Are 1940s Soda Cans Worth Money, Even with Mild Rust?

Yes, 1940s soda cans can be worth money, even if they have mild rust. The value of a vintage soda can depends on several factors, including its age, condition, rarity, and desirability to collectors.

Factors Affecting the Value of 1940s Soda Cans

  • Age: Older cans are generally more valuable than newer cans. 1940s soda cans are considered vintage and are therefore more desirable to collectors.
  • Condition: The condition of the can is also important. Cans that are in good condition, with minimal dents, scratches, or rust, are worth more than cans that are in poor condition. However, even cans with mild rust can still be valuable, especially if they are rare or desirable to collectors.
  • Rarity: Rare cans, such as those from limited production runs or with unique designs, are worth more than common cans.
  • Desirability: Some soda brands and designs are more popular with collectors than others. Cans from popular brands or with iconic designs are worth more than cans from less popular brands or with less desirable designs.

How Much Are 1940s Soda Cans Worth?

The value of 1940s soda cans can vary widely, from a few dollars to hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Some of the most valuable 1940s soda cans include:

  • 1940s Coca-Cola cans: These cans are highly collectible and can be worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars, depending on their condition and rarity.
  • 1940s Pepsi-Cola cans: These cans are also collectible and can be worth a significant amount of money, especially if they are in good condition.
  • 1940s Dr Pepper cans: These cans are less common than Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola cans and can be worth a good amount of money, especially if they are in good condition.
  • 1940s 7 Up cans: These cans are also less common and can be worth a good amount of money, especially if they are in good condition.

How to Determine the Value of Your 1940s Soda Cans

If you have some 1940s soda cans and you’re wondering how much they are worth, there are a few things you can do:

  • Research online: There are a number of online resources that can help you determine the value of your cans. You can search for similar cans on eBay or other auction sites, or you can consult online price guides.
  • Consult with a collector: There are also a number of collectors who specialize in vintage soda cans. You can contact a collector and ask for their opinion on the value of your cans.
  • Get your cans appraised: If you have a large collection of cans or if you have cans that you believe are particularly valuable, you may want to consider getting them appraised by a professional appraiser.

1940s soda cans can be worth money, even if they have mild rust. The value of a can depends on several factors, including its age, condition, rarity, and desirability to collectors. If you have some 1940s soda cans and you’re wondering how much they are worth, you can research online, consult with a collector, or get your cans appraised by a professional appraiser.

Aluminum Can Prices By State

Prices for aluminum cans are subject to fluctuate and differ depending on the state and whether or not the state has a deposit or bottle bill in place. For instance, some of the best rates are found in California, Mississippi, and Wyoming, while some of the lowest financial returns are found in Delaware and New York.

The table below aggregates the average rate U in order to identify the states with the highest rates. S. citizens can expect to earn per pound. The recycling centers in the areas where the data is currently available are the basis for this.

State Price Per Pound of Aluminum State Price Per Pound of Aluminum
Alabama $0.49 Alaska $0.23
Arizona $0.40 Arkansas $0.36
California $1.66 Colorado $0.47
Delaware $0.05 Florida $0.43
Georgia $0.48 Illinois $0.38
Indiana $0.44 Iowa $0.24
Kansas $0.37 Kentucky $0.50
Louisiana $0.49 Maryland $0.36
Massachusetts $0.32 Michigan $0.34
Minnesota $0.35 Mississippi $0.53
Missouri $0.42 Nebraska $0.33
New Jersey $0.43 New York $0.28
North Carolina $0.39 North Dakota $0.30
Ohio $0.45 Oklahoma $0.48
Pennsylvania $0.48 South Carolina $0.40
Tennessee $0.41 Texas $0.44
Utah $0.49 Virginia $0.33
Washington $0.38 West Virginia $0.36
Wisconsin $0.35 Wyoming $0.60

Where To Find Aluminum Cans To Recycle

Often, the easiest ways to find aluminum cans for recycling are to simply look around you or even in a recycling bin close by. The following are some of the greatest sources for cans if you want to pay pennies per pound:

  • Home
  • Public parks
  • Festivals
  • Work

Are you throwing a large sporting event or summer BBQ? Cleaning and putting away all of the empty aluminum cans that come from the event is a great way to recoup the cost of the party supplies. Any cans that were prepared to be thrown in the trash may also be willing to be given over by nearby neighbors, relatives, and friends.

Empty cans are frequently strewn all over public parks. Carrying a garbage bag along will contribute to your collection and maintain the cleanliness of the surrounding areas.

Drinks and festivals go hand in hand, so during an event, the grounds—especially the roadside—can be a great place to find a lot of cans.

People enjoy stopping by the vending machine for a cold drink during the workday. Collectors can obtain authorization from their employer to retrieve the cans, after which they can exchange them for cash at any of the authorized locations.

Top 20 Most Valuable Soda Cans


What cans are worth money?

“The older cans are the better cans so what you’re looking for is the older steel type of can, so they’re not aluminum. Some aluminum cans have some value but very, very few of them do,” said Older. “If it’s got a cone shaped spout on it that’s also a good indicator,” said Morean.

How much money is an empty soda can worth?

How much is one soda can worth? Empty or full? Aluminum cans can get you about 2 cents each or more depending on the price of scrap aluminum.

What is the value of a soda can?

How Many Aluminum Cans Per Pound? It takes about 32 empty aluminum cans to make a pound. The weight of a can fluctuates with various brand designs, but they tend to be around a half-ounce per can. At an average of 56 cents per pound, that makes a single can worth about 1.8 cents.

How much is a pound of can tabs worth?

It takes approximately 1,128 pop tabs to equal one pound. We typically receive between $0.40 to $0.50 per pound of pop tabs. This program brings in an average of $6,000 each year. Last year you donated over 13 million pop tabs!

Are ‘collectible’ soda cans worth $100?

Above that, a host of “collectible” cans, some even with soda in them, are being offered north of $100. While some these seems unlikely to sell, it should be noted a lot of the $100+ soda cans have multiple offers. Apparently if you had kept a can of classic Surge, you could have made some money.

How much is a soda can worth?

And you thought soda was only supposed to be $1. Empty soda cans from the 1990s litter eBay, priced in the $20 range. Above that, a host of “collectible” cans, some even with soda in them, are being offered north of $100. While some these seems unlikely to sell, it should be noted a lot of the $100+ soda cans have multiple offers.

How much is a 25.4 ounce soda can worth?

The 25.4 ounce soda can is however real, although whether anyone will pay $60,000 for one remains to be seen. In 2005, a can sold for just under $50, although it was unclear if it was open or not. Lesson of the day: you should have saved those Surge cans from the 1990s. Link to auction.

Is there a 2020 edition of collectible soda cans?

It’s here and in supplies are limited. The 2020 edition of Collectible Soda Cans is now available for purchase. This is the only collectors guide for soda cans currently available! Over 9000 color images on 328 pages covering over 10,000 cans!

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