Goose Eggs: A Comprehensive Guide to Value, Nutrition, and Culinary Uses

Goose eggs, larger and richer than their chicken counterparts, have gained popularity in recent years due to their unique flavor and nutritional profile. Understanding their value, both monetary and culinary, is crucial for informed decision-making when purchasing or incorporating them into your diet.

Value of Goose Eggs

The price of goose eggs can vary depending on factors such as location, season, and demand. Generally, a dozen goose eggs can range from $20 to $40, significantly higher than chicken eggs. This premium price reflects the lower availability and higher production costs associated with raising geese.

Nutritional Value of Goose Eggs

Goose eggs are nutritional powerhouses, surpassing chicken eggs in several key areas:

  • Protein: Goose eggs contain approximately 20 grams of protein, almost triple that of chicken eggs. This protein is essential for building and repairing tissues, supporting muscle growth, and maintaining overall health.

  • Fat: Goose eggs are richer in fat than chicken eggs, with about 20 grams per egg. However, the majority of this fat is unsaturated, making it a healthier choice compared to saturated fats found in many other foods.

  • Vitamins and Minerals: Goose eggs are excellent sources of vitamins A, D, and E, as well as minerals like iron, calcium, and selenium. These nutrients play vital roles in immune function, bone health, and overall well-being.

Culinary Uses of Goose Eggs

Goose eggs can be cooked and enjoyed in various ways, similar to chicken eggs:

  • Hard-boiled: Hard-boiled goose eggs make a satisfying snack or addition to salads and sandwiches.

  • Poached: Poached goose eggs offer a delicate and flavorful option for breakfast or brunch.

  • Scrambled: Scrambled goose eggs are a fluffy and protein-packed way to start your day.

  • Omelets: Goose eggs can create substantial and flavorful omelets, perfect for filling meals.

  • Baking: Goose eggs can be used in baking recipes as a substitute for chicken eggs, adding richness and depth of flavor.

Goose eggs are a unique and valuable culinary ingredient, offering a distinct flavor and nutritional profile compared to chicken eggs. Their higher price reflects their lower availability and production costs. When incorporating goose eggs into your diet, consider their nutritional benefits and explore the various cooking methods to enjoy their versatility.

The oral traditions of an ancient Greek farmer who used to narrate stories with underlying illustrations of timeless and universal truths serve as a means of introducing people to Aesop’s stories. These Aesop stories, well known for imparting morals and wisdom to children, are a powerful tool for addressing ideologies in a non-confrontational way. When these stories were told to children at bedtime, they used to be a great way for them to pass the time and learn important lessons wrapped in entertaining storytelling.

Even though I heard the story growing up, I had to learn it the hard way through experience. At least no geese died in mine though.

Still, youcan see where they phrase “Nest Egg” came from. If you had $165,000 stashed away in an egg, you would probably be content as well.

People associate gold withvalue. That has long been the case, and the custom has persisted even after the US dollar stopped being supported by the gold standard in 1971. The Bible talks about how gold and silver were the first and oldest forms of money.

If you’re a fan of Harry Potter, you probably remember the Triwizard Tournament from The Goblet of Fire, where Harry had to smuggle a golden egg past a terrifying dragon. A golden egg must have significant worth if even contemporary young adult novels utilize them as the semi-final prize deserving of a dragon’s protection.

Uses for Goose Eggs

The same applications apply to geese eggs as to chicken eggs. The only difference is their size. They weigh roughly three to four times as much as a chicken egg and can be used in cooking in the same manner. If three eggs are called for in a recipe, one goose egg might work.

Examples of use for goose eggs:

  • Soft boiled: Boil for six minutes to obtain a lovely, runny soft boiled goose egg. Read more here ….
  • Hard-boiled: Boil for 8 to 10 minutes to obtain a hard-boiled egg, then proceed as usual.
  • Blowing: Especially around Easter, blowing goose eggs and painting and decorating them is a lot of fun for kids. Make an omelette or scrambled egg with the egg that was blown out of the shell.

Our Geese are kept naturally, predominantly eating fresh grass. We may add premium quality specialty goose breeders feed to their diet in February to help them lay eggs.

Since the grass can be deficient in nutrients at this time of year, adding supplements to their feed helps them get the minerals and vitamins they need to get ready for the laying season and to lay as many eggs as possible.

Unlike many other geese keepers, we feed all of our birds premium quality food made entirely of natural ingredients without the use of chemical additives or genetically modified crops.


Normally available February to June, Seasonal

Life Style

Access to Grass All Year Round, Given Free Range to Roam


Produced in Devon, United Kingdom


Average weight approximately 160 grams each

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Depending on the season, honey may be available in late spring or September. We will let you know. Leave this field empty if youre human:

Goose Eggs 101 – Everything You Should Know


Do people sell goose eggs?

Can you sell goose eggs? Yes, I can sell goose eggs. I would likely sell them to people who are interested in using them for culinary purposes, as they are a delicacy. I would price them according to the market rate, and would ensure that they are fresh and of good quality.

How much would a solid gold goose egg be worth?

Multiplying the mass (2898 g) by the price ($39.43/g) means the net worth of a golden egg is somewhere around $165,398. That’s over $30M/year in income if your goose is laying one every day.

Why are goose eggs so expensive?

Ducks and geese need a lot more room to thrive, and can’t be kept in battery cages to lay, so their eggs have to be gathered daily. They need higher protein food, which costs more.

Is it legal to harvest goose eggs?

Federal law protects Canada geese. It is illegal to harm geese, their eggs, or their nests in the United States without permission from the U.S. Fish and Wild Service (USFWS). Geese may be harassed or scared away without a permit as long as the geese, goslings, eggs, and nests are not harmed.

How much do goose eggs cost?

Some farmers prefer buying goose eggs and hatching them because it’s the most cost-effective option. You can buy a dozen eggs at the lowest price possible. You will not get a more economical option than this, even though the pricing of goose eggs can differ. Some sellers will sell a dozen goose eggs for between $6 and $8.

How can one figure out if eggs are still good?

Fill a cup with cold water and drop in an egg. If the egg sinks to the bottom and lays horizontally, it’s still very fresh. If the egg sinks to the bottom but the fat end tilts up slightly, it’s about a week old. If the egg sinks to the bottom but stands on its point, it’s still good, but needs to be used soon. If it floats to the top – it is no good, throw it out

How many calories are in a goose egg?

Eating goose eggs provides high amounts of fat and protein. Both fat and protein are satiating, helping curb hunger and keep you satiated and satisfied for hours after a meal. However, one goose egg has 266 calories, around 20 grams of protein and 19 grams of fat and should be consumed in moderation and not quite everyday.

How much does a goose cost?

On average, an adult goose costs $40 on the low end and $90 on the high end of the spectrum. Goslings can be bought for much cheaper and will cost you around $20. The price you are going to pay depends on several factors, such as the breed. When it comes to showing quality geese, the prices will vary slightly.

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