Chicken Tenderloins vs. Chicken Breasts: What’s the Difference?

Chicken tenderloins and chicken breasts are both popular cuts of white meat that are often used interchangeably in recipes. However, there are some key differences between the two that can affect the way they cook and the overall flavor of your dish.

What is the Difference between Chicken Tenderloins and Chicken Breasts?

  • Location: Chicken tenderloins are small, elongated muscles located beneath the breast of the chicken. Chicken breasts, on the other hand, are the larger, outer muscles that make up the majority of the breast area.
  • Size and Shape: Chicken tenderloins are much smaller than chicken breasts, typically weighing around 1-2 ounces each, while chicken breasts can weigh anywhere from 4-8 ounces. Tenderloins are also more elongated and have a thinner shape compared to the thicker, rounder shape of chicken breasts.
  • Fat Content: Chicken tenderloins are slightly higher in fat than chicken breasts, with around 3 grams of fat per ounce compared to 1 gram of fat per ounce in chicken breasts.
  • Cooking Time: Due to their smaller size and lower fat content, chicken tenderloins cook much faster than chicken breasts. They typically only need to be cooked for 8-10 minutes, while chicken breasts require 12-14 minutes of cooking time.

Can I Use Chicken Tenderloins Instead of Breasts?

Yes, you can generally use chicken tenderloins instead of chicken breasts in most recipes. However, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Cooking Time: Since tenderloins cook much faster than breasts, you will need to adjust the cooking time accordingly. Start by checking the tenderloins after 8 minutes and cook until they reach an internal temperature of 160°F.
  • Flavor: Chicken tenderloins have a slightly milder flavor than chicken breasts. If you are looking for a more flavorful dish, you may want to add additional seasonings or marinades to the tenderloins.
  • Texture: Chicken tenderloins can be slightly tougher than chicken breasts, especially if they are overcooked. To ensure a tender texture, be sure to cook them until they are just done.

How to Cook Chicken Tenderloins:

  1. Season the tenderloins: Season the tenderloins with oil, salt, and pepper. You can also add other seasonings or marinades to your liking.
  2. Choose your cooking method: Chicken tenderloins can be cooked using a variety of methods, including pan-frying, baking, grilling, or air-frying.
  3. Cook for 8-10 minutes: Cook the tenderloins for 8-10 minutes, or until they reach an internal temperature of 160°F.
  4. Rest before serving: Let the tenderloins rest for a few minutes before serving to allow the juices to redistribute.

Chicken tenderloins and chicken breasts are both versatile cuts of white meat that can be used in a variety of dishes. While there are some differences between the two, they can often be used interchangeably with a few adjustments to cooking time and seasoning.

How to Make Chicken Tenders

  • Heat a pan or skillet with olive oil and melt one tablespoon of butter over medium heat.
  • Add the chicken tenders, season with paprika, salt, and pepper.
  • Cook for three minutes on each side, seasoning both at the same time.
  • Make space for the garlic, then add it after melting the remaining butter. Cook for 30 seconds or until the garlic becomes fragrant.
  • Season with Italian seasoning, and cook for one more minute.
  • To deglaze the pan, add two tablespoons of water, then scrape off any bits that have adhered to the bottom (this is where the flavor is concentrated).
  • Serve warm, garnished with chopped fresh parsley or basil leaves.

can i use chicken tenderloins instead of breasts

  • Don’t overcook the garlic. Garlic cooks quickly, in 30 to 60 seconds, and burns easily, so watch it closely while cooking.
  • Chicken tenders cook quickly, so be careful not to overcook them or they could end up tough, dry, and stringy.
  • Deglaze the pan with a splash of water to release the flavor, as that’s where the flavor is found, to create a flavorful sauce.

can i use chicken tenderloins instead of breasts

What are Chicken Tenders?

In the UK, chicken tenders are referred to as chicken mini fillets. Many people mistakenly believe that chicken tenders are just thin pieces of breast meat. However, a chicken tender is a piece of meat that is connected to and beneath the chicken breast; despite its small size, it is the most tender part of the chicken breast. Each chicken has two tenders, which, when prepared correctly, are moist and tender.

Supermarkets sell chicken tenders on trays apart from chicken breasts; you can purchase a tray containing ten to twenty chicken tenders to bake, grill, or fry.

They go by the names tendies, chicken fillets, and chicken strips as well.

So the next time you go grocery shopping, grab a tray of chicken tenders and try this recipe if you’re like me and prefer home-cooked meals!

can i use chicken tenderloins instead of breasts

  • If using frozen chicken tenders, thaw them in the refrigerator for the entire night. You can use thinly sliced, skinless, boneless chicken breasts.
  • Butter and olive oil: Any neutral oil can be used in place of the olive oil, which gives the tenders a wonderful flavor.
  • Garlic—a lot of fresh garlic, or one and a half teaspoons of jarred garlic for each clove of garlic
  • Add the salt, pepper, paprika, and Italian seasoning. I always make my own seasoning blend because it’s much simpler to prepare, healthier, and less expensive than store-bought.

The recipe card below has a full list of ingredients and amounts.

can i use chicken tenderloins instead of breasts

Cooking Tips : How to Remove Tenderloins from Chicken Breast


Can I use tenderloins instead of breast?

You can absolutely mix and match and swap as you want. Just be aware that when substitutes are made, you’ll need to adjust the baking time, the marinating time, as well as the frying time, and the cooking time, too. Since a chicken tender is smaller, it will cook a lot faster than a large piece of chicken breast.

Are chicken tenderloins the same as chicken breast?

Chicken breast is a large muscle located on the underside of the chicken while the tenderloin is a smaller muscle located between the breast and the breast bone itself. The tenderloin is smaller and more tender and has a slightly higher fat and sodium content.

Are chicken tenders just cut up chicken breast?

Some people think that chicken tenders are just strips cut from the breast of the chicken. But in fact, the tender or tenderloin is an independent secondary muscle that lies directly under the breast. Sometimes, the whole breast is removed, which includes the tender; sometimes they are removed separately.

Can I substitute chicken tenderloins for chicken breast?

You are free to substitute chicken tenderloins for chicken breast, but make sure to pay attention to marinating and cooking time. Many people consider chicken tenderloins to be one with the breast. Thus, they assume that tenderloins have the same nutritional value as chicken breast.

Should you eat chicken tenderloin or chicken breast?

Therefore, if you need it for diet purposes, you may want to go for chicken breast, lower in calories. Whilst chicken breast is lower in calories, it is higher in magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, and vitamin B-6, sodium, and D, whilst chicken tenderloin only has minimal amounts of these nutrients.

Are chicken breast and tenderloin the same?

Chicken breast and tenderloin are both excellent sources of lean protein, but their caloric and protein content differ slightly. In a 100 grams serving: While both cuts are relatively low in calories, tenderloins have fewer calories than breasts. They also contain slightly lower protein content.

Is chicken Tenderloin healthier than chicken breast?

Tenderloin is very flavorful. Chicken tenderloin has a much higher sodium content than chicken breast. If you are on a sodium-free diet, you might want to avoid tenderloin, and it also contains more calories than chicken breast. Tenderloin has a trace of vitamins but does not have the health benefits that chicken breast can offer.

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