can you eat the leaves of cabbage

Larger outer cabbage leaves, which are often discarded, make great golubtsy, layered as an alternative to pastry, as they are here, or stuffed, as in the traditional recipe. Blanch the cabbage leaves in salted boiling water for 10 minutes, until soft, then carefully lift out and drain.
can you eat the leaves of cabbage

So I decided to make cabbage rolls with the outer leaves. My goodness they were fabulous. I won’t lie, I was shocked because I wasn’t expecting much. But they really did turn out great.

So there I was, all happy with myself for using my outer cabbage leaves. (This was about two weeks ago.) Well I went out the other day and, to my dismay, my Napa cabbage had bolted! What started as small buds turned into small, yellow flowers just a few days later.

I was actually very surprised to see my cabbage had bolted; our temperatures are still in the 50s here so it didn’t seem hot enough to make the cabbage bolt. I did some Googling and I guess it’s common for Napa cabbage to bolt when the days get longer, regardless of the temperature. So I’m thinking that next year I need to get my Napa cabbage in the ground earlier so I can harvest it in the fall (rather than overwinter it and harvest it in the spring). Anyways, there I was, once again determined to not let my plant go to waste. So I harvested the entire, bolted cabbage and chopped it up for a slaw (flowers and all). Sometimes greens can be bitter once they’ve bolted but that was not true of my cabbage; it tasted just as good. I put the slaw on some tacos and my husband and I had a great Friday-night dinner.

At first I ignored them. Raw, they have a pretty strong cabbage flavor. And man are the leaves spikey. It actually hurts to rub the outer leaves with your fingers. So at first, eating the outer leaves didn’t sound too appetizing. But that’s the thing about growing your own food; you put so much effort into your plants so it just kills you to let anything go to waste.

So there you have it: two ways to use cabbage when you never get an actual head-of-cabbage to harvest.

Garden to Table Cooking Cabbage Leaves


Is it okay to eat cabbage leaves?

It’s commonly eaten as a vegetable. Different types of cabbage are grown for food. Cabbage leaf contains high amounts of vitamin K1, as well as other nutrients. It also contains chemicals that might help prevent cancer and help with wound healing.

What are the benefits of eating cabbage leaves?

Cabbage has 1 gram of fiber for every 10 calories. That helps fill you up, so you eat less. It also keeps you regular, and it could help lower your “bad” (LDL) cholesterol and control your blood sugar. Cabbage also has nutrients that keep the lining of your stomach and intestines strong.

Are cabbage raw leaves edible?

Cabbage can be eaten raw, steamed, boiled, roasted, sautéed, or stuffed. The sulfurous odor often associated with cabbage only develops when the cabbage is overcooked. The longer a cabbage is cooked, the stronger the odor becomes.

Can you eat the outer leaves of cabbage?

It’s completely safe to eat the outer leaves of cabbages, as all leaves are edible. And no, you won’t have to worry about the outer leaves tasting like bugs or whatever you have added to your soil or plants.

Can one eat a cabbage with pink or light brown inside leaves?

When a food is not showing its normal, natural characteristics, it is better to avoid consuming it. There are two common types of cabbage, one purple and one green. Cabbage color variation has to do with soil pH. But if a cabbage has pink or light brown inner leaves that differ from the outer color, it’s probably not good for consumption.

Can you eat cabbage leaves raw?

The answer is yes, you can eat the outer leaves of cabbage, both raw or cooked. The outer leaves of cabbage can be used in salads or to make coleslaw. You can also eat them as an alternative to lettuce. Cabbage leaves should be washed thoroughly before preparing or consuming them to ensure no dirt or insect residue remains.

Can you eat red cabbage leaves?

Yes, you can eat red cabbage leaves. Red cabbage has a slightly different taste than ordinary green cabbage. It has a peppery aftertaste when eaten raw, but it turns sweeter and softer after cooking. How to eat red cabbage, you ask? Simple, same as all other color cabbages.

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