can i substitute light cream for milk

Out of milk? Learn how to use everyday milk substitutes like heavy cream, half and half, and other products as replacements in your baking recipes.

Whether you’re a bread baker or a cake maker, chances are milk is an essential ingredient in your favorite recipes. It’s great for adding flavor and texture to a variety of baked goods, don’t fear if you’ve run out of milk. There are plenty of ways you can fulfill the urge to bake with these milk substitutes.

As is the case with most ingredients, not all milk is created equal. Each has a different fat content and can impact the color, texture and flavor of your recipe. Therefore, it’s important to keep in mind the relative fat content of the milk substitute you’re using.

To better understand how milk works in baking, let’s break down the types of milk, along with their fat content.

For our recipes, we typically use whole milk. The protein content, fat, sugar and overall creaminess of whole milk is ideal for creating delicious baked goods and treats. Whole milk is generally 3.25% milkfat (or fat in milk).

On the other side of the spectrum is skim milk. Skim milk usually comes in at about 0.5% (or less) milkfat, so there’s really little to no flavor. One percent and two percent milk have 1% and 2% milkfat by weight, respectively. In general, the more fat, the more flavor!

The other two common milk options – heavy cream and half and half – are much fattier and can provide great flavor. Heavy cream contains about 36% milkfat and half and half comes in at about 12% milkfat.

can i substitute light cream for milk

Half and Half

Made using equal parts whole milk and heavy cream, half and half still adds significant richness without being too heavy. It’s great for soups, sauces and gravy because the higher fat content makes it less likely to curdle when boiled.

Half and half can easily be used in place of whole milk with the addition of a little water. Combine ¾ cup half and half and ¼ cup water for every cup of whole milk you’re substituting.

1 cup whole milk: combine ¾ cup half and half and ¼ cup water.

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Powdered milk, or dry milk, is the dry solids that remain after all the moisture has been removed. One of the great advantages of powdered milk is that it has a long shelf life.

Powdered milk can be used to add creaminess to savory soups and sauces. It can also be added to smoothies and milkshakes to boost up the protein. You can even add it to homemade hot cocoa mix to gift to friends during the holidays.

Best of all, it’s super easy to use powdered milk in baking. Simply follow the package instructions to reconstitute and make the amount of milk necessary for your recipe. Also, take note that powdered milk comes in different milkfat levels (just like real milk). So make sure to check the fat content on the powdered milk you’re using.

When using powdered milk in a recipe, you can reconstitute the milk and use it as you would whole milk. You can also combine the milk powder with the other dry ingredients and add the appropriate amount of water when you would normally add milk.

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Not to be confused with sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk is another product with a relatively long shelf life. Evaporated milk comes in a can and goes through a process to remove some of its water. This process gives the evaporated milk a deeper color and fuller flavor.

Evaporated milk is often used in place of heavy cream to add richness and body without the added fat. You can use it as you would cream in sauces, soups and baked goods. To use it as a milk substitute, simply add water.

1 cup whole milk: combine ½ cup evaporated milk and ½ cup water.

By now it should come as no surprise that evaporated milk also comes in a variety of fat levels. Be aware that the lower fat levels will not be as rich in flavor as the higher fat levels.

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Different Types of Milk Substitutes

If you can’t make it to the store, here are some common milk substitutes you can use in a pinch!

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With a higher milkfat content than whole milk, heavy cream has a thick consistency and a rich, velvety mouthfeel. Many recipes that require heavy cream, such as scones or cream soups, require the added fat for better texture and flavor.

Heavy cream can also be whipped with confectioners’ sugar to make a delicious topping for fresh fruit or ice cream. It can even be turned into a frosting when combined with a stabilizer, like piping gel. Be careful not to overwhip it, though – too much beating and your heavy cream will turn into butter!

You can substitute heavy cream for milk by diluting it with a little water. Use half a cup heavy cream and half a cup water for every cup of whole milk.

1 cup whole milk: combine ½ cup heavy cream and ½ cup water.

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Can I Substitute Heavy Cream For Milk – How to Make it Work in Recipes


What can I substitute for 1 cup of milk?

Milk, whole
1 cup
1/2 cup evaporated milk, 1/2 cup water
Milk, whole
1 cup
1 cup nonfat milk, 2 1/2 tsp butter
Milk, whole
1 cup
1 cup skim milk, 1 tbsp melted butter
Milk, whole
1 cup
7/8 cup skim milk, 1/8 cup heavy cream

Can you use light cream instead of milk?

Light cream can be used in place of whole milk to make sauces, soups, custards, gravies, mashed potatoes and more. It also works great as an ingredient to replace some of the butter when making cakes or cookies to give them texture without adding too much fat or calories.

Is it better to substitute full cream milk with buttermilk?

Cultured buttermilk is a fermented and tart liquid that contains active bacterial cultures, popularly called probiotics, which are essentially the beneficial microbes found naturally in our gastrointestinal system that support immunity, digestion, and nutrient absorption. Fermented dairy products that contain these microorganisms have been linked to lower risk of coronary heart disease. Both low fat and full fat versions of buttermilk fit into a health-promoting diet as a substitute for full cream milk. They produce very different results when cooking and have very different taste profiles. It may not always make sense to make this substitution. Individuals who enjoy drinking buttermilk regularly should continue to do so in the context of a healthy diet that contains a variety of fermented foods like yogurt, kimchi, tempeh, and unpasteurized sauerkraut.

Is cream a good substitute for milk?

Of course, the cream is a very good substitute in many recipes that require milk. When you use cream with mac and cheese, avoid using butter, because you will get an even fatter texture. Also, add a touch of water to make it perfect. Hello, I am Saurabh and I love cooking.

Is evaporated milk a good substitute for light cream?

Evaporated milk works well as an emergency substitute for light cream. Evaporated milk has half the water content of normal milk, meaning it has a creamier and thicker texture. Taste of Home describes its flavor as “concentrated and nutty,” making it suitable for both savory and sweet dishes.

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