
Can I Put Eggs in Pickle Juice?

Yes, you can put eggs in pickle juice! This is a simple and easy way to pickle eggs, and it’s a great way to use up leftover pickle juice. Pickled eggs are a delicious and tangy snack that can be enjoyed on their own or used in salads and sandwiches.

How to Pickle Eggs in Pickle Juice

To pickle eggs in pickle juice, simply follow these steps:

  1. Hard-boil the eggs.
  2. Peel the eggs.
  3. Place the eggs in a jar or container.
  4. Pour the pickle juice over the eggs.
  5. Seal the jar or container and refrigerate for at least 3 days.

The longer the eggs sit in the pickle juice, the more flavorful they will become. You can also add other spices or herbs to the pickle juice for extra flavor.

Benefits of Pickling Eggs in Pickle Juice

Pickling eggs in pickle juice is a great way to:

  • Preserve eggs. Pickled eggs can last for up to 3 months in the refrigerator.
  • Add flavor to eggs. Pickle juice gives eggs a tangy and savory flavor.
  • Use up leftover pickle juice. Don’t let leftover pickle juice go to waste! Use it to pickle eggs instead.

Tips for Pickling Eggs in Pickle Juice

Here are a few tips for pickling eggs in pickle juice:

  • Use fresh, high-quality eggs.
  • Peel the eggs carefully to avoid damaging them.
  • Use a clean jar or container.
  • Refrigerate the pickled eggs for at least 3 days before eating.
  • Enjoy!


Pickling eggs in pickle juice is a simple and easy way to enjoy a delicious and tangy snack. It’s a great way to use up leftover pickle juice, and it’s a fun and unique way to preserve eggs. So next time you have some leftover pickle juice, give pickling eggs a try!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use any type of pickle juice?

Yes, you can use any type of pickle juice to pickle eggs. However, dill pickle juice is the most common type of pickle juice used for pickling eggs.

How long do pickled eggs last?

Pickled eggs can last for up to 3 months in the refrigerator.

Can I add other spices or herbs to the pickle juice?

Absolutely! You can add other spices or herbs to the pickle juice for extra flavor. Some popular additions include dill, garlic, peppercorns, and mustard seeds.

What can I do with pickled eggs?

Pickled eggs can be enjoyed on their own or used in salads and sandwiches. They can also be chopped up and added to deviled eggs or egg salad.

Additional Resources


The information provided in this article is for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and does not constitute medical advice. It is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for any health concerns or before making any decisions related to your health or treatment.


The ingredients required to make this recipe are listed below. Please refer to the printable recipe card at the bottom of this post for precise amounts and measurements.

  • Eggs: Depending on how much you need, you can cut this recipe in half or double it. I usually make a dozen at a time.
  • Fresh Dill: Although fresh dill adds some flavor, it’s mostly used as a garnish and to hint at the possible flavor of the eggs. The fresh dill is optional.
  • Black peppercorns: These add a taste that is slightly spicy. Salt is not needed in this recipe!.
  • Dill Pickle Juice: Most people have dill pickles in their refrigerators. Don’t discard the pickle juice after the last pickle is eaten. Use it to make Dill Pickled Eggs!.

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Eggs In Pickle Juice


Can I just put things in pickle juice?

To Pickle Other Things If you have vegetables that would be good pickled, like onions, garlic, carrots or green beans, toss them in the jar of leftover pickle juice, and see what happens. They’ll make a nice addition to a charcuterie platter or Blood Mary.

What do pickled eggs taste like?

Pickled eggs are tart and tangy. They have a bite to them that’s reminiscent of pickles or sauerkraut. These pickled eggs have the added layer of spicy chiles, too. Fresno chiles provide heat and a bit of peppery sweetness.

What can I soak in pickle juice?

Marinate Meat, Vegetables, and Tofu Lean meats like chicken, turkey, and pork can benefit from a quick marinade before they’re cooked. Pickle juice acts like the vinegar in a marinade (because that’s mostly what it is!). Not only does it add a mild flavor, it also helps tenderize the meat.

How does pickling egg work?

Pickled eggs are hard-cooked eggs that are peeled and put into a solution of vinegar, salt, spices, and other seasonings. Pickling solutions are heated to a boil, simmered for 5 minutes, and poured over the peeled eggs.

Can you use pickle juice to make pickled eggs?

Luckily, that pickle juice can be reused to create pickled eggs, good for snacks, appetizers, or on a salad. Make pickled eggs by putting boiled eggs in pickle juice and make the most of a refrigerator staple. Pickling uses acid, salt and seasonings to react with foods, preserving them and altering the flavor.

What is the best pickle juice to drink?

The best choice is a vinegar-based pickle juice with no yellow food coloring or preservatives. I would generally not recommend drinking pickle juice, especially if you have health conditions such as high blood pressure or kidney, liver or heart disease.

Does pickle juice dissolve eggs?

Pickle juice should eventually dissolve the shells of eggs, but this takes a while. So, to fully flavor your eggs in a reasonable time, you’ll need to get rid of the shells. The best practice is to only use your pickle juice a single time. This way, you get the most flavor from your pickle juice.

Can you make deviled eggs with pickle juice?

Deviled eggs are a great starting point. Doing so would give you a similar flavor to making deviled eggs with pickle juice. First, make sure that your eggs are peeled. Pickle juice should eventually dissolve the shells of eggs, but this takes a while. So, to fully flavor your eggs in a reasonable time, you’ll need to get rid of the shells.

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