can i eat 2 week old brownies

Oh, brownies! My lifelong favorite treats. There’s something about their chocolatey richness and that dense, indulgent texture that makes them perfect for chilly days or cozy evenings.

But let’s face it, as much as we’d want them to, they don’t last an eternity. So, how long can these babies stay good before they bid us farewell? Let me spill all the details for you!

The shelf life of this baked chocolate good is generally 3-4 days on the counter at room temperature. Wrap them in plastic wrap or put them in a Ziploc bag to keep them fresh and moist. You can keep brownies in the fridge for up to one week on average.
can i eat 2 week old brownies

How Long Are Brownies Good For?

Brownies survive around 3-4 days on your counter if you wrap them up well. Fridges can last them for a week but are not recommended (unless they’ve got perishable ingredients like cream). Pop them in the freezer, and they will chill happily for 3 months. But waiting that long isn’t even worth it; fresher brownies taste much better!

can i eat 2 week old brownies

Want to keep all the heavenly taste of your fresh-baked brownies? Then hear me out: the kitchen counter is their sweetest spot! As long as the place isn’t too hot or muggy, these babies can stay moist and tasty for around 3-4 days.

But here’s the trick: cover them up! A decent package, whether cling wrap, plastic wrap, aluminum foil, parchment paper, a sealed bag, or an airtight container, can shield them conveniently from the air. Skip this step, and you must brace yourself for those sad, dry brownies – totally not what we’re after.

By the way, I am still talking about homemade brownies here; store-bought brownies or online purchases might play by different rules. You should scan the packages properly to confirm their pantry life!

I get it; refrigerators might seem like the superhero of food storage to many of us. But when it comes to frozen brownies, they’re kinda the villain. Trust me, storing your delicious brownies there will turn them into miserable, dried-up versions of their former gooey selves!

But we still have exceptions, of course. Say your brownies have whipped cream, cream cheese, or other perishable ingredients; fridge time is a must! It’s also a great option if you live in a steamy or humid area.

And what if neither applies to your case, yet you have no other choice than the refrigerator? Then remember to seal your chewy brownies up tight and keep them away from the higher shelves in the fridge. They should hang out for about 7 days there, given my own experience.

Great news: your bunch of brownies can totally brave the icy depths of the freezer! If you do not want to dive into them for at least a few days, consider popping those chocolatey delights in the freezer for a much longer shelf life.

They’ll hold up like champs for about 3 months when handled right. Truth be told, they could probably hang around even longer than six months – except for one problem: these babies will no longer taste as fabulous by then. And why wait that long in the first place, by the way? Savor their deliciousness whenever you can!

can i eat 2 week old brownies

I cant think why this wouldnt be fine. It was a cooked cake? Might have been a bit stale but not harmful unless it was mouldy.

You’ll be absolutely fine. Forget about it. I’d be more worried about your over reaction to eating something questionable than the actual risk of food poisoning. i once ate a raw chicken dipper. As in raw uncooked chicken. I didnt realise because it was southern fried flavour. Anyway guess what happened. Absolutely nothing at all ‍♀️

Youll be fine. I ate 2 day out of date cod tonight. I like to live on the edge.

I ate a Mr Kipling cake bar earlier which had a BBE of November 2023. Im still here… so far.

Just that. I assumed they would be fine and had left them room temp for two weeks. ate them, they tasted fine. No signs of spoilage. But they contain egg and butter. what are the chances?

Eating EXPIRED Brownies! Tasting 1 Month Old Brownies #shorts #tiktok #viral


How long before brownies go bad?

Brownies will last 3 to 4 days in an airtight container at room temperature and up to a week in the refrigerator. Brownies will last up to 3 months in the freezer, but if they stay frozen for a prolonged period of time, their taste and quality will begin to deteriorate.

Can you eat 10 day old brownies?

How Long Are Brownies Good For? Brownies survive around 3-4 days on your counter if you wrap them up well. Fridges can last them for a week but are not recommended (unless they’ve got perishable ingredients like cream). Pop them in the freezer, and they will chill happily for 3 months.

Are week old brownies good?

Storing Brownies in the Refrigerator Storing brownies in the fridge can keep them fresh for up to two weeks. For the best storage method, wrap each brownie tightly before placing it in the fridge. Because baked goods are porous, they tend to absorb the odors and flavors of the foods around them.

Can I eat two month old brownies?

Yes, if there’s no mold you should feel free to eat them. Eat it if you want, but don’t expect it to taste good. If you already tried a nibble and they’re fine – then go for it.

Can you eat 2 week old Brownies?

Even if you’re tempted to eat two-week-old brownies, don’t do it. Again, brownies and baked goods generally have a shelf life of around five to seven days, so it isn’t a good idea to eat anything that has been around longer than that.

Is it safe to eat brownies when one has stomach pain?

No. Individuals with stomach pains should avoid the consumption of brownies, sweets, cookies and sugary foods in general, as the consumption of these foods worsens the pain, especially in the gastric fundus.

When can you eat brownies?

Brownies can be eaten soon after they come out of the oven. You really should wait at least 15 minutes before digging in as you don’t want to burn your mouth. However, most people will recommend waiting 30 minutes before eating them. The most ideal time to eat brownies is after a few hours though.

Are Brownies okay to eat?

When checking if your brownies are okay to eat, you should look for changes in texture, aroma, and taste. First, let’s talk about texture. If a brownie (or blondie, a brownie made with white chocolate) started out super moist and is now dry and crumbly, it’s time for it to go.

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