can i freeze creme fraiche uk

When it comes to crème fraiche, we all use it every so often when making deliciously creamy dishes. However, sometimes, if you’re going to find crème fraiche on sale, you may end up buying more than you can use.

In such circumstances, you may want to consider freezing the remaining product, even if you only have leftovers in your container from whatever you cooked up.

Créme fraiche Crème fraiche can be frozen as it is or used as a base in frozen desserts like mousse or parfait. When defrosted, crème fraiche loses its original texture. Use it in soups, sauces and stews that are blended before serving.
can i freeze creme fraiche uk

Can You Freeze Crème Fraiche?

We’re not the only ones who don’t like wasting food, so we receive messages about various ingredients and dishes pretty often. Here’s one of the messages we received regarding crème fraiche:

Freezing dairy products is always a hot topic for discussion! It’s true that the higher the fat content in a dairy product the higher the likelihood of separation and discoloration, but the truth is that both of those issues can be overcome after thawing. So the answer to your question is yes, you can freeze crème fraiche.

You will need to do a bit of work to get it back to its original texture after it has been thawed, but freezing crème fraiche will not ruin it. If you only use about a tablespoon or two at a time, then I suggest freezing it in small, single-serving sizes.

It should freeze OK, as its creme fraiche it doesnt separate or curdle. Freezes OK as well. I do the same sauce, but with a tin of cherry tomatoes and some oregano w/o the cream. Trying to encourage DS to eat veg!!!

oh, really? it doesnt separate or whatever? if you can boil it I would keep in fridge and serve it again on Sat but dont know if this is a sensible thing to do. I dont understand meat food, for a start.

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Im making a pasta sauce with bacon, garlic, courgettes, onions, mushrooms and craime fraiche and would either like to bung a portion in the freezer for my little one, or give it to her on Saturday night (today is Thursday!) as I already have food for her tomorrow. What would you do??

I dont know, because you wont be able to heat it up to boiling point because of the cream, will you? (which you should do if reserving food from a couple of days ago, or which has been in the freezer) I think I would not do it, sorry



How do you preserve creme fraiche?

Storage and Handling Typically, crème fraîche will keep for up to eight weeks, if refrigerated. If separation occurs, gently stir the liquid back into the crème fraîche. If any mold forms on the surface of the crème fraîche, discard it immediately.

How long does crème fraîche last in the fridge?

Typically, crème fraîche will keep for up to eight weeks if refrigerated. If separation occurs, gently stir the liquid back into the crème fraîche.

Can I freeze a casserole with creme fraiche in it?

Avoid freezing dairy-heavy casseroles Yes, dairy-heavy casseroles are delicious, but cottage cheese, sour cream or creme fraiche won’t hold up in the freezer. Instead, polish this kind of casserole off right away—or store leftovers in the refrigerator in an airtight container for 2-3 days.

Can you freeze pasta made with creme fraiche?

It should freeze OK, as it’s creme fraiche it doesn’t separate or curdle. Freezes OK as well. I do the same sauce, but with a tin of cherry tomatoes and some oregano w/o the cream.

Can crème fraiche be frozen?

As you have probably realised by now, dairy products like crème fraiche do not freeze well, so they must be treated carefully. Just one freeze can ruin the texture of your crème fraiche. Trying to freeze it again would be a waste of time. The texture will be completely off, and you’ll be left with grainy, gritty and lump crème fraiche.

What is the healthier substitute of fraiche creme?

Creme fraiche is thick cultured ream that has mild tangy flavour and it is like double cream with a high fat content and is richer and thicker. It is used in pasta, sauces and onto desserts like whipped cream. To substitute this sour cream that has been given a sharp and single edge by adding little bit of culture can be used. Or full fat Greek yoghurt, milk, fresh cheese, whey cheese, cream cheese can be used as alternatives. These match very closer to creme franche yet have fat content but comparatively less. Its taste also does give little tangy flavour and dense texture giving it a tough comparison.

How do you freeze crème fraiche?

Portion Into Bags: Spoon your crème fraiche into the bags. Think about how much you’re likely to use at one time and spoon that amount into each bag. Seal: Seal up the bags, squeezing out as much of the air as you possibly can. Freeze: Label (as most frozen dairy products look the same) and place your bags into the freezer.

How long does crème fraiche last in the freezer?

Frozen crème fraiche will be fine in the freezer for 3 to 4 months. Just be warned that the longer the crème fraiche is in the freezer, the worse the separation of the fats will become. How Long Does Crème Fraiche Last in the Fridge?

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