fry an egg on stainless steel step-by-step, just like you were standing next to me in my kitchen. Place your clean, empty stainless steel pan over medium heat. Let it heat for a couple of minutes while you grab the eggs, oil or butter, and any other ingredients like salt or pepper. Test if the pan temperature is ready.

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