should i blanch green beans before sauteing

Sauteed green beans are a deceptively simple side dish, but this version is addictive! Today I’m going to show you how to cook green beans so they are perfectly tender and flavorful every time.

While blanching the green beans before sautéing them isn’t an essential step, it can lend a nice crunch and vibrant color to them. Whether or not you blanch them, though, be sure they’re fully dry before you sauté them or you might end up with a mushy texture.
should i blanch green beans before sauteing

Benefits of Green Beans

If you’re not already a big fan of green beans, here’s more reason to love them:

What can you add to green beans for flavor? In this simple recipe, you’ll use fresh garlic, olive oil, and salt. It sounds simple, but it tastes unbelievably good.

How to Cook Frozen Green Beans

When you use frozen green beans, you’ll skip the cutting process and save time. You’ll cook these just like fresh, starting with the sauteed garlic, but you’ll add less water. I like to start with just 1 tablespoon, and add more, if needed.

The frozen beans will release water as they thaw in the pan, and should be tender in about 5 minutes, just like the fresh version. Be sure to check on them as they cook, so they don’t get too mushy.

Cooking Tips : How to Blanch Green Beans


Do you have to blanch green beans before cooking?

Nearly all of my fresh green bean recipes begin with blanching the beans. If you ask me, everyone should learn this method for how to cook green beans. It’s quick and easy, and it yields beans that are vibrant, crisp-tender, and not at all mushy.

Why are my sauteed green beans tough?

Beans and barley require different cooking times, so it’s a good idea to cook them separately, then combine them and adjust the seasoning. You don’t say how long you cooked them for, but if they’re still tough, they most likely weren’t cooked long enough. The older beans are, the longer they take to become tender.

How to Blanch green beans?

Heavily salting the water prevents the green beans natural sugars and salts from leeching into the blanching water. It also helps the green beans to keep their bright green color after cooking. Finishing the green beans with a squeeze of lemon juice adds just the right amount of acidity. Bring a pot of heavily salted water.

How do you cook green beans in a frying pan?

1 Add oil to a wide skillet over medium-high heat. Add the green beans and ¼ teaspoon of salt. 2 Cook for about 5 minutes until lightly blistered, tossing frequently so they cook evenly. 3 Pour in water (or stock). Cover the skillet (or use foil if needed) and cook for 2 minutes.

How to cook green beans?

French the beans, removing the strings on both sides with a paring knife. Drain the green beans and add to a large bowl filled with ice water. When the green beans are cool remove the green beans from the ice and drain again. Sauté the green beans in olive oil with garlic. Season with lemon juice, salt and pepper.

How do you Blanch string beans?

Up to you! Ice bath method (a.k.a. blanch and shock): Drain the string beans into a colander in the sink and run cold water over them (to start to cool them down). Now transfer them to a large bowl of ice water. This will stop the cooking process and help preserve that bright green color they’ve achieved.

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