can you make purple out of blue and pink

Many people will happily declare them as their favorite colors if asked, and therefore they are commonly seen in many facets of art and design.

But what color does pink and blue make when mixed? That is the question we are here to answer in this guide.

Not only that, but we will also cover how to mix them, things you could use the resulting colors on and whether it’s even a good idea to begin with.

With that, let’s begin and see all of the possibilities that pink and blue can provide us!

can you make purple out of blue and pink

What results you can expect?

Now, we have answered the question of what color does pink and blue make. The quick answer to that is purple, but now it’s time to go deeper.

If we say ‘purple,’ a hue of the color will likely come to mind for each individual. You may think of a deep, rich purple while your friend may think of a light lilac purple.

In order to create any shade of purple, you will want to play around with different quantities of pink and blue as well as any other colors you need to influence the result.

Before we cover how you can create the colors you want with the combination of pink and blue, why not just try it out?

Find some shades of pink and blue that you like in your chosen medium and mix them together.

It will be interesting to see what happens and whether you like the result or not. Then, you can try out different shades, combinations and quantities to see what else you can end up with.

Later on we will find out how you can make it less random and how you can make the colors closer to what you need. But this exercise shows you some of the possibilities that you can expect.

Another thing you can try is to create swatches of pink and blue next to one another and see how they react ith one another.

Certain shades of pink and blue may not look nice next to each other but others will.

Finding out what does and does not work well together is a little bit of foresight and a lot of practice.

You can loosely predict what you may end up with but in the end it will come down to trying different combos.

No matter what medium you are working with, you will want to have a surface you can try out different combinations on.

These experiments should definitely be happening on a separate surface and not the final canvas or page.

can you make purple out of blue and pink

Try to note your experiments as you go, as you may unexpectedly stumble upon the perfect combination. If you do, you will want to remember how you reached that point to you can use the mixture again.

Next, we will look at some of the ways you can use pink and blue mixtures in your artwork and some practical applications.

How you can mix pink and blue?

First, we will tackle the question of how you can mix pink and blue. When it comes to this question, you can look at it in terms of design as well as how you can literally mix them.

We will cover both of these facets here and in subsequent steps of this guide in varying levels of detail. In color theory, blue is known as a cool color, so useful for things like water or ice.

With pink, it gets a little more complicated. It is generally perceived as a warm color due to its closer relationship to red.

That being said, certain shades can be considered cool colors. Regardless, pink and blue actually tend to go quite well with one another if the right shades are chosen.

Now you may be wondering what color you will get when you mix pink and blue. The answer to this question is that you will get a shade of purple.

The shade of purple you end up with will depend on certain factors, but you can bet that we will cover all of these factors as we move through the guide.

In terms of practicality, you can mix your shades of pink and blue together. This is usually done with paints, but pastels, crayons and other mediums can be used as well.

By combining the two, you end up with a whole new and unique color! We will also be telling you how to do that while having more control later on in the guide.

Now that we know a bit more on how you can mix pink and blue, let’s tackle the next point which concerns whether it’s even a good idea to begin with.

After that, we will then look at some uses for the colors and how you can create your own perfect combinations.

Making Your Own Color – Fuchsia – Quick Painting Ideas – Pink Purple Color Mixing

What colors can you use to make purple?

When learning how to make the color purple, you can also use different types of blues such as Pthalo Blue, Prussian Blue or Cerulean Blue. However, if you do not have any of these colors on hand. Simply use the blue and red colors that you have to make purple. You may not always want to have a bright, saturated purple.

What color makes purple a softer color?

Unlike blue and red (which will make a deep, vibrant purple), blue and pink will yield softer shades. Think lavender and lilac rather than violet. This is partially because blue and red are both primary colors, while pink is not a primary color – it’s a shade of red. This results in a bunch of different and exciting lighter shades of purple.

What color is purple if you mix blue and pink?

When blue and pink mix together, they create light purple or pastel purple. The exact shade of purple can vary, depending on how much white is mixed into the red to make the pink color. While blue and pink will give you purple, it isn’t the most logical method.

What color goes well with pink & purple?

When blended together, colors like pink, purple, and blue make shades ranging from bold purples to soft mauves. The resulting color depends on the specific pigments used and their proportions in the mix. Red-based pinks push mixes to deeper reds and magentas, while more blue and white mutes the tone.

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