can popcorn be cooked without oil

Firstly, it’s super easy to make. Heat up a frying pan, chuck some kernels in, swish it around and voila.

For someone who loves to experiment in the kitchen, I’m surprisingly unkeen about having grubby fingers.

Maybe it’s good hygiene. Maybe it interferes with my finger food senses, who knows. But I do like to keep my hands clean.

So I love that I can grab a big fat handful of these babies and come away with mostly clean hands.

I used to think of popcorn as an unhealthy snack, but now I realise that’s because of all the junk that’s normally added.

Once I realised that it was possible to make whole food, oil free popcorn, I was sold on the idea.

It keeps really well, it’s easy to cart around, or pack in school lunches, and it’s popular with my kids.

A big thank you to The Vegan Ronin for showing me that it was possible to make healthy popcorn.

Pop your popcorn in a dry pan or skillet, no oil. Controversial, I know, but I find that popping popcorn in hot oil increases the likelihood of burnt popcorn and dead kernels. Dry pan popping results in beautiful light popcorn that provides the perfect blank canvas for all your favorite seasonings.
can popcorn be cooked without oil

Will popping popcorn without oil damage my non-stick frypan?

The great news is that you can safely make oil free popcorn in your non-stick pan without damaging it.

This is because the temperature required to pop popcorn is generally less than the “high temperatures” that can damage the non-stick surface.

Using my handy-dandy infra-red thermometer I found that the ideal temperature for popping popcorn was around 190-200°C (375-390°F).

Any cooler than this, and they don’t pop well, and any hotter and they burn.

And fortunately this ideal temperature range is well below than the maximum recommended for non-stick surfaces, whether that’s a Teflon surface or a ceramic coated pan (which is what we choose to use).

These surfaces are generally damaged by high temperatures around 260-350°C or 500-650°F.

How to pop popcorn in an air fryer

You can also use an air fryer to cook popcorn, although it’s not the easiest or fastest method.

In this case, you’ll want to line the sides of the basket of your air fryer with foil to stop the popped kernels from escaping .

Set your machine to the ideal temperature for popping popcorn, which is around 395°F/200°C.

Most methods recommend spraying your kernels lightly with avocado or coconut oil, so if you want to make your popcorn oil free, then you might have to experiment with both methods.

Generally it will take from 10 to 15 minutes to pop all of your kernels, but you’ll want to check in on the progress every few minutes to make sure that they’re not burning.

Once the popping has mostly finished, empty the popcorn into a bowl and add any seasonings as required.

Some people who’ve tried this method have had issues with the popcorn flying around inside the air fryer and hitting or getting stuck in the heating element.

Others also used a foil pouch in their air fryer, although this can take longer, as the foil acts as a heat shield, and the puch may end up banging around in the air fryer.

So although this method can work, it’s probably not the best one, and best used as a fallback when you don’t have access to the other ways of making popcorn.

How to make Popcorn WITHOUT oil or butter! It’s very EASY!


Can you pop popcorn without oil?

Air popped popcorn: Nutrition & calories If you air pop your popcorn, without using oil, you’re eating whole grain corn kernels so the nutrition and calories are pretty easy to figure out.

What is the healthiest way to cook popcorn?

Popcorn is a whole grain and a good source of fiber. And 3 cups of plain, air-popped popcorn weighs in at only about 95 calories. For the healthiest results, pop your corn in an air popper or in the microwave.

Can I make popcorn with water instead of oil?

But there’s another, more obscure (and healthier) popcorn-popping technique — popping corn in water. Sounds bizarre, right? But according to the folks at Cooking Light, it’s an effective method for cooking popcorn — and, as writer Kat Kinsman notes, it allows the corn’s inner deliciousness to truly shine.

What can I use instead of oil to make popcorn?

Clarified butter is another great choice for buttery popcorn. Regular butter will burn and smoke if used, so make sure it is clarified butter. Ghee may be a substitute to try as well.

Can you make popcorn without oil?

It’s true that when you pop your popcorn, you usually have to use oil to make it happen. That can be a bit of a drawback for people who are watching their calorie intake, or who just don’t like greasy food. But is it possible to make popcorn without oil? Yes, it is! Read on to find out how you can have a delicious popcorn snack without the oil.

Is microwave popcorn safe to eat?

Microwave popcorn often contains high amounts of salt and flavorings, and may contain chemicals, which can add calories and make it a less-healthy option. So, it is a better option to homemade popcorn, using popcorn kernels, and adding olive oil and a small amount of salt.

Does Popcorn popped without oil taste better?

Yes, popcorn popped without oil will have a slightly different taste and texture than popcorn popped with oil. It tends to be lighter and less crunchy, and it won’t have the same richness that oil provides. However, this makes it a perfect blank canvas for adding your own seasonings and flavors.

How to air pop popcorn without oil?

Take the popcorn out of the pan and turn off the heat and then season and serve immediately. You can do this in the microwave as well. I want to share with you a method for how to air pop popcorn at home without oil in microwave. You can simply put your kernels into a microwave safe bowl or container with a cover.

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